Looking at the few bubbles left in the box, Leng Su thought of a certain old immortal... Ming Yuan whom she had forgotten for a long time.

By the way, if I remember correctly, that guy seems to have been in seclusion for a long time.

Seeing that there were not many bubbles left, the guy never came out. Could it be that her mission was almost over?

Have all outsiders been expelled?

Just when Leng Su couldn't stop yating, a colorful bubble flew out of the box and stuck to the center of her eyebrows.

With a "bang" sound, the bubble exploded, and countless plots were transmitted to her mind.

The story of the new dimension is a bit novel...

The original owner is Leng Su, the number one school beauty of Beijing Film Academy, and the future new generation of actresses in the entertainment industry.

The male protagonist Chu Yu is the spirit of "Aladdin's Lamp".

In the original plot, the original host got this so-called "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" by chance, accidentally activated the magic lamp, and awakened the device spirit "Chu Yu".

Chu Yu wanted to make the original owner make a wish, but the original owner had no desires and requirements. From then on, this person's spiritual power was exhausted.

Under Chu Yu's entanglement, the two finally fell in love with each other and got married after a long period of getting along day and night.

The outsider "Lin Yue", an ancient female cultivator, was reborn after taking over her body.

Lin Yue possesses a pair of "eyes from the sky". After seizing the house, she found the so-called "Aladdin's Lamp" in front of the original owner and snatched it away.

In this way, the fates of the original owner and Chu Yu no longer intersected.

After seizing the body, Lin Yue relied on a series of magic weapons she discovered and various methods of cultivating immortals to change her destiny.

From a little-known ordinary young girl to the richest woman in China, she became the controller of the country's economic lifeline.

Lin Yue's arrival changed the fate of many people...

For example, the original owner, who was originally a new generation movie queen in the entertainment industry, turned into a down-and-out daughter whose family was in ruins.

For example, Chu Yu, who was supposed to fulfill the three wishes of the new owner of the magic lamp, successfully got rid of the control of the magic lamp, recovered his memory, and returned to his own body.

But because of Lin Yue, he was forcibly trapped in the magic lamp and was sent by Lin Yue for the rest of his life.

Not only the original owner and Chu Yu, but also the fate of many people was changed because of Lin Yue...

After receiving the plot, Leng Su's mission is to expel the outsider Lin Yue and conquer the male protagonist Chu Yu.

After Leng Su opened his eyes and looked at the few bubbles left in the box, his mood was a little complicated.

That guy Ming Yuan didn't know what he was doing. One moment, the identity of the outsider was very detailed, and the other moment, there was nothing at all.

"Susu, what are you thinking about? Why are you absent-minded?"

While Leng Su was in trance, a familiar and pleasant female voice sounded.

Looking up, she saw a beautiful girl looking at her with confusion.

Leng Su smiled and shook his head: "I'm fine."

"You don't look good. Are you really okay?" Lin Ya asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Leng Su shook his head.

"Okay, I'll believe you when you say it's okay." Lin Ya said.


"By the way, Su Su, my dad's birthday is tomorrow. He has always liked collecting antiques. I want to go to the antique street to try my luck at picking up a few pieces."

"You are well-informed, so come with me." Lin Ya looked at Leng Su with starry eyes.

Through the memory of the original owner, Leng Su knew that the time when she entered the mission this time seemed relatively early...

At least so far, in the memory of the original owner, neither the male protagonist Chu Yu nor the outsider "Lin Yue" seems to have appeared.

Thinking of the antique street, Leng Su couldn't help but think of the "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" where the male protagonist resides, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.


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