The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2479 The “Virgin Mother” male doctor VS the “violent” girlfriend (23)

Facing Shen Qingliu's fiery gaze, Leng Suxiao's eyebrows were curved and her eyes were full of cunning.

Shen Qingliu was aroused in his heart, but the situation was wrong. Even if he wanted to take revenge, he could only endure it for now.

Shen Qingliu had scruples, but Leng Su had no scruples...

"Hiss, Qingliu, I accidentally cut my hand..."

Hearing this, Shen Qingliu immediately took her hand, carefully took out the band-aid from his pocket and put it on her.

Just when everyone thought this was over, a scene that no one expected happened.

I saw Leng Su with her mouth open with a happy face, enjoying the food that Shen Qingliu fed to her mouth.

"Qingliu, you eat too."


The melon-eating crowds around looked at the shameless two people in disbelief, watching how they performed the "one bite for you, one bite for me" feeding scene in front of everyone.

After finally getting through lunch, just when the melon-eating crowd thought they were about to be liberated, they found that these two people had refreshed their knowledge again.

The entrance to the cafeteria.

Leng Su didn't take a few steps when he suddenly became depressed and said, "Qingliu, I sprained my foot..."

"I'll carry you."

As he said that, Shen Qingliu really squatted in front of Leng Su, and Leng Su really lay down on him.

This is not over yet...

The moment Shen Qingliu carried Leng Su on his back, Leng Su slapped Shen Qingliu's cheek hard from the side.

People who eat melons: "..." Falling in love is great, right? ? ?

Having a girlfriend is great, right?

Having a boyfriend is great, right?

Just when Shen Qingliu and Leng Su were spreading dog food all over the world, an uninvited guest arrived.

Shen Qingliu's clinic.

After they returned, they discovered that there were a bunch of bodyguards in black standing outside the clinic. A tall, handsome, tough-looking man with a strong aura was sitting on a sofa chair in the supposedly empty clinic.

The man's eyes paused on Shen Qingliu for a moment, and then looked at Leng Su aside, his eyes flashing.

"Doctor Shen." The man's tall body stood up from the sofa chair, "Miss Leng."

"Mr. Xiao."

"I came here this time to thank you both for your life-saving grace."

"Be careful." As he said that, the man pushed a bank card in front of Shen Qingliu.

"No merit will be rewarded. It is my job to save Mr. Xiao. Mr. Xiao should take this card back."

Mr. Xiao was obviously not surprised by Shen Qingliu's rejection.

Shen Qingliu didn't take the card, and he didn't take it back either. Instead, he casually left the card on the table aside.

"Dr. Shen deserves this."

"This card has no password. It is Dr. Shen's right to accept it or throw it away."

After saying that, the man's eyes moved from Shen Qingliu to Leng Su.

"A new hot spring resort has opened in the suburbs. It is said to be very good for the body. Miss Leng, are you interested in going to see it together?"

"???" Leng Su was confused.

What the hell?

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for your kindness. If there is a chance, I will go with Qingliu." Although Leng Su was confused, he still refused the other party's invitation.

"To be fair to Miss Leng, Xiao also has some shares in this hot spring resort in the suburbs. It just opened recently. I don't know if there is a chance to invite Miss Leng to support it."

As he said this, Mr. Xiao suddenly stopped hiding anything and looked at Leng Su with extremely hot eyes.

Leng Su: “???”

who I am?

where am I?

What am I doing?

If her memory is correct, she doesn't seem to know this man, right?

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Channier] [Lan Xuemu] [Unknown Miss] [Chinese Famous Black Pink Liangliang] [Paranoid] [You Are My Scenery] [Vatten och] seven little fairies for their reward support, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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