The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 903 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (36)

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo walked down the mountain together under the reluctant eyes of their respective young nephews.


He Tiantian's cell phone vibrated slightly and sounded a message notification tone.

She took out her phone and clicked on the screen. It was a message from the v-letter friend "Bowen Guangji" she had just added——

"Senior, you must cure my little uncle, please.jpg."

Ding! Ding ding!

There are several more v-letter messages.

The senders are also "Bowen Guangji":

"Senior, why do you think you are in such a hurry to go down the mountain?"

"At least give my little uncle the first round of treatment. Although he refuses to say anything, I know that he has been trying his best to endure it!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It's all my fault. It's me who has caused trouble for our little uncle. Now I can't even see him being cured with my own eyes. Cry loudly.jpg!"

"...Senior, please, please pay close attention to the condition of my little uncle. If anything goes wrong, please help diagnose and treat him!"

He Tiantian looked like an old man on the subway looking at his phone.

Well, this Su Wenbo is still a talker.

Looking at this long list of messages, the key point is why this person is like those old people and likes to make voice calls at all times.

He Tiantian was still outside and it was difficult to play the voice, so she had to choose the "convert to text" mode.

There are long paragraphs of text, and occasionally there are a few typos and typos caused by unclear speech recognition, which just gives He Tiantian a headache.

He Tiantian knew that Su Wenbo was so verbose. In addition to worrying about his junior uncle, he was also reminding and urging He Tiantian——

Dear, you must take good care of my little uncle.

It would be best if he could be cured as soon as possible.

He Tiantian:......

If I had known this guy liked to harass people so much, I wouldn't have added his v letter.

He Tiantian only replied, "Don't worry, I'm still thinking about your junior uncle's Wuji Jue!"

Su Wenbo, who was left behind by his junior uncle's stern words, stayed alone in the guest room of Guiyuan Temple, staring at his cell phone.

What's the meaning?

"Still thinking about your little martial uncle's Wuji Jue"?

Look at the tone of his words, he has the same moral character as that profiteer and treacherous He Qingfeng!

Huh, you can't make a serious promise, you can't talk properly.

Su Wenbo was full of complaints. If his junior uncle was not still in the hands of others, he would have wanted to continue the voice bombing.

Reason reminded Su Wenbo not to be disrespectful to his seniors.

But he was feeling depressed, so he simply opened his favorites and bombarded He Tiantian with emoticons and pictures!

Begging, begging, kneeling down, worshiping... all kinds of expressions and pictures of various colors were harassing He Tiantian at the rate of one picture per second.

He Tiantian was definitely not one to swallow her anger. Su Wenbo had only sent a dozen messages when he suddenly realized that he had been blocked.

Su Wenbo: ...Damn, I have such a bad temper. I, I want to "remind" you every day.

He Tiantian was harassed by Xuan Mo's naughty nephew, and Xuan Mo, who was sitting next to He Tiantian, could not calm down.

Haha, we are all elders, who doesn’t have a nephew yet? !

"...Senior Xuanmo, my little sister-in-law has lived in the mountains and forests for a long time. She has only been down the mountain for half a year. She doesn't know much about the outside world. Please take good care of her!"

Xuan Mo:......

Look at this text, and then use the corner of your eye to scan He Tiantian, who is familiar with using his mobile phone.

Could this Guanzhu He have some misunderstanding about his little sister-in-law?

"Senior, our little sister-in-law is the most kind-hearted and has a good temper. But after all, she is used to practicing alone and is not very good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. If there is any rudeness, please forgive me!"

Xuan Mo turned his head again, just in time to see He Tiantian chatting with the aunt in the next seat with a cute look on her face.

They took a country bus, and there were local mountain people on the bus, as well as tourists from other places.

The aunt who chatted enthusiastically with He Tiantian was well-dressed and well-maintained. At first glance, she looked like the kind of quality old lady who would wander around and enjoy life after retirement.

When the aunt spoke, she also spoke in Mandarin, not the local dialect of Furong County.

When we met for the first time, we didn't have the blessing of "fellow countrymen". One of them looked eighteen or nineteen years old, and the other was sixty or seventy, but the young and the old chatted so happily.

He Tiantian is not a person who is "obsessed with cultivation and not good at communicating". He is clearly a proper social cow.

"Senior, although my little sister-in-law looks young and beautiful, she is actually the disciple my master took in years ago—"

Therefore, the little sister-in-law is not really a green and tender girl, but an old person who started at the age of 10!

Xuan Mo really couldn't bear it this time.

The other party's hint was so obvious that he almost sent a message directly to Xuan Mo: Dear, you and my little aunt are very different in age. Don't have any undue thoughts about my little aunt!

Xuan Mo clicked on the input field, and the classic nine-square grid input mode flashed on the phone screen.

Xuan Mo typed word by word, "What a coincidence, I also became a disciple of my master years ago!"

Therefore, he is not in his twenties as he appears on the surface.

He is the same age as Tianchao and is seventy-two years old this year.

Considering his age, he should be three years older than He Tiantian!

They are both seniors of Xuanmen, both are old fairies who have just started cultivating, but they are only three years apart in age. They are a perfect match made in heaven and earth!

Guiyuan Guan on the other end, looking at the reply to the v letter on the screen, He Qingfeng was a little confused.

"Wife! Wife! Come and see, what does this Xuan Mo mean?"

What is "what a coincidence"?

What a coincidence!

There is clearly a mean-spirited flavor between the words "he, he".

I really misjudged him. I thought he was really a highly respected and profound Taoist master.

Unexpectedly, he is no different from those brats down the mountain who hook up with little girls!

Su Min:......

Isn’t it because your hands are in debt and your mouth is in debt?

Why are you sending so many messages to harass people? !

It is estimated that even if that little junior uncle didn't have any interest in his junior aunt, he would still be stimulated to have a rebellious mentality by He Qingfeng's foul-mouthed and annoying appearance——

You kid is guarding me like a thief. I can't bear the name of a thief for nothing!

Make the lie come true, or make the ambiguity clear... let this brat be your real elder.

"Okay! Don't always harass people!"

Su Min suppressed the complaints in her heart and said angrily, "Don't forget, I am the number one person in Xuanmen and the deputy director of Extraordinary Affairs!"

A true master of black and white, a true Taoist master.

In the past, the couple could not even touch the corners of Xuan Mo's clothes.

Now, for the sake of my little sister-in-law, people say a few polite words to these newbies in Xuanmen, and my husband is really in a state of disbelief.

Do you still think Xuan Mo is an ordinary brat? !

Alas, it meant that my life was good. My little aunt taught me the real skills and I had the ability to protect myself.

Otherwise, I don’t know how he will die in the future.

"Hmph, so what if you are the first person? Now you still have to beg me, Junior Sister-in-law?"

He Qingfeng raised his chin proudly, he had enough confidence.

"No, I have to remind him again that when he sees a doctor, he sees a doctor, and when he teaches exercises, he teaches exercises. Never -"

He Qingfeng was typing while talking.

After struggling for a few minutes, I came up with a large paragraph of text, but in the end, I couldn't send it.

Seeing the bright red exclamation mark, He Qingfeng's eyes widened: "Damn! I've actually been blocked!"

Xuan Mo quickly pulled He Qingfeng into the blacklist, and when he raised his head, he still looked like a banished immortal who was calm, cool and dignified.

He Tiantian seemed to be having a very happy chat with her aunt. She turned her head with great interest and said to Xuan Mo, "Uncle Junior, this aunt said that there is a Demon Suppressing Temple in Gejia Village. Although it is not very famous, it is Very effective!”

"Especially when other temples provide services for enshrining spiritual tablets..."

When He Tiantian spoke, it seemed as if he didn't remind anything intentionally.

However, the keen Xuan Mo still heard the "key point" between the lines of He Tiantian's words.

He deliberately showed a curious expression, "Oh? There is such a temple?"

"That's right! It is said that even many locals don't know it, but the temple is really powerful, and the abbot and other eminent monks are even more advanced in cultivation. They can also understand Yin and Yang, as well as ghosts and gods!"

He Tiantian has the innocence and curiosity of a young girl, and her words are full of yearning for this mysterious temple.

"...This is feudal superstition!"

He Tiantian is good at acting, and Xuan Mo is no less generous.

He frowned slightly and said "reject feudal superstition", but his eyes shone with curiosity and excitement.

His expression is very precise, showing both the righteousness and righteousness of the nine-year-old in the new era, and the desire of young people for new things that are mysterious and fantasy-like.

This kind of contradiction, in the eyes of the aunt in the next seat, is the insincerity of the young man's words.

"What feudal superstition! Young man, don't dare to talk nonsense!"

"You don't have to believe in ghosts and gods, but you can't blaspheme!"

"Oh, I didn't tell you that the Demon-Suppressing Temple is really powerful."

"...I have a neighbor whose only daughter died in a car accident. The couple cried like they were crying."

"I ended up going to the Demon-Suppressing Temple and offered a spiritual tablet to my daughter. Guess what?"

"The old couple seemed to have come to life again. They sold their house and moved near the temple. They also said that their daughter would "come back" soon!"

When the aunt talked about this strange incident of an acquaintance, she foamed at the mouth and danced with joy.

That eager look was actually a bit crazy.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo saw all this and were on guard, but neither showed any signs of it.

They still looked like they were refusing and curious, and they would chime in with one or two words from time to time——

"Huh? Really?"

"No way. Is there really such a thing?"

Finally, He Tiantian had a look of curiosity mixed with a little fear, like those timid girls who like to watch horror movies.

She asked in a low voice, "Auntie, what's "coming back"? Is it her ghost?"

When the word "ghost" was mentioned, He Tiantian couldn't help but look around, her voice trembling.

"No! It's not a ghost! It's a rebirth! Although the old couple are old this year, they are not too old, and they can still have another child!"

Auntie likes He Tiantian's reaction the most. Well, this is the correct way to listen to supernatural stories.

When the "audience" is so involved, the storyteller will have a sense of accomplishment.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo looked at each other, and the two exchanged silent glances.

"...Auntie, you mean that she, oh, the only daughter who died, can be reincarnated into her mother's belly?"

He Tiantian covered her mouth with a look of disbelief.

She lowered her voice and spoke with excitement and fear.

Auntie nodded pretending to be mysterious, "Yes, that's it! It's awesome!"

When she said the last three words, the aunt looked proud.

It seemed that the master who could make the dead souls reincarnate into their mother's wombs and reincarnate as human beings was not the master of the Demon-Suppressing Temple, but herself.


This time, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo nodded in unison.

Of course it's amazing. To be able to do such a thing, your cultivation level must be at least above the prefecture level.

He is a well-known boss in Xuanmen.

However, Xuanmo came from a famous family and contributed to the establishment of the emergency office.

Not only does he have many connections among the people, but he also has a considerable official network.

He can't say that he knows all the warlocks in the world, but he also knows some worthy people.

Even if his personal ability is limited, he still has records from relevant departments.

For example, Guiyuan Guan.

It is indeed in decline now, but the shadow of Guiyuan Guan can still be found vaguely in the letters and notes of the ancestors of some sects or families.

However, he had never heard of the Demon-Suppressing Temple.

Just now, Xuan Mo secretly logged into the Extraordinary Forum with his mobile phone and conducted a search.

There is still no record of the Demon-Suppressing Temple.

In other words, this temple is either too hidden, or it is just pretentious and deceptive.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo are more inclined to the latter.

Because the real Xuanmen basically won’t attract ordinary people too much.

Even if he is not like He Tiantian's somewhat peculiar style, he will not preach about ghosts and reincarnation to ordinary people.

On the other hand, the Demon-Suppressing Temple is specifically targeting the general public.

Even if he is not a professional liar, he still has other motives.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo looked at each other again and saw the answer in each other's pupils.

He Tiantian:...are you going?

Xuan Mo:...Go!

He is the deputy director of the Extraordinary Affairs Office, and it is his duty to protect Xuanmen and this world.

Although he was seriously injured, Xuan Mo didn't worry too much because he had an expert who could heal him.

Now that you have encountered a temple with problems, you might as well go and have a look in person.

If it was just a matter of simply defrauding some money, and the amount was not large, Xuan Mo would leave the matter to Yaoyaoling.

But if there is really any conspiracy, Xuan Mo will have to exercise his duties as deputy director of the Emergency Office.

"I still don't quite believe it. What age is this? Why is there still such a mysterious thing?"

Xuan Mo continues to play the role of a stubborn young man with a tough mouth.

"Oh, just go and have a look! Whether it is right or not, you will know with your own eyes!"

He Tiantian interprets an innocent and curious young girl, with a silly face and a smile on her face.

"Just go! I still don't believe it. There are really ghosts in this world!"

Xuan Mo and He Tiantian have a perfect understanding of each other. It's obviously their first time acting together, but they seem so natural...


Thank you Xixians for your support, thank you all! ?(^?^*)

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