During today's surgery, anyone with a glance would know that the other person's identity was unusual.

None of the little nurses and doctors wanted to go to the operating table with him.

After all, it was obvious to everyone how serious the patient's condition was when he was brought there.

Coupled with the identity of the opponent...

To be honest, he didn't really want to undergo the surgery at that time.

But there was no way, the other party's identity was unusual, and he asked him to be the chief surgeon by name.

Although the results of the surgery were good, the entire process was not smooth.

To be honest, he was mentally prepared for what he would face if the operation was over...

When he was in the most complicated mood and had the worst plans in his heart, Leng Su suddenly appeared in front of him.

He knew her blood type...

However, what he never expected was that she would suddenly come back when she was supposed to be on vacation.

He even offered himself as a pillow to give the man a blood transfusion...

Shen Qingliu was touched by Leng Su's answer, but he still disagreed with her behavior.

He held her head and turned her to look at him.

Eyes facing each other...

He looked at her deeply, the tenderness on his face disappeared, and his expression was unprecedentedly serious and serious.

"Promise me that you will stay away from this kind of thing in the future."

"Even if I am the chief surgeon, you can't go in."

Faced with Shen Qingliu's request, Leng Su did not agree.

She looked at him with an unusually firm expression: "Wherever you are, I will be there."

“No matter how strong the storm is, no matter if there’s thunder and lightning, no matter what we’re going to face, I’m with you.”

"Shen Qingliu, I know we haven't been together for long."

"I know better that we haven't experienced too many setbacks or hardships, and we don't have too deep memories."

"But I want to say that my feelings for you are true."

"I just like you, I just want to be with you, no matter what happens, I just want to face it with you, accept it together... um..." Shou.

Before he finished speaking, the attractive pink mouth was blocked.

[Congratulations, Shen Qingliu's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 95 points. 】

Yes, they did not experience so many impressive setbacks and hardships.

They encountered no obstruction and opposition from their parents, no interference from a third party, and no betrayal of each other.

Their love goes smoothly...

No, in fact, from Shen Qingliu's point of view, their love was not smooth.

It was only because of "her" that everything became exceptionally smooth and beautiful.

Everything that is beautiful and smooth now is something that he did not expect at first.

Just like his "good old man", to be honest, what Leng Su did was definitely something he didn't expect.

Once, when he agreed to be with Leng Su, he was actually worried.

Afraid that she wouldn't be able to accept his behavior, afraid that she wouldn't be able to understand the things he did that "harmed himself and benefited others."

Afraid that as time goes by, after she gets to know him better, she will have differences with him, and that they will go further and further apart.

But because he was moved and liked her, he agreed to her by mistake and held hands with her to become a couple.

When we choose to be together, it's because he really feels for her and likes her.

But to be honest, he had the mentality of giving it a try.

After all, his behaviors are sometimes a bit intolerable and incomprehensible even to himself.

However, what Shen Qingliu never expected was that Leng Su would actually accept him...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Good night, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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