The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 882 The Nine-Life Cat Witch VS the Infatuated Prince (End)

"I have made up my mind. If your beloved ministers have any different opinions, please resign and retire!"

After leaving such a light word, Long Qi left the entire Jinluan Palace full of civil and military personnel and left without looking back.

The officials who were left behind looked pale...

Since then, no official has protested against the abolition of the system of three thousand beauties in the harem.

Three months later, Long Qi successfully married Leng Su into the palace with ten miles of red makeup and eight carriages beating gongs and drums.

On their wedding night, they slept in each other's arms.

Three years later, Long Qi turned sixteen!

Faced with the constant complaints from officials, saying that the country cannot be succeeded without a successor, and Leng Su's various teasing, Long Qi finally broke through, and there was no need to endure it anymore!

After a night of madness, Long Qi finally completed his cultivation...

The next day, Leng Su rubbed his sore waist and angrily kicked someone next to him.

"Long Qi, you bastard!"

Hearing this, the man behind him smiled faintly, and hugged her harder into his arms, letting her body press tightly against him, feeling his morning enthusiasm.

"Well, I'm a bastard!" Long Qi said casually while rubbing the hot object against her.

Leng Su: "!!!"

"Rogue, pervert, shameless!" Leng Su pushed someone angrily, trying to keep him away from him.

"Well, I'm a gangster and a pervert!" Long Qi admitted very frankly.

Leng Su: ...Shameless! ! !

Looking at Leng Su's speechless and depressed face, Long Qi's eyes flashed, his big hand reached out, and he took someone into his arms.

"In order to live up to Su Su's praise for me, I have to do something to prove that I am a gangster, a pervert, and shameless!"

As he said that, Long Qi turned over and pressed on someone while Leng Su looked at him in shock.

Another fierce goblin fight...

The dragon bed kept swaying, and the voices of women and men kept coming...

"Long Qi, you bastard!!!"

"Whatever Susu says, I am." A certain man said shamelessly.

"Long Qi, I want to divorce my husband!!!" Leng Su growled feebly.

"..." Long Qi was silent for a moment, "It seems that I haven't worked hard enough for my husband, and I haven't fully satisfied Su Su!"

Immediately afterwards, the dragon bed swayed even more loudly, and the woman's resistance gradually became smaller and turned into a hoarse moan.

Leng Su: ...bastard, gangster, pervert, pervert! ! !

Faced with Leng Su's feeble chatter, Long Qi simply leaned over and blocked her pink and tender mouth, so that she could no longer say any words of disdain for him.

Outside the palace, the maids and eunuchs all blushed and looked left and right, wandering around.

In the palace, Long Qi was so obsessed with beauty that he immediately forgot about the morning meeting.

The next morning, facing the admonitions and disapproval of the officials, Long Qi frowned and said: "I am working hard for the future of Tianlong Kingdom!"

"Didn't your ministers say a few days ago that the country cannot be succeeded by no one?"

"I have been thinking hard these past few days, and I deeply feel that what you said is reasonable!"

"Therefore, in order to satisfy the wishes of my dear friends, I decided to waste three days in the morning and work hard for the future of our Tianlong Kingdom!"

"Okay, I still have important things to do, so I will leave the court first. In the past few days, I have thanked you for your hard work and your ability to share the burden for me."

With that said, Long Qi's figure disappeared in front of all the civil and military officials of the dynasty...

Baiguan:...! ! ! ! ! !


PS: [I owe you 2 chapters. I don’t know what to write in the new dimension. I don’t have any inspiration or thoughts. Now my mind is full of mush... In addition, I owe you a total of four chapters before. I will make up for you in a few days. Fairies first. good night】

PS: [Daily request for votes] This plane has come to a successful end. The next plane is a new plane with a new story. I have no inspiration yet and don’t know what to write... ahem! ! !

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