The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2894 The truth comes out (2)

Until the appearance of Nether Abyss, causing destruction...

At first, because he changed his fate against the sky and forcibly left Leng Su behind, his divine body was damaged and he was punished by heaven.

Although he entered those mission worlds with Leng Su, he lost his memory because of the damage to his body.

Therefore, being cut off halfway by Mingyuan was never discovered in time.

When he found out that something was wrong and tried to save everything, he didn't expect that Ming Yuan would also fall in love with Leng Su...

The two secretly fought for each other, and the fight was turned upside down.

Leng Su in the mission world didn't notice anything.

The result of the long-term struggle is that the two are at a stalemate, no one can win, and no one loses.

Later, as time passed, both parties understood that this was not the way to go.

In the end, after a long negotiation, they decided to have a fair competition.

Neither Ming Yuan nor he could deny that Leng Su Hongluan was moving.

They decided to let Leng Su choose his sweetheart himself.

After that, the two parties sealed their memories and entered the mission world together.

Mingyuan is very cunning.

He was the master of the underworld, and Leng Su entered those mission worlds because of him.

There is a ray of spirit left by him in her body, he wants to find Leng Su, and the chance of meeting Leng Su in advance is greater than him.

In addition, this guy is extremely shameless, and he clearly promised to compete with him fairly, but he didn't expect that he would secretly do things behind his back...

Entering the mission world together, Mingyuan became the hero, but he became a passerby.

Not only has he become a passerby, he and Leng Su are not in the same country.

The two sides don't know each other, and he has amnesia, so how could he meet Leng Su again?

On the contrary, Mingyuan directly became the target of Lengsu's mission and the target of attack.

Although he lost his memory, because of the mission, he didn't have to do anything, he just had to wait for Leng Su to come to his door on his own initiative...

Thinking of the time he wasted in those mission worlds, Qing Lian gritted her teeth with hatred.

He had a fight with Ming Yuan, and the strength of both sides was evenly matched.

He wanted to kill Mingyuan directly and let his soul fly away, but due to the order of heaven, he couldn't kill the master of a world without authorization.

Mingyuan's strength is strong, and he was damaged in order to save Lengsu's body, so the two of them were evenly matched.

Mingyuan also wanted to kill him, but unfortunately, he is a god, so Mingyuan naturally couldn't kill him.

Just like that, going round and round, reincarnation after reincarnation, he missed her...

Everything he planned was cut off by Ming Yuan.

The sweetheart he saved with all his efforts was also snatched away by Ming Yuan.


After learning all the truth, Leng Su really didn't know what to say for a while.

As for Qinglian, she could only feel more distressed, more pitiful.

Seeing the grievance on Qinglian Chuchen's face, Lengsu patted his head helplessly, and accompanied him to condemn Mingyuan for his brazenness.

"That old man Mingyuan is really shameless."

Seeing the anger on her face that didn't seem fake, Qinglian felt a lot better in her heart.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is a lofty god, a cold-hearted existence that should not be approached.

But in front of Leng Su, he was a child who would never grow up.

The struggle and grievances between him and Mingyuan had never been mentioned to others, but he was able to take the initiative to tell Lengsu everything without reservation.

He held Leng Su's hand and rubbed it affectionately.

Feeling his dependence and intimacy on her, Leng Su felt familiar even though he felt strange in his heart.

The memories in my mind seem to belong to her, but they don't seem to belong to her...


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