It wasn't just Xiao Jie and Ma Yi who left her.

Since it was revealed that she was not the daughter of the Ji family, a certain director and a certain movie star have cut off contact with her.

Ji Mengmeng was unwilling to give in.

She took the breakup fee left to her by Ma Yi and went abroad for plastic surgery.

Ji Yu lay in bed for three days and three nights, but when he woke up, he was urged by the hospital to pay.

He eagerly grabbed the doctor's hand and asked him how Ji Mengmeng was doing.

However, the doctor told him that Ji Mengmeng had gone through the discharge procedures early this morning and left.

Ji Yu was stunned.

He tried to call Ji Mengmeng's phone number and tried to contact Ji Mengmeng, but found that he and Ji Mengmeng had completely lost contact.

Ji Yu tried to call Xiao Jie to ask about Ji Mengmeng's news, but Xiao Jie told him that Ji Mengmeng asked him for a breakup fee and went abroad.

He called Ma Yi again, but Ma Yi said that he and Ji Mengmeng had broken up and he didn't know the other party's whereabouts.

He called Ji's father, only to find that Ji's father was missing...

Ji Yu was lying in the hospital, being constantly urged by doctors and nurses to pay.

One day, two days, three days...

When the hospital issued the final notice to Ji Yu, Ji's mother appeared.

She didn't say anything, just handed a cowhide bag to Ji Yu.

Ji Yu looked at Ji's mother blankly, and opened the cowhide bag with trembling hands. After seeing the contents clearly, Ji Yu was dumbfounded.

Ji Mengmeng really left, leaving him to go abroad alone to repair his disfigured face.

"I have paid your hospital bills for you."

"Ji Yu, I'll give you three months to think about it carefully."

"In three months, if you think clearly, call me and I will arrange for someone to send you abroad for surgery."

After speaking, Ji's mother didn't need Ji Yu's response and left directly.

Time flies by like a white horse.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

Leng Su finished filming a movie and returned home to rest.

Ji Mengmeng also repaired her appearance abroad and returned to China.

Ji Mengmeng tried to find Xiao Jie and Ma Yi, but found that the two of them now had passionate lovers.

Facing her appearance and looking at her increasingly charming appearance, Xiao Jie and Ma Yi did not refuse her offer to come to his door.

In this way, these three people got involved again.

Ji Mengmeng returned to China.

Ji Mengmeng is back with Xiao Jie and Ma Yi.

Ji Mengmeng re-entered the entertainment industry and announced her comeback.

After learning the news of Ji Mengmeng's return, Ji Yu repeatedly begged Ji's mother to let him see Ji Mengmeng.

Ji's mother had this plan, so she naturally agreed to him.

When Ji Yu appeared in front of Ji Mengmeng wearing glasses and a mask, covering his entire body, Ji Mengmeng did not recognize him.

It was Ji Yu who took the initiative to call her out.

"Mengmeng..." A familiar deep male voice sounded, and Ji Mengmeng was stunned.

She turned to look at the tall man behind her in confusion and asked, "Who are you?"

Ji Yu took off his glasses and mask with trembling hands, letting Ji Mengmeng look directly at his face.


Ji Mengmeng's first reaction was to scream, retreat, and stay away.

Her delicate and beautiful little face was full of disgust and disgust.

"You ugly monster, stay away from me."

Ji Mengmeng was scared.

At this moment, she had no intention of thinking about who the person in front of her was.

When she saw Ji Yu's face, she couldn't help but think of her three months ago.

She couldn't help but think of everything she had suffered in the past three months.

She was disfigured, she was abandoned, she was pointed at by everyone as she walked on the road, and looked at with disgust and disgust...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

The fourth update is over, good night, okay?

Thank you [Alana] and [Purple Spirit] two little angels for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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