Leng Su was about to stand up, but Shen Qingliu forcefully forced him to sit back down.

Just now it was her chair that hit him, but now it was his chair that hit her.

Shen Qingliu bent down, his handsome face close to hers.

Their foreheads touched each other, their noses touched lightly, and they were so close to each other that they could clearly feel each other's warm breath spraying on their faces...


"One hit?"

"Last time I was at your house?"


Shen Qingliu's last note rose up, revealing an unknowingly sultry tone.

Moreover, he deliberately came closer to her when he spoke. When his thin lips opened and closed, they would occasionally brush against her soft and warm red lips, giving her a tingling and tingling feeling.

"...You know what you have done." Leng Su said angrily.

He didn't know why she just said that?

The result was good, she took the initiative to drive away his love rival for him, but he held on to the excuse she had just made.

He even used this to tease her.

Seeing the angry look on Leng Su's face, Shen Qingliu couldn't help laughing.

He lowered his head, held her cherry red mouth, and began to tore and entangle her.

"Susu, let's get married."

Hearing this, Leng Su was stunned for a moment, then looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Are you proposing?"

"Of course not." Shen Qingliu said, "My Susu deserves the best in the world. How could I propose so hastily?"

"I just suddenly figured out something..."

"Suddenly I don't want to waste any more time." Shen Qingliu stared at her and said.

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled.

She didn't speak, but took the initiative to hug Shen Qingliu's head and gave him a sweet kiss.


As her lips and teeth intertwined, Shen Qingliu heard the inaudible word "good".

[Congratulations, Shen Qingliu's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the total favorability value is 100 points. The strategy is successful. 】

That Mr. Xiao was very kind to Leng Su...

Although I don’t know when that guy fell in love with her at first sight.

It was her blood transfusion that saved him. Anyway, that guy was surprisingly kind to Leng Su.

It was so good that Shen Qingliu once became jealous because of him.

Leng Su has not been able to get rid of the system in Shen Qingliu's body.

She kept it and relied on this system to bully Shen Qingliu.

for example……

"Honey, I'm so tired and don't want to take a shower..."

Shen Qingliu: "..." For the sake of the mission, he endured it!

In the bathroom, in the bathtub.

Just when Shen Qingliu was about to transform into a wolf, Leng Su suddenly spoke and his movements froze.

"My dear, the doorbell is ringing. Someone seems to be here. Please go and open the door..."

Shen Qingliu: "..." Did the doorbell ring? Why didn't he hear it?

Shen Qingliu stood up dubiously, left the bathroom and went to the living room to open the door.


There was a loud noise and the bathroom door was closed.

Shen Qingliu: "..."

One day lunch break.

"Dear, Xiao Han sent me a courier. Please go downstairs and pick it up for me."

"No!" Shen Qingliu opened his mouth and refused without thinking.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, a familiar system mechanical sound sounded.

[Ding, a human in need of help has been detected nearby, please host and rush there as soon as possible. 】

Shen Qingliu: "..." Is it his illusion?

Why does he always feel that something is getting wrong with the system? ? ?

While Shen Qingliu was puzzled, Leng Su's slender hand had already reached his chest, and his fingertips lightly traced across his chest, causing waves of tremors...

"Qingliu, just help me..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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