The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2611 The “Unlucky” Richest Man VS the Proud Daughter of Heaven (18)

This good feeling was particularly exciting to Leng Su's ears, more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

This is the real overnight paradise, overnight hell...

Time flies by like a white horse.

Seeing that Su Zexi had been hiding from them for more than a month since the confession incident in the bar that night, refusing to see her or the boys, Leng Su could not sit still.

This is not the way to go!

If he wants to be a coward, he still has to see if she agrees!

More than a month later, Su Zexi still did not dare to face her crazy feelings and still avoided Leng Su and the teenagers.

Su Zexi's gaffe and the infrequent visits of Leng Su and the teenagers also made Su's father and Su's mother aware that something was wrong.

They asked Su Zexi, but the other party refused to tell.

I wanted to ask Leng Su and the teenagers, but couldn't find anyone.

Until one morning...

Su Zexi had breakfast in a hurry, and just got up to rush to the company, but was hurriedly called by Su's mother.

"Zexi, wait."

"Mom?" Su Zexi turned around in confusion.

Mother Su glanced at him, sighed in her heart, and handed him an envelope.

"This is an invitation letter from the Imperial Capital, and it's for you."

"Imperial capital? Invitation letter?" The suspicion in Su Zexi's heart became even stronger.

The roots and foundation of the Su family are in Jiangcheng, the imperial capital. Apart from some business contacts, there are really no relatives or friends.

An invitation letter sent from the imperial capital?

For some reason, the speed of his heartbeat suddenly went out of control, and it beat at a frighteningly fast rate.

An unknown premonition came to mind.

For some reason, his hand when opening the envelope suddenly trembled slightly.

A few simple actions, but it took him a long time.

The envelope was opened, and an invitation letter appeared in his sight.

The invitation said that in three days it would be General Leng’s eightieth birthday.

In the letter, Leng Su said that because her grandfather’s birthday was approaching, she wanted to say goodbye to him before going back.

But for some reason, he seemed to be very busy recently. She looked for him many times but could not see anyone, and finally she could only leave in despair.

Leng Su also said that during the time she was home, the elders of the Leng family had been arranging blind dates for her.

The right ones, childhood sweethearts, even Bai Yan and others who had been following her all year round were captured by the elders to have a blind date with her.

She also said that the old man was going to introduce her to the grandson of a comrade whom she had known for decades on her birthday.

After talking about his situation, Leng Su didn't forget to ask him at the end of the letter.

Ask him if he likes her and if he wants to be with her.

She said that if he had no intention of her, then she would let him go and would no longer harass and interfere in his life.

She will follow her family's arrangements, go on a blind date, and choose someone she doesn't hate to try to get along with.

If he has her in his heart, he will come to the old man's birthday with an invitation.

As long as he goes, she will treat him as agreeing to be with her.

By then, she will definitely take him to meet her grandfather, her parents, and all the elders in the family.

Leng Su made everything clear, and she left the choice in Su Zexi's hands.

She was forcing him to make a choice.

Looking at Su Zexi's ugly face, Su's mother asked with concern: "Zexi? What's wrong? Who sent this letter?"

"Mom, it's okay." Su Zexi suppressed the rolling emotions in her heart and quickly stuffed the invitation and letter back into the envelope.

"Mom, the company still has something to do. I'm rushing over in a hurry, so I won't tell you anymore."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Daydream (??ω??)? ? 】The rewards and support from the two little fairies, Mumoda (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

Friendly reminder from the author, summer is here, little fairies should drink less cold drinks, really...

It's cool to drink ice and come to my aunt's crematorium o(╥﹏╥)o. Today, your Xiaoxiao and I have been in hell. It hurts. Oh my god, I almost couldn't help but take painkillers. It's too much. Terrible

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