"Why do you think this girl from the Leng family is so haunted?"

"With her dilapidated body, what can she do by marrying Gu Xiao? Besides dragging down Gu Xiao and our family."

"We've been married for three years, and I haven't seen her sick little girl lay an egg. In my opinion, her body is probably broken. Whoever marries her will be unlucky..."

As she spoke, Gu's mother showed an angry look on her face.

"Why is our Xiao'er so unlucky? There are so many wealthy daughters who want to marry him, but why is it that he is targeted by that sick man?"

As soon as she said this, Gu's mother couldn't help but glare at Gu's father who was standing aside with an angry look.

"It's all you. When so many people were willing to help our family get through this difficult time, you chose a sick man."

Father Gu glanced at her sideways and ignored her.

He knew better than Gu's mother what the Gu Group was like at that time.

Except for the Leng family who spent one billion, the other families only spent a few million, and the largest one only spent 10 million...

Considering the situation of the Gu family at that time, even 100 million was just a drop in the bucket, let alone millions.

If it weren't for the Leng family's one billion, and if Leng's father hadn't secretly contacted all his friends in the business for help, the Gu Group would have been gone long ago.

Thinking of this, Father Gu couldn't help but sigh...

That girl Leng Su really had nothing to say. Apart from her, no one in the world could be so affectionate towards Gu Xiao.

That girl is good in everything, but that body...

When he thought of this, Father Gu's face darkened.

He doesn't want to be ungrateful, but today's Gu family is no longer what it used to be, and today's Gu Group is getting bigger and bigger.

In the future, their Gu Group will only become more prosperous and even go global.

And Leng Su is just a sick boy, a hen that can't lay eggs. If she and Gu Xiao are allowed to continue to develop, won't their Gu family be extinct?

When he thought of this, the unbearable feeling in Father Gu's heart completely disappeared.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a glimmer of light flashed quickly in his eyes.

"Now that the girl is awake, it's time for Gu Xiao to come back."

"It's time for their divorce to be put on the agenda!"

As soon as Father Gu said these words, Mother Gu's face immediately showed a look of surprise.

"Do you have any way to divorce them?"

Father Gu glanced at her but said nothing.

Here, Gu Xiao is still standing by Leng Su's side, serving tea and water.

Leng Su's body has actually almost recovered, but she has been lying down for half a year, even though Gu Xiao massages her body and limbs every day to help activate her muscles, bones and blood vessels.

But no matter what, she spent the past six months actually lying on the bed.

Certain functions of the body are somewhat affected. The joints of the limbs and other places are really a bit stiff and not as natural as before.

In addition, the original owner was born weak. Although Mr. Jiang could cure her, she never woke up, so Mr. Jiang's treatment was naturally limited.

Now that she was awake, Mr. Jiang naturally took action.

Therefore, even though Lengsu people are awake, they still take various medicines and exercise various body functions every day.

Gu Xiao accompanies her every day, guards her, and never leaves her.

Wen Yue originally wanted to stay with Leng Su, but she had no choice but to think that Gu Xiao was too domineering and insidious.

In order to drive her away, he actually plotted against her and threatened her...

Thinking of what Gu Xiao said and what he took out, Wen Yue's face darkened.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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