Facing the inquiry, Leng Su lowered his head pitifully, his shoulders trembling as he sobbed.

"Susu is an orphan...without a father or a mother...homeless..."

After saying that, Leng Su raised his head, his eyes were red and filled with tears, and he looked at the two young monks eagerly.

"Brother...you guys, do you also dislike Su Su? Do you want to drive Su Su away?"

Looking at her red eyes, the tip of her nose, her white teeth gently biting her lower lip, her eyes were sparkling, as if she would shed a series of pearly tears as long as they nodded.

The two young monks looked so soft-hearted...

For a moment, he squatted down regardless and hugged Leng Su tightly into his arms.

"No, brother will not drive Susu away."

"From now on, Jian Zong will be your home, Su Su."

"Susu, are you here to attend the apprenticeship ceremony?"

Leng Su nodded obediently and smiled slightly: "Yeah, brother is so smart, he can guess right."

Li Guo smiles slightly, her beautiful eyes look forward to it...

Leng Su's smile almost blinded the two young monks. For some reason, they thought Leng Su was extremely beautiful.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. One day, when the little girl grows up, she will be the kind of person that will captivate the entire country.

"Sister Susu, come with us. Today is the last day of the apprenticeship ceremony. Sister, you came neither early nor late. You came in at the last moment before the door closed."

With that said, the two young monks took Leng Su to the testing hall.

The test hall was empty. A white jade pillar in the center of the hall reached the sky, and it seemed that there was no end in sight.

Above the lobby, surrounded by countless smoke, it is so dreamy that people can't help but sigh, "It is indeed the residence of a fairy."

"Senior brother, this is the last disciple today. We will bring her here to take the spiritual root test."

The two young monks took Leng Su to the pillar, clasped their fists and said to the monk in white guarding the pillar.

"Go over there."

The monk in white glanced at Leng Su and said calmly.

"Sister Susu, put your hand on this testing post."

"Okay, brother."

Two small white hands were pressed against the jade pillar. Under the gaze of the three monks on the side, the jade pillar began to emit eight kinds of brilliant light...

Red, brown, gold, green, cyan, blue, purple, silver...

"Eight, eight lines of spiritual roots???"

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and ice???"

"The best loser in the world?"

Looking at the eight kinds of light released by the jade pillar and looking at Leng Su's dazed little face, the corners of the mouths of the three young monks twitched.

The look he looked at Leng Su was so complicated and unspeakable.

"Su, sister Su Su..."

"You, with your qualifications, I'm afraid our Sword Sect... won't accept it."

The two young monks really didn't expect that Leng Su, who could survive all the tests at the bottom of the mountain and successfully reach the top of the mountain, would have such poor qualifications.

Under normal circumstances, the disciples who can successfully survive the various tests at the bottom of the mountain and successfully reach the top of the mountain usually have four or five spiritual roots in the worst case.

If disciples with four or five spiritual roots and other miscellaneous spiritual roots are willing to do so, they can still be servant disciples in the sect.

He can also get the blessing of the sect and can practice in the sect with strong spiritual energy. Although the future is limited, there is at least a slim hope.

After all, things are impermanent in the world of cultivation. Maybe these handyman disciples will get a great opportunity one day and can wash their essence and marrow and transform into three spiritual roots or two spiritual roots?

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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