"Sir, sir, is there no way to identify the people of Tianji Sect?"

"Of course there is." At this point, the storyteller smiled mysteriously and kept the secret.

"To know what will happen next, please listen to the analysis next time!"

As he said this, the storyteller was about to leave the stage.

Below the stage, the people who were drinking tea and listening with relish showed anger on their faces.

"How can you be so shameless, sir?"

"How can you stop telling a story halfway?"

"You are deliberately making us feel uncomfortable!"

Looking at the noisy crowd, the storyteller also looked helpless.

At this moment, a crystal clear top-grade spiritual stone suddenly fell in front of the storyteller.

A arrogant female voice came from the box on the second floor: "It's just for money. As long as you keep talking, this top-grade spiritual stone will be yours!"

Looking at the top-grade spiritual stone emitting rich spiritual energy in front of him, a greedy look appeared on the face of the storyteller.

Under the gaze of the crowd, he quickly put away the spirit stone, put on a smile again, and continued to tell the story of "Tianji Sect"...

"It is said that this Tianji Sect is not a sect, but a person of destiny chosen by the heaven to save the troubled times."

"According to the news left by the ancients, the selected Tianji Sect members are all extremely beautiful, and are one in a million heavenly beings."

"Therefore, all the most beautiful people in the world may be Tianji Sect members."

The storyteller said with an obsessed look, as if he had really had the honor of seeing the "Tianji Sect member with an extremely beautiful appearance".

Leng Su curled his lips, stood up in boredom, left a medium-grade spirit stone on the table, turned around and jumped out of the window.

It is said that the Sword Sect's ten-year disciple-recruiting ceremony has begun.

It is said that several good seedlings with single-line heavenly spiritual roots appeared at this disciple-recruiting ceremony.

It is said that Mu Ze, the first genius of Jian Zong, will also select a closed disciple from the new disciples this year to continue the inheritance.

It is said that the Su family, a first-class immortal cultivation family, has recently been in a mess because of the murder of the legitimate mother and daughter.

It is said that...

Leng Su hurried on the road, while listening to hearsay, and learned about the situation of Mu Ze, Su Yanyu and others from other people.

After three days of traveling day and night, Leng Su finally arrived at Jian Zong in the evening of the third day.

At that time, Jian Zong had already closed the stall and was about to close the door and lock it.

As a result, before the door was closed, a delicate little figure ran towards him.

"Wait, don't close the stall, there are still people..."

As he said, Leng Su took advantage of the fact that the little cultivators didn't react, and made perfect use of his petite body to get in through the crack of the door.

With a "bang", the two doors closed, and a golden little sword was stuck across the two doors.

In an instant, the originally ordinary gate became golden, and the sect barrier was activated and lit up.

Looking at the breathless little girl in front of them, the two young monks looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment...

"Little sister, are you here to participate in the disciple-taking ceremony?"

"Yes." Leng Su blinked a pair of black almond eyes, puffed up her cheeks, and nodded heavily.

When she looked at them with her dark and round little almond eyes, the two young monks felt like an arrow shot into their hearts, and their hearts softened...

"What a cute little girl."

"Looking at you, you are probably only seven or eight years old?"

"Why did you appear in the Sword Sect alone? Where are your family?"

PS: [Daily vote request]

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