His gaze became more and more uncontrollable, always being pulled by her figure, following her every move involuntarily...

He has been unwilling to face all this, and has always allowed himself to subconsciously ignore the changes in his emotions.

Until, until singing and clubbing...

At the KTV, Leng Su stared at him with a straight gaze while singing a love song.

Her feelings for him became more and more obvious, stronger and more domineering, not allowing him to dodge.

There were crowds of people in the bar and on the stage.

He and she were tightly protected between them by six teenagers. Under the crowd and the push of the teenagers, she became unsteady and fell into his arms.

The moment he hugged her, she hugged his neck, pulled his head down forcefully, and kissed him.

In the dark bar, among the noisy crowd, they hugged and kissed as if no one was watching.

At that moment, everything in the world seemed to disappear, leaving only each other.

At that moment, Su Zexi had no way to escape.

The uncontrollable heartbeat in his chest told him that he was really in trouble this time.

In front of him, the girl's bright starry eyes were filled with him.

"Senior, I like you, I like you very much."

"Senior, your heartbeat tells me that you also like me."

"Senior, let's date..."

The girl's three words were like thunder, awakening Su Zexi's reason.

In panic, he couldn't think or answer at all.

He just subconsciously pushed her away and fled the bar full of noise and temptation in a panic.

After that day, Su Zexi began to avoid meeting Leng Su and the teenagers.

He didn't know why he did this, he just subconsciously followed his heart.

He was a little confused and didn't know what to do.

He needs to calm down and think.

Because, he suddenly felt that Leng Su seemed to be a disaster to him, a disaster as big as heaven!

He found that his feelings for Leng Su seemed a little too out of control...

Before meeting Leng Su, he originally thought that his feelings for his first girlfriend were love and affection.

Because he likes her and loves her, he is very kind to his first girlfriend and will try his best to satisfy all her wishes and requirements.

It wasn't until he encountered the other party's betrayal that he felt despair and gave up.

But now, he discovered to his horror that when he faced Leng Su, he had completely different thoughts and attitudes from when he faced his first girlfriend.

He even came up with the idea... As long as Leng Su wanted it, he would do anything for her.

As long as she can stay with him, what if the company gives it to her?

So what if you lose everything?

As long as she wanted it, as long as he had it, he was willing to give her his life.


For the first time, Su Zexi realized that the situation was serious and out of control.

He panicked.

Reason told him that his current ideas were too crazy, too out of control, and not like him at all.

His feelings told him that she was better than everything else!

When Su Zexi was struggling and troubled, the favorability value prompt Leng Su heard was this...

[Congratulations, Su Zexi's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 70 points. 】

[Warning, Su Zexi’s favorability value has dropped by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

[Congratulations, Su Zexi's favorability value has increased by 20 points, and the current total favorability value is 80 points. 】

[Warning, Su Zexi’s favorability value has dropped by 20 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] for the little fairy’s reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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