The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2892 Leng Su’s true identity

On the day that Leng Su and Yan Run got married, Huo Yu came, and so did Huo's father and mother.

Yan Run's legendary mysterious parents and brothers all came too.

The wedding was held in Lancheng. The entire wedding venue was not big, but everything was exquisite, and the money spent was not a lot.

Halfway through the wedding, everything in the entire scene was forced to stop...

The bride and groom, as well as the best man Huo Yu, both disappeared. The heavenly laws belonging to this time and space were moving quickly, quickly returning everything to normal.

Spirit world.

As soon as Leng Su opened his eyes, he found himself in an extremely strange place.

White clouds surrounded her, and wisps of atomized fairy energy surrounded her.

Her body was frantically absorbing the fairy energy around her, and a sense of joy came from the bottom of her heart.

She subconsciously reached out to touch the white clouds around her, and was startled by the soft touch.

Her hands...

Leng Su lowered his head and looked at his hands and body with disbelief.

With a wave of her hand, a water mirror appeared. Looking at the familiar face in the mirror, the look of surprise in her eyes became more intense.

Isn't she a female ghost?

Why did I suddenly have a body?

Just when Leng Su was confused and confused, a large number of unfamiliar pictures suddenly rushed into her mind.

The ancient Father God, the only God in heaven and earth.

Before his death, he used a drop of his blood to create his only offspring, her "Leng Su".

After the death of Father God, she is the only God in the world.

He manages the order of heaven and the peace of the six realms.

Later, she felt lonely alone, so she transformed an ancient green lotus left by her father into a human form, which became the later Green Lotus God.

She and Qinglian get along day and night.

She regarded Qinglian as her biological brother, taught him magic and how to become a true god.

Time flies by like a white horse.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed, Qinglian has become a god, and her death is coming.

Under the way of heaven, only one god can exist in this side of time and space.

Her birth destined the downfall of God the Father.

Qinglian's birth destined her to fall.

When she disappeared, Qinglian suddenly appeared and used secret and forbidden techniques to forcefully change her fate, leaving her behind.

Later, when she had memories again, she found that she had arrived in the underworld and became the female ghost Leng Su.

Feeling the powerful immortal power in his body and feeling the weirdness of his body, Leng Su sighed silently.

She didn't expect that after spending so long together day and night, Qinglian would actually have such thoughts about her...

Now, she is neither a god nor a fairy nor a human being nor a devil nor a ghost nor a monster.

Although she exists, she has become an anomaly in this world.


Leng Su was in a trance, and the clouds around her suddenly dispersed, and a familiar figure appeared.

"Xiao Qinglian..."

Looking at Qinglian, who was fluttering in white clothes, had an extraordinary temperament, and had a peerless self-esteem, Leng Su called out the "pet name" in his memory with complicated emotions.

"Sister, you finally woke up."


Leng Su tried to get up, but as soon as he moved, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

Seeing this, Qinglian quickly stepped forward to help her carefully.

"Sister, you've slept for too long. I'll help you get up and walk around first, and you can move around first."


This was the first time she had experienced that deep feeling of powerlessness.

With Qinglian's help, Leng Su actually felt the stiffness in his body fade away after taking a few steps.

As soon as she sat down on the lotus flower, Qinglian quickly handed her a glass of crystal clear water that exuded strong celestial energy.

"This is fairy dew. Drinking it will be of great benefit to my sister's recovery."

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