On the day of Leng Su and Shen Qingliu's wedding, Xiao Han came and gave them a big gift.

A unique wedding dress, a bullet, a pair of glass slippers, and a huge diamond ring.

Xiao Han walked up to her with a large group of bodyguards in black and looked at her tenderly: "If you regret it, you can come with me now."

Shen Qingliu: "..."

Shen Qingliu was angry at Xiao Han's persistent evil intentions.

Ever since this guy learned that Leng Su's pregnancy was false, he hasn't stopped.

Send flowers, chocolates, brand-name bags, various skin care products, cosmetics, clothes, etc. to Leng Su.

At this moment, Shen Qingliu felt extremely regretful, regretting why he didn't deal with Leng Su earlier.

Why do you have to stubbornly stay until the wedding night?

Did he have a twitch at the beginning?

Or mentally retarded?

Looking at Xiao Han in front of him, Leng Su had a dazed look on his face for a moment.

Strange appearance, strange face, but there is an extremely familiar feeling...

This was a feeling I had never experienced in the operating room.

It was the feeling I felt when... Xiao Han appeared again.

The person in front of me seemed to be slowly overlapping with a familiar figure from the previous plane.

After a moment of daze, Leng Su's sanity was quickly brought back by the slight pain coming from his hand.

Looking at the ugly look on the face of a handsome man beside him, Leng Su couldn't help but laugh.

She turned to look at Xiao Han in front of her and smiled apologetically: "From the beginning to the end, I only have him in my heart."

A paradoxical statement...

Leng Su was not sure whether Xiao Han in front of him could understand, or whether he was reincarnated or had memories from the past.

But what she was sure of was that the Xiao Han in front of her was not considered an outsider.

In other words, his identity should be unusual...

After being rejected by Leng Su, Xiao Han's face showed a deep look of loss and regret.

He stared at Leng Su affectionately and said firmly: "I will not give up."

After hearing these words, Shen Qingliu couldn't bear it anymore.

He stepped forward and stood in front of Leng Su, looking at Xiao Han in front of him with a smile.

"If I remember correctly, we don't seem to have sent a wedding invitation to Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Han wanted to reply, but he didn't want to. When his eyes touched the happy smile on Leng Su's face, the words that came to his lips succeeded.

Especially, when Leng Su looked at Shen Qingliu, the deep love in his eyes made his heart suddenly contract violently.

Breathing becomes difficult at this moment...

Xiao Han finally said nothing, turned around and left with an ugly expression.

Outside the church, Xiao Han covered his chest and looked extremely pale.

He didn't know why he suddenly fell in love with Leng Su.

It is undeniable that when he learned that Leng Su's blood transfusion saved him, he was grateful to him from the bottom of his heart.

But for some reason, when he saw her in Shen Qingliu's clinic, his heart beat suddenly became uncontrollable...

His eyes always follow her figure involuntarily...

I couldn't help but frantically collect all the information about her.

Even though he knew that her relationship with Shen Qingliu was firm and that they entered the marriage hall silently, he still couldn't bear to let go...

Unwilling to give up.

"May I ask the bride and groom..."

"I do."

"I do."

Behind him, the priest asked, and familiar male and female voices came. His heart twitched again, and severe pain struck...


PS: [Daily request for votes]

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