Facing Chu Yu's instigation, Leng Su remained indifferent.

When Chu Yu was speaking excitedly, she suddenly interrupted him.

"Except me, can others see you?"

"No." Chu Yu responded subconsciously.

"Isn't this oil bottle visible as well?" Leng Su asked again.

"This is not an oil bottle, this is a magic lamp! Aladdin's magic lamp!" Chu Yu roared at Leng Su angrily.

"So, can you see it or not?" Looking at the anger on someone's face, Leng Su continued to ask with a look of disapproval.

"...You can see it!" Chu Yu said.

Hearing this, Leng Su was not too surprised and nodded in understanding.

Then, she stopped paying attention to Chu Yu, turned around and left the kitchen, and went upstairs.

As soon as he saw her turn around and leave, Chu Yu hurriedly followed her.

"Hey, do you make a wish or not?" Chu Yu asked.

"..." Leng Su ignored him and walked on his own way, with a calm expression on his face.

"Don't you want to get rich? As long as you make a wish, I can make you rich enough to rival a country." Chu Yu bewitched.

"Then you're going to be disappointed. I'm definitely the richest man in the six realms!" Leng Su said domineeringly.

Chu Yu: "..." I've never seen such a boaster.

After a short silence, Chu Yu couldn't help thinking that since she was not interested in wealth, she must be interested in handsome men, right?

"You're not young anymore, don't you want to marry a good husband? As long as you make a wish, you can choose any good man in the world!"

"Not interested, I already have the best man in the world!"

Chu Yu: "..." Don't people brag nowadays without thinking? ? ?

As a weapon spirit, as a weapon spirit with a contract with Leng Su, Chu Yu knew clearly that Leng Su was still a virgin.

Moreover, he could sense Leng Su's thoughts, and he knew clearly that Leng Su was a virgin.

Leng Su: "..."

After sensing Chu Yu's thoughts, Leng Su suddenly felt innocent.

She was obviously telling the truth.

She is not a virgin single dog. She and he have experienced so many planes together and have been together for dozens of lifetimes. In those planes, their daughters have given birth to a lot of them.

When Leng Su thought of those children, a trace of nostalgia appeared in her eyes unconsciously.

After all, they were a piece of flesh that fell from her body. It was impossible not to miss them.

However, she also knew very well that those children were not from the same world as her after all.

As early as the moment they were reincarnated into her belly, she knew what the fate of each of them was and what their past and present lives were like.

Moreover, those children, in a sense, were not her real children...

They and she only had a causal relationship in that life, not parents and children in the true sense of each other

Just like the gods in the fairy world who came down to earth to experience tribulations, they would also experience the grace of parents, the love of children, the love of husband and wife, and various friendships and grace of recognition, etc.

After the tribulations, if you can't let go of those children's parents and wives, you can arrange for them to have a life of both happiness and fortune in the next life.

Leng Su did not treat her children badly, and she arranged everything that needed to be arranged.

Moreover, she knew the causal relationship between those children and her from the beginning, so she always controlled her interactions with them well to prevent her from getting too emotional and getting involved too much...

PS: [Daily vote request]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Wuming Little Sister] [Gongzi] for your support, mua (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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