The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 881 The Nine-Life Cat Witch VS the Infatuated Prince (49)


The little mouth was blocked unexpectedly!

Long Qi's sudden request for a kiss made Leng Su unprepared, but rather than being strangled to death by Long Qi, Leng Su resolutely chose to kiss him.

But obviously, she ignored the most important point...

The day's plan begins in the morning!

Moreover, at this moment she is not a little kitten, but a naked little woman!

Soon, Leng Su realized something was wrong.

As promised, dear, why is this development getting more and more wrong?

Wait, by the way, why did I turn into a human and wear no clothes?

Hey hey, Long Qi, when did you take off all your clothes?

Wait, why are you pressing me down all of a sudden?

Faced with Leng Su's struggle and resistance, Long Qi unanimously chose to ignore it.

However, in the end, they failed to break through the last layer of defense.

But everything that should be kissed and touched had to be kissed and touched.

Seeing someone's satisfied look, Leng Su glared at someone angrily while tightening the brocade quilt around him to cover his body.

When Leng Su looked at him like this, Long Qi felt his whole body tremble, and a wave of enthusiasm surged toward somewhere below.


Long Qi sighed and reached out to cover Leng Su's seductive blue eyes.

"Susu, don't look at me like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it!"

Although, his relationship with her has come naturally.

But, after all, his body has just turned thirteen...

Moreover, he had not yet made a betrothal, so he married her with ten miles of red makeup and eight carriages of sedan chairs.

Long Qi knew very well that this was the Tianlong Kingdom, and he was the emperor of the Tianlong Kingdom. If he wanted to marry Leng Su, some procedures were indispensable.

After all, those processes were not just formal and good-looking, but also represented his regard and respect for her.

Moreover, only if he tells the world and marries her in a glorious manner can everyone in the Tianlong Kingdom know how important she is to him!

The two of them were affectionate and kissed and hugged each other for a while before Long Qi got up and got dressed.

After telling the palace maids to bring some new clothes for Leng Su and putting them on for her, Long Qi took her directly to the general's mansion.

That afternoon, the news that General Duan had adopted an adopted daughter spread throughout the Tianlong Kingdom.

In the morning court the next day, Long Qi issued an imperial edict without saying a word, naming Leng Su, the righteous daughter of General Duan, as the Queen of the Tianlong Kingdom.

All the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty said: ...What a willful emperor! ! !

However, the shock of the officials had not dissipated, and Long Qi issued another imperial edict.

Abolish the harem system of the Tianlong Kingdom, and from now on only marry the queen. The emperor and the empress will be of the same mind, and they will be a couple for life!

Civil and military officials: ...My Majesty is so awesome! ! !

"Your Majesty, this is inappropriate!"

"Your Majesty, the harem is a royal ancestral system and cannot be abolished!"

"Your Majesty, the harem exists for the expansion of the royal family and must not be abolished!"

Faced with the dissuasion of these officials, Long Qi just glanced at them faintly and said, "How about I abdicate in favor of someone more worthy?"

The civil and military officials were startled and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "...Your Majesty, please calm down!"

Looking at the officials here, Long Qi didn't speak, just stared at them without saying a word.

Time passed bit by bit, and an hour flew by.

Among the kneeling officials, some of the older ones had begun to sweat and tremble all over.

Soon, several of the veterans had their eyes darkened and fell to the ground, their personnel unknown...

PS: Thank you [Purple Blue Solitary Spirit] little fairy for your reward and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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