The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 902 Re-entering the world of magic sticks (35)

"Senior? Senior?"

Seeing He Tiantian sitting silently, Su Wenbo felt a little worried.

He shouted repeatedly, trying to wake up the distracted senior expert.

"...can be cured!"

He Tiantian was awakened by the voice of the naughty boy Su Wenbo. She curled her lips and said two words lightly.

"Really? Can you really make my little uncle recover as before?"

While Su Wenbo was excited, he didn't forget to use his brain——

Just curing my junior uncle is nothing, I want to bring my junior uncle back to his former peak.

Su Wenbo didn't want his junior uncle to recover from his illness but suffer sequelae or simply have his cultivation destroyed.

He can emphasize the pronunciation of the four words "recover as before".

Who is He Tiantian? Why can't he hear the hidden meaning of Su Wenbo's words?


He Tiantian raised her chin slightly, proud and reserved, "When I say it can be cured, I want to cure the person. If it can't be restored to its original state, I won't boast about it!"

"That's great! That's great! Junior uncle, you are saved!"

Su Wenbo was so happy that he almost danced.

After he was excited, he suddenly thought of something, fell to his knees with a thud, and begged He Tiantian: "Senior, please save my little uncle! Please!"

After saying that, he knocked his head heavily on the ground, making a muffled sound.

He Tiantian: ...This kid is so honest. He was absolutely like "Seriously, you, what are you doing to your junior uncle?"

Complaints are complaints, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo both lamented the same: Su Wenbo, this kid, really has a pure heart!

If he cares, he will be confused.

"Okay, get up! Junior Sister will definitely save me!"

Xuan Mo's expression was cold, only a soft light flashed in his eyes.


I know that the senior is a real expert and will definitely be able to cure the little uncle! "

Su Wenbo got up from the ground and stood behind Xuan Mo again.

He laughed twice and looked even more stupid.

However, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo didn't care.

Xuan Mo looked at He Tiantian intently, "Little Senior Sister, everything will be subject to your arrangements. Xuan Mo will fully cooperate!"

This is his statement again.

Not only did she cooperate with the treatment, but she also cooperated with her to teach her the Wuji Jue!


He Tiantian pondered for a moment, then she hesitated.

Originally, in He Tiantian's plan, after seeing her junior uncle, she would immediately use her spiritual power to pull out the corpse poison from his soul.

Her cultivation level is much higher than that of her junior uncle, and she can easily do it even if she doesn't have fairy doctor skills.

However, He Tiantian couldn't help but think of the original plot and the situation in the previous world.

Heaven favors the male protagonist Ge Fuli, and in order to let him rise to the top, he would not hesitate to kill his junior uncle.

The little master uncle was not dead, and why was there such a bug-level existence as Tiantian? Tiandao simply reopened the ascension passage and directly let the little master uncle leave this supernatural world.

This time, He Tiantian still wants to save his little uncle, so he must be careful not to let God send him to other worlds again.

If there hadn't been the "negotiation" with the junior uncle just now, He Tiantian might have completed this task directly.

However, the junior uncle himself took the initiative to mention the "conditions" and agreed to pass Wuji Jue to He Tiantian, so He Tiantian could not "quickly decide".

She is wearing it, and according to the "system loophole" she guessed, in this small world, all the skills she learned can become her own "permanent cheats".

Wuji Jue, the first step of the god-level technique she obtained.

Although Guiyuan Jue is not bad, He Tiantian has long been accustomed to practicing Wuji Jue.

But if He Tiantian wants to completely own it, there are only two ways -

First, buy it in Diianniang Mall;

Second, "real body" learning.

It costs points to purchase something.

It’s not that He Tiantian can’t afford it, but——

Now that there is an opportunity to "use the skills", He Tiantian feels that she can take advantage of it.

Therefore, in this life, she does not want to leave prematurely.

Heaven wants the male protagonist and female protagonist to become the first couple of Xuanmen. If the young master uncle is in charge, he will be promoted.

Why is it so sweet?

There should be no exception.

In the past few years, He Tiantian has been living in the mountains.

After coming out of the mountain, he was not too ostentatious, nor did he make a name for himself in Xuanmen.

She also deliberately suppressed her own cultivation.

Her identity is a mystery and she cannot pose a threat to the male and female protagonists yet.

Even so, He Tiantian vaguely felt the rejection of herself by this small world.

Her cultivation level is so high that she is the highest level in this world.

Sooner or later, she will become a stumbling block on the heroine's road to Taoism.

Moreover, if you want to save Xuan Mo, you can't continue to suppress your cultivation, but you must go all out.

In this case, He Tiantian may attract the attention of the world consciousness.

Once the world consciousness discovers this bug of its own, it will definitely find a way to fix it.


Even if she wants to leave, she still has to wait until she learns the Wuji Jue!

He Tiantian made a decision in her heart, so she pretended to be cautious and said, "Uncle Master, the corpse poison you were infected with is very overbearing and has already penetrated into your soul."

He Tiantian was not exaggerating when she said this.

Therefore, Xuan Mo, who also knew his condition very well, couldn't help but nodded.

Yes, his condition is indeed critical.

He was already prepared to die.

Nowadays, some people say that it can be cured, but my junior uncle will not naively believe that——

With just one move, the little aunt can cure him!

Too fantasy!

It's so unreal.

In fact, when he heard He Tiantian say, "I can cure your disease," the junior uncle was already prepared for a long-term struggle.

It would be great if he could be restored to his original state within a certain time.

If it takes ten or twenty years, my junior uncle can accept it!

Alas, as the saying goes, as long as he can survive and there is hope of recovery, no matter how long it takes, the young master uncle is willing to try.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?"

Xuan Mo could understand it, but Su Wenbo couldn't accept it.

Didn't he say it could be cured? He looked extremely confident, so why did he--

Xuan Mo raised his hand to stop what Su Wenbo was going to say next, "Wenbo, don't be rude!"

Su Wenbo was full of anxiety, but he listened to his junior uncle's words the most.

He pursed his lips and finally endured it.

Seeing this, Xuan Mo showed an apologetic smile to He Tiantian, "I'm sorry, little senior sister-in-law, my junior is rude!"

"It doesn't matter! He cares about you too!"

He Tiantian didn't take it seriously and continued to say to Xuan Mo: "What I mean is that your disease cannot be cured overnight!"

"If my junior uncle doesn't mind, you can stay with me at Guiyuan Temple, etc. -"

He Tiantian glanced at He Qingfeng, seemed to suddenly think of something, and said slowly: "Forget it, Guiyuan Temple is no longer quiet. If you want to rest, you need to find a more secure place!"


This place flashed in He Tiantian's mind, and she smiled and said to Xuan Mo, "I used to practice in a deep mountain -"

Before He Tiantian could finish what he said, Xuan Mo took over, "Okay, if you don't mind me disturbing you, I will go to that place with you!"

His body really needs to rest.

In addition, Xuan Mo did not forget to teach the young master Wuji Jue.

Xuan Mo said that he would cooperate fully and he would not break his promise.

"Okay! Then let's go to Wuyunling together."

He Tiandian nodded and made a decision happily.

He Qingfeng \u0026 Su Wenbo:...

What happened? My little aunt (young aunt) was really kidnapped? !

"Little Sister, you, you really want to return to Wuyunling? What about Guiyuan Temple? We can't do without you!"

He Qingfeng and Su Min couldn't bear to part with each other.

They had just received guidance from their little aunt, and Guiyuan Temple had begun to improve.

Everything is going in the best direction.

They thought that they would always stay with their little sister-in-law and continue to receive her teachings.

Why did it suddenly—just—

"I originally just came back for a visit, and never thought of staying in the Taoist temple forever!"

He Tiantian didn't lie.

Her original plan was to find a way to get her junior uncle to come to her home, and then remove his corpse poison in one fell swoop.

She showed all her strength and stood at the pinnacle of Xuanmen cultivation with her junior uncle.

In this way, even if He Tiantian doesn't leave, her consciousness will send her and her junior uncle away together.

This time will not drag on too long, only one or two years at most.

The difference now is that it has changed from "being ascended" to being actively hidden.

She never thought about staying with He Qingfeng and his wife.

As for the concept of Guiyuan——

"The Taoist temple has been passed down to you, so you should protect it well. You have learned the techniques of Guiyuan Temple on the left and right, and you will definitely be able to restore the glory of your ancestors to Guiyuan Temple in the future!"

He Tiantian was very relieved about He Qingfeng and his wife. After leaving them a few spirit-gathering pills that she had refined, she and her junior uncle quietly left...


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