Leng Yan stroked her hair gently, trying to comfort her.

"You are not alone."

"You have me...and your mother." Leng Yan paused for a moment and said.

Hearing this, Leng Su's body trembled, and she whispered in a low voice: "What do you mean?"

Leng Yan said that she had him and Ji Mu.

This was wrong to Leng Su’s ears...

It was Ji's father who had changed her and Ji Mengmeng's identities.

Back then, Ji's father could do such a thing, which meant that he chose Ji Mengmeng from the beginning and stood by Ji Mengmeng's side.

But it was Ji's father who did it, and Ji's mother and Ji Yu were unaware of it.

Why... why did the cold banquet talk about Ji's mother, but only left out Ji Yu?

Could it be that Ji Yu also did something behind her back?

Or is he also involved in Ji Mengmeng's matter?

Thinking of the scene when she first met on campus when she entered this mission.

Ji Yu is a good brother, very gentle, gentleman and good at taking care of others.

He was extremely kind to his sister Ji Mengmeng...

No, that's not right.

He was good to Ji Mengmeng, and Ji Mengmeng was good to him.

The relationship between these two people is closer than ordinary siblings.

Thinking of this, Leng Su had a guess in his mind.

"Ji Yu, he...?" Leng Su suppressed his curiosity and asked tentatively.

"...He knew about the identity swap between you and Ji Mengmeng." Leng Yan hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to confess.

He didn't like Ji Yu, and what Ji Yu did made him feel disgusted and ridiculous.

He had known for a long time that Ji Mengmeng was not his biological sister, and had known for a long time that Leng Su was his biological sister, but he chose to hide it.

Choose to let everything go wrong...

He chose to do this kind of thing without conscience, but secretly pretended to be a kindhearted person and sponsored Leng Su to study in high school and college.

Let Leng Su be grateful to him and treat him as a benefactor.

But in reality?

Leng Su was originally the daughter of a wealthy family. She should have been loved and cared for by her parents since she was a child.

But because of her crazy biological father and her selfish brother, she was deprived of everything that should have belonged to her.

How could someone like Ji Yu be regarded as a benefactor by Leng Su and be remembered with gratitude in his heart?

In the huge Ji family, apart from Ji's mother, the biological mother who still doesn't know her attitude, Leng Su, the daughter of the Ji family, is actually rejected and disliked by her biological father and brother...

Those two people, one abandoned their own flesh and blood for the sake of having an illegitimate daughter.

A biological sister who abandoned her own mother for the daughter of a mistress for her own selfish reasons.

When he thought of what the father and son had done, Leng Yan became extremely angry. At the same time, he felt more and more sorry for Leng Su.

[Congratulations, Leng Yan's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 85 points. 】

Although, he didn't want Leng Su to face those cruel truths.

But in order to let her see clearly the ugly faces of Ji's father and Ji Yu, Leng Yan still held back his reluctance and told everything he found out.

"Two years ago, when Ji Mengmeng was in her senior year of high school, the school arranged for her to go to the hospital for a physical examination."

"Ji Yu should have discovered her identity at that time."

"After finding out that Ji Mengmeng was not his biological sister, Ji Yu did not tell his parents about it immediately."

"Ji Yu chose to hide..."

"He destroyed the DNA test result book he got. He chose to protect Ji Mengmeng's life experience so that she could continue to be the carefree eldest daughter of the Ji family."

Speaking of this, the emotion in Leng Yan's black eyes was like the dark clouds in the sky before a heavy rain, gloomy and terrifying...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] little angel for your reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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