[Congratulations, Gu Xiao's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 90 points. 】

As Wen Yue told her story, Gu Xiao was not only shocked but also felt an even stronger love for Leng Su.

In the past, due to the disagreement between his parents, he had been idle for a long time and gave up on himself.

He still felt sorry for himself and felt that no matter what happened to him, no one in the world cared about him.

But he didn't expect that somewhere he didn't know, there was someone who cared about him so much, cared about him, and paid so much for him.

"You go."

With that said, Wen Yue took out a divorce agreement and placed it in front of Gu Xiao.

"This divorce agreement is the one you didn't sign last time."

"Sign your name and you're free."

"You and Susu will have nothing to do from now on. She will be taken care of by my uncle and I. She will not need your presence for the rest of her life."

Hearing this, Gu Xiao raised his eyes and looked at her deeply.

Facing Gu Xiao's gaze, Wen Yue looked very calm and composed: "Sign."

Hearing this, Gu Xiao lowered his eyes and his eyes fell on the divorce agreement.

He curled his lips and smiled sarcastically.

Under Wen Yue's gaze, Gu Xiao picked up the divorce agreement without saying a word...

With a "tear" sound, a complete divorce agreement was torn into a pile of pieces.


Wen Yue's eyes widened and she looked at Gu Xiao's actions in disbelief.

Obviously, Gu Xiao would tear up the divorce agreement, which she didn't expect at all.

After a brief moment of surprise, Wen Yue quickly suppressed the surprised and shocked look on her face.

She took a deep look at Gu Xiao and asked, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Gu Xiao glanced at her, said nothing, then lowered his eyes and continued to look at Leng Su.

Seeing this, Wen Yue pursed her red lips slightly, her face changed slightly, and her eyes flickered.

"You really don't regret it?"

"Even if Su Su never wakes up, you won't divorce her?"

"Are you really willing to keep her like this for the rest of your life? Will you never leave her?"

Gu Xiao did not answer Wen Yue, but sat there without saying a word, looking at Leng Su intently.

Upon seeing this, Wen Yue took a deep look at him, then looked at the unconscious Leng Su with a complicated expression.

May you seek kindness and receive kindness.

I hope he won't let you down again.

I wish you could wake up.

I hope you can really get married and be happily married.

Wen Yue said no more and left without saying a word.

As soon as she left, only the unconscious Leng Su and the silent Gu Xiao were left in the huge ward.

"No regrets."

"I do."

After Wen Yue left for a while, a deep and deep male voice suddenly sounded in the dead silent ward.

After hearing Gu Xiao's answer, a happy smile appeared on Leng Su's face in mid-air.

Seeing that you know your mistakes and can correct them, I will forgive you this time.

Thinking about it, Leng Su flew back to the original owner's body.

Almost at the same time, Gu Xiao felt itchy in the palm of his hand, and an unfamiliar touch came over him.

He was shocked, raised his head in disbelief, and looked at Leng Su, who was unconscious in the bed.

Her face was still pale, and her dry lips had just been moisturized by him with a wet cotton swab. They still looked hydrated and particularly attractive.

Her eyes were closed tightly, and her long and curved eyelashes were as thick and light as feathers, casting a shadow under her eyes when she closed them.

She slept peacefully, and her pale face made her beauty not fade, but revealed a soft beauty that was different from the past.

It makes people feel pity at first sight, and they want to do everything they can to protect her, cherish her, love her...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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