The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2893 The truth comes out (1)

After drinking the fairy dew, Leng Su asked immediately.

"What about Mingyuan?"

Qinglian's complexion changed slightly, the hand holding the cup was constantly clenched, and her knuckles turned white.

"Sister, are you and I as bad as before?" Qinglian asked.

Leng Su didn't speak, just looked at him silently.

Qinglian's complexion turned pale, and the hope in her eyes gradually dimmed...

"Sister, in your heart, is Mingyuan more important than me?" Qinglian asked again.

Leng Su shook his head: "No, you are more important than Mingyuan."

"I can give up on love, but I won't give up on Xiao Qinglian, are my younger brother."

Qinglian's heart is like riding a roller coaster, flying high all of a sudden, then falling all of a sudden.

"elder sister……"

"Little Qinglian, do you want to see your sister happy, or do you want her to live as a different person?" Leng Su asked.

Hearing this, Qinglian fell silent.

He wished Leng Su happiness.

But he is also reluctant to let go...

Even if he lost the bet with Mingyuan, he still didn't want to let go.

As long as he could remember, Leng Su occupied all his memories and all his time.

It was she who taught him how to speak, how to cultivate, how to manage the order of heaven, and how to grow into a real god.

She is everything in his life.

But now, she is leaving.

Ten thousand years ago, she almost died, and he did not hesitate to change his fate in order to keep her.

But he didn't think that she was left behind by him, but she still couldn't stay by his side after all.

Is her leaving a punishment from heaven for him?

Is it his punishment for changing his fate?

While Qinglian was in a trance, a warm and soft little hand suddenly held his big hand.

In front of her eyes was her cold, beautiful and seductively beautiful face.

"If you are unhappy, I don't have to be with Mingyuan."

"No..." Qinglian said hastily.

"I...I hope my sister is happy." His heart hurt, but he still said this sentence.

Leng Su smiled, and she reached out to pat Qinglian's head: "Don't worry, Ming Yuan bullied you, sister will avenge you."

Feeling Leng Su's care and love for him, and hearing Leng Su's promise, the bitterness and grievance in Qinglian's heart faded a little.

He didn't say anything more about wanting Leng Su to stay by his side.

He leaned on Leng Su's lap, held Leng Su's hand, and began to slowly talk about everything he had done...

In addition to changing his fate against the sky to try to keep Leng Su alive, he also tried to tie his marriage with Leng Su together.

Because they are gods, their marriage is not under the control of Yue Lao, let alone the control of heaven.

Because the way of heaven is controlled by them, their marriage is only in their own hands.

In order to make Leng Su fall in love with him, he sealed all her memories and sent her to the underworld.

The purpose is to let her enter the reincarnation disk to be reincarnated, and then he will go to the human world to pursue her, to meet her, get to know her and fall in love...

But what Qinglian didn't expect was that after entering the underworld, she didn't go to reincarnation, but stayed in the underworld for tens of thousands of years.

After realizing something was wrong, Qinglian could only destroy the order of time and space, causing chaos and turmoil in those time and space.

Then Yuelao will come forward to contact Mingyuan, and ask Mingyuan to send Leng Su into various time and space to set things right...

As soon as Leng Su stepped into those chaotic mission worlds, Qinglian followed her.

She entered the female protagonist's body, and he entered the male protagonist's body. Everything was fine in the first place.



PS: [daily ticket request]

The fourth watch is over, good night, okay?

Thank you [Qianruo Xiamo. 】【Arcobaleno】The two little fairies’ tipping and support, what a treat (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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