The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 822: Infatuated first love VS less funny than ghosts (36)

Looking at his outstretched hand, looking at the faint smile on Leng Su's face, and looking at her big clear eyes, Han Shuo opened his mouth, only to find that the courage he had just mustered up had gone somewhere. …

The confession he had been brewing for a long time, his anxious mood, everything seemed to disappear at this moment...

Han Shuo's extended hand was clenched into a fist unconsciously. He lowered his head and looked at his hand, and couldn't help but laugh at himself!

He was too late after all!

As early as five years ago, long before Han Shuo appeared, there was a person living in her heart.

Han Shuo was not stupid. He could see that even five years later, Leng Su still loved her ex-boyfriend Cheng Fei.

The boy who made her stand crying in the rainy night five years ago...

Thinking of what happened back then, Han Shuo couldn't help but look up at Leng Su again and asked her, "Is Cheng Fei the boy from back then?"

Han Shuo used an affirmative sentence. It can be seen that he had actually guessed and confirmed that Cheng Fei was the person from back then, but he still wanted to ask clearly and get an answer.

"Well, it's him." Leng Su nodded, "He is my first love and the only person I have ever fallen in love with so far."

Upon hearing Leng Su's words, Cheng Fei's entire soul floated...

Han Shuo did not give up and said again: "I have learned about his situation, and his attending doctor has basically determined it. Unless a miracle occurs, he will only be a vegetative state for the rest of his life."

When he heard Han Shuo's words, Cheng Fei opened his mouth to refute.

However, when his words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out.

Although he knew he was still alive, with his current appearance, he didn't know when he would wake up...

If he never wakes up, or wakes up decades later, what will happen to his little Susu?

At this moment, Cheng Fei was conflicted in his heart.

He likes Lengsu, and he loves Lengsu, which is absolutely unadulterated.

However, he is very aware of his current situation. If he never wakes up, he will not be able to protect Leng Su.

But if he was asked to watch Leng Su being with someone else, getting married and having children, Cheng Fei said he couldn't even do it! ! !

He likes her, he loves her, and he wants to occupy her alone.

He is a selfish person. He is not dead yet. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, he will never allow Leng Su to become someone else's!

For a moment, the two men, Cheng Fei and Han Shuo, couldn't help but stare at Leng Su with nervous and apprehensive expressions on their faces.

Hearing this, the smile on Leng Su's face did not change and was still light.

She looked at Han Shuo seriously and said, "I love him, so no matter whether he is in a vegetative state or not, and whether he will wake up in this life or not, I can't help but love him."

"When I left five years ago, I thought I could forget him. But... five years later, he has not disappeared from my mind, but has become more and more profound."

Hearing this, Cheng Fei stood aside, smiling with pride and happiness on his face.

"Little Susu, I knew you still love Xiao Feifei and me."

On Han Shuo's side, looking at the happy smile on Leng Su's face and the affectionate look on her face, he felt his heart throb...

"Can you really forgive him for his betrayal back then?" Han Shuo asked again.

Upon hearing what Han Shuo said, Cheng Fei was stunned.


"Since when did I betray little Susu???"

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