"Mengmeng, Mengmeng?"

Ji Yu's eyes widened and he looked at Ji Mengmeng in disbelief.

Familiar male voice, familiar tone, familiar scars...

Even if Ji Mengmeng no longer wanted to face it or admit it, she had to resist the urge to escape and calm down.

She looked at Ji Yu in front of her in surprise, and asked in a trembling voice: "You, are you...brother?"

"Mengmeng, it's me."

The disgust and disgust in Ji Mengmeng's eyes stung Ji Yu, but she recognized him and did not scream away again, which made Ji Yu's uncomfortable heart feel better.

"Brother, you, how did you become like this?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"I just want to say, brother, didn't your mother visit you after you were injured?"

"Why doesn't she contact you to a plastic surgeon for repair?"

"Brother, you are her biological son, her only son. How can she be so cruel?" Ji Mengmeng became more and more indignant as she spoke.

She left Ji Yu alone because she had no money.

The combined breakup fees of Ma Yi and Xiao Jie were only two million...

But not only was her face ruined, a lot of sulfuric acid was also splashed on her body.

Two million was too little for her, and she was afraid it wouldn't be enough to pay for plastic surgery. How could she still control Ji Yu?

Moreover, she is not Ji's mother's child, but Ji Yu is.

Ji Yu is Ji's mother's biological son and only son.

The Ji family that will be so big in the future does not belong to Ji Yu yet. Now that Ji Yu has encountered such a big change, how could Ji's mother ignore him.

Thinking of this, Ji Mengmeng left Ji Yu with peace of mind and went to a foreign country alone to undergo plastic surgery.

When she regained her appearance and returned to China, she didn't think about going to see Ji Yu.

However, she had spent all her money at that time, and her appearance after repair was more beautiful and refined than before.

She was eager to show Ma Yi and Xiao Jie who abandoned her and make them regret it.

After getting back together with Ma Yi and Xiao Jie, she started busy with her career in the entertainment industry again and was anxious to make a comeback...

Therefore, it's not that she doesn't want to see Ji Yu, it's that she is too busy and has no time.

Thinking of this, the guilt in Ji Mengmeng's heart disappeared completely.

Looking at Ji Yu's silent appearance and Ji Yu's unrecognizable face, Ji Mengmeng's unwillingness and anger became more and more intense.

"...Mengmeng, how are you doing during this time?"

Listening to Ji Mengmeng's constant accusations against Ji's mother, Ji Yu suddenly felt very uncomfortable for some reason.

He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

After a brief silence, his gaze stayed on Ji Mengmeng's face, which was intact as before... no, it should be more delicate than before.

"Brother, I'm not good."

"I have been feeling guilty these days. I want to save you, but I have no money."

"I don't dare to go see you. I'm afraid that you'll feel uncomfortable, and I'm afraid that I'll hurt you because I go to see you."

"I'm afraid that my mother will think that you are still related to me and ignore you."

"Brother, it's really not that I don't want to see you." Ji Mengmeng said with tears in her eyes.

In the past, every time she showed aggrieved expression and shed a tear, Ji Yu would feel heartbroken.

But now, he didn't know if the pain was too much or what.

At this moment, seeing Ji Mengmeng crying so beautifully in front of him, his heart was actually numb...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Zi Ling] [Alana] and the three little angels for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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