Leng Yan just held her quietly.

Even when her mood stabilized, he never let her go.

Until Leng Su took the initiative to speak and asked cautiously: "Am I...really the daughter of the Ji family?"


"Then...what about Ji Mengmeng?"

"...She is Ji An's illegitimate daughter."

"Idiot, illegitimate daughter?" Leng Su asked.

The Ji family couple looks so loving, but Ji's father actually has a woman outside Ji's mother's back? There is even an illegitimate daughter?

"Ji Mengmeng was born a few days before you. Back then, your mother passed out after giving birth to you and didn't even have time to look at you."

"Later, Ji An secretly exchanged you and Ji Mengmeng, and you were sent by Ji An to an ordinary family in his hometown."

"At first, when Ji An gave money, people naturally didn't care if there was one more child and another mouth in the family."

"It wasn't until Ji An stopped giving money that the family naturally didn't want to raise a child that had nothing to do with their own family, so they threw you at the gate of the city's orphanage."

This is the first time Leng Yan has taken the initiative to talk to her so much...

He spoke very slowly, and he held her tightly. His words sounded calm, but Leng Su could clearly feel that he was suppressing his emotions through his arms.

As Leng Yan narrated, Leng Su said nothing and listened quietly, as if he was not affected at all.

But Leng Yan, who was holding her, felt everything very clearly...

For example, the sudden stiffness of her body, or the sudden tightening of her arms around him, the increasing strength, the slightly trembling body, and the inaudible sobs.

[Congratulations, Leng Yan's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 75 points. 】

Leng Yan is not a comforting person...

Before meeting Leng Su, he had never interacted with others, let alone understood them deeply, or even put them in his heart.

After meeting Leng Su, he changed.

Lengsu is the antidote to his mysophobia, but it is also the disaster of his life.

Before meeting her, he had no weaknesses or worries, and he focused on his work without being affected by outsiders.

After meeting her, he changed.

At the beginning, this change was not obvious, and coupled with his suppression of his own emotions, it was even more difficult to detect.

She slowly penetrated into his life bit by bit...

By the time he realized something was wrong, it was too late.

She had long since turned into poison, seeping into his bone marrow, leaving him with no way to extricate himself and no cure.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he seemed to have no other choice but to sink into it.

Just like her life experience...

His temperament has always been straightforward and decisive, whether in business or in dealing with people.

But as soon as he encountered her, he changed.

In fact, he had obtained the two DNA tests and other investigation results three days ago.

According to his past character, he should have left all this in her hands as soon as possible.

Let her open it up and see all the truth and hurt.

But this time, he hesitated.

He opened the files and looked at them, and then...

Then he hid some of the investigation results and only gave her the two most simple, clear and least harmful DNA paternity test results.

As for the other things, he wanted to share them for her rather than letting her face them directly.

Just like at this moment, he held her, giving her warmth and strength.

Tell her she has him...

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