"I, I don't know..." Gu Xiao said uneasily.

There was always a voice in his heart, and one of them kept telling him that Leng Su loved him until death.

Otherwise, how could she do so many things for him again and again.

When the car accident happened, it was she who pushed him away at the critical moment.

She would risk her life for him, so how could she easily say she doesn't love him anymore.

Gu Xiaogang wanted to believe this voice, but he didn't want to, but another voice came out at this moment.

This voice said that he was so stupid, so scumbag, and so disappointing.

Once, twice, three times... Leng Su had solved so many troubles for him, but he still couldn't cheer up.

How could he deserve her continued love? Continue to pay?

When he thought of all the things he had experienced, and when he thought of his inaction when things happened, Gu Xiao felt regretful.

Taking Gu Xiao's uneasy look into his eyes, Leng Su raised his eyebrows and his eyes flickered, but he didn't intend to give him a definite answer now.

She forgave him, so she chose to wake up.

But this so-called forgiveness was just that she had forgiven him in her heart. On the surface...she meant that she had to continue to abuse him.

After all, there were matters involving Gu's father, Gu's mother, and Leng's father and Wen Yue. If Gu Xiao couldn't cheer up and handle these matters well, then she would never forgive him just like that.

The original owner has done so much, and she has done so much. If he, a big old man, never does anything, then he is really... incompetent.


Before Gu Xiao could wait for Leng Su's answer, a sudden crash broke the beautiful atmosphere in the ward.

Wen Yue was seen standing at the door of the ward in shock.

Shock, surprise, tears of joy... these were the chaotic and intertwined emotions on Wen Yue's face in just a short moment.

She didn't speak, but strode towards Leng Su and hugged her without saying a word.

"You finally woke up." Wen Yue's crying voice sounded.

"I thought you were never ready to wake up again..."

Feeling Wen Yue's out-of-control emotions, Leng Su looked helpless and reached out to gently pat Wen Yue's back to comfort her.

"How could I not wake up? How could I be willing to leave you behind?" Leng Su murmured in a low voice.

Hearing this, a look of disappointment quickly flashed across Wen Yue's eyes, and she retorted in a low voice: "You are reluctant to let go of Gu Xiao..."

Leng Su: "..."

What I have to say is that Wen Yue sees things more clearly and understandably than Gu Xiao.

Perhaps due to her experiences since childhood, Wen Yue is a very sober person.

Although her family background, education, talents and personal abilities are not as good as those of the original owner and Gu Xiaoqiang, to be honest, her character is much stronger than the original owner and Gu Xiao.

Seeing Wen Yue hugging Leng Su tightly, Gu Xiao only felt that it was particularly annoying.

"Su Su just woke up and needs more rest."

Making a random excuse, Gu Xiao forcefully pulled Wen Yue away and pulled Leng Su into his arms.

Wen Yue: "..." I have never seen anyone so shameless before.

Leng Su: "..." Yes, there is progress.

The news that Leng Su had regained consciousness was like having wings, and soon the whole world knew about it.

Leng's father removed the sad look on his face and put on a happy one. He would say "his daughter is awake" to everyone he met.

Gu's father and Gu's mother also received the news quickly, but unlike Gu Xiao's excitement and joy, Gu's father and Gu's mother's expressions were obviously gloomy and ugly...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] and the two little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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