Ji's mother spoke, and Leng Su naturally did not interfere in Ji Yu's affairs.

However, she did not forget to let people keep an eye on her and keep her informed of the latest news.

After choosing his favorite script from Leng Yan, Leng Su joined the crew again for filming.

Every day, apart from filming, her fun is brushing her scarves and watching the latest news about Ji Mengmeng and Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was retaliated by Xiao Jie because of Ji Mengmeng's relationship.

Xiao Jie not only exposed his scandal, but also spread rumors in the circle to ban him.

Although the Xiao family cannot cover the sky with one hand, there are many people in the entertainment industry who are not afraid of Xiao Jie.

But the problem is that Luo Feng is a traffic star with no strength or background.

Moreover, when he was banned, a scandal just broke out. At this time, Luo Feng can be said to be worthless.

Who would go against Xiao Jie and the Xiao family for him?

As a result, Luo Feng was banned.

Luo Feng was unwilling to remain silent and tried every means to make a comeback.

This includes being under unspoken rules, being taken care of...

Originally, with that outstanding face, Luo Feng was not hopeless in making a comeback.

But who allowed his body to be drained by Ji Mengmeng! ! !

As a result, the big bosses who had unspoken rules for Luo Feng and those who had thought about supporting him were all disappointed after trying again.

As a result, Luo Feng suffered another tragedy.

Abandoned again and again, insulted and bullied one after another, Luo Feng was completely hopeless.

He went dark.

He put all the blame on Xiao Jie and Ji Mengmeng.

Xiao Jie is the eldest son of the Xiao family. He is accompanied by countless bodyguards when traveling, and his whereabouts are difficult to trace, so Luo Feng gave up the idea of ​​seeking revenge against him.

But Ji Mengmeng is different.

She is a star and a public figure. Although she has not reached the level of popularity, her whereabouts are far easier to know than Xiao Jie.

In addition, her life experience was discovered and made public.

Today, Ji Mengmeng is just an illegitimate daughter occupying a magpie's nest.

It is far easier to deal with her than Xiao Jie.

Therefore, Luo Feng used his last savings to obtain Ji Mengmeng's whereabouts, obtained sulfuric acid, disguised himself, and carried out his revenge.

The moment he saw Ji Mengmeng being protected by Ji Yu, Luo Feng's unwillingness and anger exploded to the extreme.

The only thing he could do was to throw the little sulfuric acid remaining in the bucket at Ji Mengmeng when Ji Yu was in so much pain that he couldn't hold her and subconsciously let go of her.

Ji Mengmeng reacted quickly and hid very quickly, hiding behind Ji Yu.

But even so, her face and body were inevitably splashed with sulfuric acid.

Seeing Ji Mengmeng's smoking and corroded face, Luo Feng smiled.

Even though he was tightly controlled by the crowd around him, even though the police arrived and took him away, he was still laughing crazily.

"Ji Mengmeng, it was you who destroyed me. What I am doing now is just treating others with their own treatment!"

"Ji Mengmeng, you deserve all this!"

"Ji Mengmeng, you deserve it!"

After more than ten hours of treatment, Ji Yu was out of danger and was sent to the VIP ward.

Although Ji Mengmeng was not in fear of her life, her face was really ruined.

After learning that Ji Mengmeng was hospitalized after being disfigured by sulfuric acid, Xiao Jie and Ma Yi both visited her.

Ma Yi came with his new love, left a bank card for Ji Mengmeng and left.

Xiao Jie originally had lingering feelings for Ji Mengmeng, and was still thinking about Ji Mengmeng's ecstatic body.

But after he saw Ji Mengmeng's current face and body, the last thoughts in his heart disappeared completely...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Alana] [Yes Zhiya] [Single dog waiting to be abused] [Zi Ling] four little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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