The introduction is... heart-breaking!

Refining a puppet not only forcibly takes away other people's souls, but even the body left behind by the other person has to be ripped out as a lead.

"Even in ancient times, not many people knew how to use this ancient puppetry technique."

"Why did you suddenly appear here?" Chu Yu said with an ugly face.

As an instrument spirit, he possesses all the memories from the creation of "Aladdin's Lamp" to the present, including the memories of other instrument spirits during their survival.

Leng Su glanced at him and said, "If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid some monks from ancient times survived and took their bodies and were reborn."

"Or maybe... the inheritance of this puppet technique was obtained by chance and refined."

Hearing this, Chu Yu's already ugly face became a little darker.

He was silent for a while and murmured in a low voice: "It should be to seize the body!"

"Why are you so determined?" Leng Su asked.

Chu Yu glanced at her and explained: "You also read the messages just now. You should know how difficult it is to refine the puppet technique."

"The heavenly materials and earthly treasures required to refine a puppet are extremely difficult to find. Even in the ancient times when cultivation was flourishing, it was extremely difficult to refine this puppet technique."

"Let alone wanting to practice the art of puppetry in this age of law-ending."

"Moreover, the puppet just now was obviously injured by me, but it was still able to run so fast. This is enough to prove that this puppet is not simple."

"It's difficult to refine an ordinary puppet, let alone such a high-level puppet."

"So, rather than inheriting the art of puppetry, the ancient monks relying on unknown secret methods to survive till now are more likely to succeed in seizing the body!"

After listening to Chu's clear analysis, Leng Su couldn't help but nodded secretly in his heart.

As expected of her Leng Su's man, his reaction speed and intelligence are better than ordinary people.

"Okay, don't worry about it."

"You can tell by looking at what the other party did tonight that she came to me looking for something. Since she didn't find anything, she will definitely come again."

"Rather than pondering over who she is and where she comes from, we might as well wait until she comes again to catch her and interrogate her directly."

After saying that, Leng Su lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, and continued to sleep!

Chu Yu: "..."

Seeing her heartless look, Chu Yu felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

When the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, is she not worried about her personal safety at all?

Also, she also said that the other person came to her to look for something, so wasn't she confused about what the other person was looking for?

She is very strong and believes that the other party can't do anything to her, so why is she so dismissive?

Or is she really that big-hearted and has a muddled mentality?

After a short period of depression, Chu Yu began to think of ways to prevent the enemy from attacking.

On the big bed, Leng Su felt happy and helpless after noticing Chu Yu's thoughts.

Just when Chu Yu was excited about his thoughts, a strong feeling of sleepiness came over him.

He didn't even have a chance to struggle, so his eyes darkened and he fell into a deep sleep.

On the bed, Leng Su opened his closed eyes, glanced at him with a smile, and then fell asleep happily.

Have a good night's sleep...

Early the next morning, before Leng Su woke up, he was woken alive by someone's serial life-threatening calls.

As soon as the call was connected, Lin Ya's excited shouting came from the other end of the phone...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Ahem, the update is a little late, because Chinese Valentine's Day is coming soon, and my gay friend kept asking me to give me a gift, but I refused 233333333. Although I am single, I am a single person with pursuits! ! !

No other gifts will be accepted except male tickets! ! !

Just now, Xiaoxiao, I told a certain girl with righteous words, either give me a male ticket and deliver it to me by express delivery, or don’t give me anything at all, hum!

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