The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 821 Infatuated first love VS less funny than ghost (35)

Hearing this, Leng Su couldn't help but curl his lips in disdain: "Perfunctory!"

"I don't want any so-called 'huge compensation', just tell me who he is."

When Leng Su said this, Ming Yuan was silent.

Leng Su:... So angry!!!

After a while, when Leng Su gave up completely, Ming Yuan spoke.

[When you return from the mission, you will know all the truth, including him...]

Hearing this, Leng Su's eyes lit up: "Really?"

[Really! ]

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"By the way, where is Luo Zitong now?" Leng Su asked.

When Luo Zitong was mentioned, Ming Yuan's thoughts returned. He was silent for a moment and couldn't help reminding Leng Su.

[You know, she is a resentful ghost who can forcibly live in anyone's body. And her target is Cheng Fei, so it's better for you to wake up Cheng Fei as soon as possible. As long as you are with Cheng Fei and stay by his side, Luo Zitong's appearance is just a matter of time. 】

"Okay, I know what to do. Thanks, old man."

It's been a long time since I had a quarrel with Mingyuan, and Leng Su suddenly missed him.

Mingyuan's mouth twitched, and he looked helpless...

[You should do your task well. I still have some things to deal with in the fairyland. I need to leave for a long time and I don't know when I will return. 】

"Old man, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but you are becoming less and less competent and unreliable as the Hades."

Mingyuan:... You are disrespectful!!!

"Forget it, if you want to go, go. Anyway, you staying here is of no help or use to me. One more and one less won't make a difference."

Mingyuan:... Can we still have a pleasant conversation? ? ?

In a blink of an eye, they arrived at the police station. When Leng Su got off the car, Mingyuan had left without knowing when.

After she finished recording her statement, Han Shuo also hurried over.

However, to Leng Su's surprise, when Han Shuo arrived at the police station, he showed no abnormal emotions or embarrassment except for his slightly anxious expression.

So smooth?

Leng Su couldn't help but look suspicious.

With the surveillance video provided by Han Shuo, Leng Su naturally became an innocent person and was released.

At the door of the police station, Leng Su asked Han Shuo with concern: "Did you have a smooth journey?"

Hearing this, Han Shuo hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Very smooth, nothing happened."

Leng Su: ... This is strange! ! !

"Forget it, as long as it goes smoothly. By the way, how is the hospital? Has Cheng Fei's mother been there?"

"Well, she said on the phone that she would be there soon. She should have arrived at the hospital by now." Han Shuo responded.

Hearing this, Leng Su was relieved.

Looking at Han Shuo in front of her, she smiled sweetly and said gratefully: "Thank you."

This time, Cheng Fei did not act rashly, but stared at the smile on Leng Su's face with resentment.

Yes, that's right, he was jealous!

It’s been five years, and his little Su Su hasn’t smiled at him like this for five years.

Han Shuo, don’t think that he can take advantage of the opportunity to steal his girlfriend just because he helped himself and little Su Su! ! !

“There’s no need to be so polite between you and me.” Han Shuo looked at Leng Su affectionately and said.

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled and said with a hint of meaning: “Yes, we are already friends.”

Han Shuo hesitated for a moment, but couldn’t help it. He looked at Leng Su affectionately and reached out to hold Leng Su’s hand to confess...

But Leng Su took a step back and avoided his hand with a faint smile on her face.

Everything is self-evident...

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