All night long, Chu Yu kept pestering Leng Su, trying to trick her into making a wish.

It's a pity that Leng Su looked calm from beginning to end and remained unmoved.

Finally, Chu Yu was also tired.

When Leng Su was taking a bath in the bathroom, Chu Yu floated around her bedroom with a puzzled look on his face, and his eyes were full of confusion.

Why are the humans he meets so weird?

Why are the humans that other weapon spirits meet so satisfied?

Look at the human beings in his inherited memories. They either want to be rich and powerful, have high positions, or are surrounded by beautiful men/beauties.

Of course, some others want fame and fortune, the so-called true love, and the health, safety and success of their families.

In short, almost every human being who gets the magic lamp has something to ask for...except for the weirdo Leng Su!

The sound of "pitter-patter" water kept coming from the bathroom.

Chu Yusi thought about it, feeling upset and agitated.

There was always a voice in his heart anxiously urging him to recover his memory quickly and return to his life and life as soon as possible, telling him that there were still very important things waiting for him to do.


Just when Chu Yu was in distress, his body that was smoking white suddenly trembled.

A miserable cry came out of his mouth, which scared Leng Su in the bathroom to the point where he trembled and quickly opened his consciousness to investigate.

I saw that a certain cloud of white smoke was missing in the huge room.

Leng Su frowned, expanded the area covered by his consciousness, and finally found Chu Yu in the kitchen.

The original monster's appearance was distorted, and the white smoke became torn into pieces, making it difficult to see clearly.

Following Chu Yu's gaze, Leng Su finally discovered the reason.

It turned out that the oil pot she had left in the kitchen was being used to hold hot oil...

Leng Su: "..." No wonder Chu Yu screamed so tragically just now.

Leng Su hurriedly pulled the towel around his body, opened the door and rushed downstairs quickly.

As soon as he arrived in the kitchen, Leng Su took the oil pot from his aunt's hand and without saying a word, poured the hot oil inside into the soup bowl on the side.

Quickly open the faucet, rinse and cool the discolored oil can.

At the same time, Leng Su noticed with sharp eyes that Chu Yu's twisted body was slowly returning to normal.

It's just that the white smoke looks looming and trembling, and it doesn't seem to be in a good condition.


The aunt on the side looked at Leng Su's series of behaviors with a confused expression.

After cleaning the oil can, Leng Su smiled apologetically at his aunt: "Auntie, this oil can is mine. I bought it for use."

"I'm sorry, miss, I didn't pay attention just now. I thought it was the new oil can that Madam bought, so I just used it..."


Although she felt sorry for Chu Yu, Leng Su also knew that it was her fault, and it was really unjustifiable to really blame her aunt.

After all, she put the things here herself and did not take them back to the room.

Of course, the main responsibility is not hers, it is mainly the fault of the broken lamp itself.

The good-looking Yi Shen Lamp actually looks like an oil pot. Who is to blame for being misidentified? ? ?

"Auntie, it's getting late. I'm going back to my room first. You should go to bed early after your work."

"Okay, miss."

After saying goodbye to her aunt, Leng Su returned to the boudoir upstairs with the slightly discolored oil pot in her arms, and Chu Yu's erratic body followed closely behind her...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] for the little fairy’s reward and feeding, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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