The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2480 The “Virgin Mother” male doctor VS the “violent” girlfriend (24)

While Leng Su was confused, Shen Qingliu made a sound.

He held her hand and smiled at Mr. Xiao in front of him: "Mr. Xiao's kindness is hard to refuse, so Su Su and I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obey."

"It just so happens that Su Su's health has not been very good in the past few days. I am planning to ask her to take leave to have a good rest and relax."

As soon as Shen Qingliu said these words, Mr. Xiao's expression changed on the spot.

He invited Leng Su alone, but he didn't say that he wanted to invite Shen Qingliu with him.

"The hospital is so busy, and so many patients are queuing up to wait for Dr. Shen to save their lives. How can Dr. Shen have time to take a vacation to relax?"

"It just so happens that I rarely have a lot of free time these days. How about I serve as the host to entertain Miss Leng?"

Leng Su: "..."

Shen Qingliu: "..."

Have you ever seen such a shameless man?

To pry into the wall so openly and openly?

Looking at Shen Qingliu's ugly face, and then at the fiery gaze of Mr. Xiao in front of him, Leng Su's lips curled up slightly.

When the two men looked at each other, with all kinds of swords and swords clashing tit-for-tat, Leng Su suddenly pushed Shen Qingliu down.

Shen Qingliu was pushed unprepared, and his body fell uncontrollably onto the sofa chair behind him.

The next second, he felt his eyes darken and his lips felt hot.

When he reacted, he found that he had been raped by Leng Suzhi... and forcibly kissed...

Looking up, a wave of affection surrounded him.

She smiled and stared at him happily, with deep affection in her eyes.

On the side, Mr. Xiao's face was gloomy and ugly, and when he looked at him, his dark eyes were full of jealousy and a faint hint of murderous intent.

After the kiss ended, Leng Su looked happily at Mr. Xiao aside and said, "Where my boyfriend is, I will be there."

"There is also the matter of the hot spring villa. Thank you very much for Mr. Xiao's warm invitation, but it is really not suitable for me to take a hot spring bath recently..."

After saying that, Leng Su glanced at Shen Qingliu shyly: "To be honest with Mr. Xiao, I just found out that I'm pregnant, so I shouldn't go to the hot springs."



Shen Qingliu and Mr. Xiao said almost in unison.

Leng Su glared at Shen Qingliu shyly and reminded in a low voice: "It was the last time you went to my house..."

Mr. Xiao: "..."

Shen Qingliu: "???"

What last time?

Weren't they always a Plato love?

If his memory is correct, he doesn't seem to have touched her?

Shen Qingliu's mind was at a loss for a moment...

It wasn't until Leng Su pinched him secretly and received the glare from Leng Su that his whole body trembled and he finally reacted.

He grabbed Leng Su's hand excitedly and looked at her with an ecstatic expression.

"Why are you telling me now?"

With that said, Shen Qingliu stood up in a hurry and carefully helped Leng Su sit down.

"Are you tired? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?"

"By the way, when did you find out you were pregnant? Did you do an ultrasound?"

Seeing Shen Qingliu being so righteous, and then looking at Mr. Xiao's extremely ugly face, Leng Su was extremely satisfied.

"not yet……"

"I originally wanted to tell you later. After all, it's just this once for us..."

"I didn't expect that I would win the lottery in one go..." Leng Su murmured softly.

As soon as she said these words, Shen Qingliu's face couldn't help but blush.

Mr. Xiao, on the other hand, couldn't stand listening at all. He turned around and left without even saying hello.

As soon as Mr. Xiao left, Leng Su and Shen Qingliu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at each other.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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