The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 904 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (37)

"Yes! Yes! Just go and see it!"

Seeing the curiosity of this "little couple", the aunt quickly agreed with a smile.

She thought that as long as she saw the magic of Zhenmo Temple with her own eyes, she would definitely become a believer of Zhenmo Temple.

Just like her, she was completely convinced of this temple after experiencing it herself.

This time she came to prepare to enshrine her parents, husband and other relatives in the temple.

Spending some money every year can help the souls of the dead to be saved, and it can also bless them to live a good life in the underworld and give them a good pregnancy in the next life!

In addition, the aunt also like to learn from her neighbors, sold her house and bought a farmhouse at the foot of the temple.

In this way, you can not only protect the spiritual status of your loved ones, but also practice with the masters.

If she's lucky, maybe she can even start practicing.

I don’t dare think about immortality, but if I live a few more decades, I can still work hard, right?

The last time she came to Zhenmo Temple, Auntie discovered that in the several villages surrounding the temple, there were long-lived old people in each village.

The eldest one is said to be healthy.

His eyesight is not blurred, his ears are not deafened, and his head is full of white hair, but even black hair roots have sprouted out.

Completely rejuvenated!

Because they believed deeply in the Zhenmo Temple, they even enshrined the souls of their deceased relatives in the temple.

Not only can they be protected by the spirits of their deceased relatives, but they can also be illuminated by the Buddha's light from the Zhenmo Temple every day. Only then can they be free from illness and disaster, and live a long life.

Fortunately, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo heard Auntie's voice, otherwise they would have turned into question marks instantly——



When you enshrine the soul tablets of the dead in temples, do you want to save the souls of the dead, or do you want the souls of the dead to protect you in turn? !

Isn't this inconsistent, or is he too greedy and wants everything? !

"Okay! If it's convenient,

We will go with you, Auntie! "

He Tiantian smiled with crooked eyebrows and her voice was extremely sweet.

Xuan Mo still put on a contradictory look of "I want to go but can't admit that I am superstitious."

The two dare not say that their acting skills are amazing, but they are absolutely natural.

The aunt in the next seat didn't notice anything unusual, but nodded happily, "Convenient! It must be convenient!"

The fact that two Amway believers passed by was also a part of her merit.

When the host is happy, he may recite sutras to her more, or give her some benefits or something.

The bus got off the provincial highway and began to turn onto the asphalt road in the countryside.

The road, which is not too wide, is lined with large areas of farmland and rolling mountains.

This is still the Nanshan Mountains, but it is some distance away from Guiyuan Temple.

It is separated from Wuyunling by two county towns.

After driving on the asphalt road for more than ten minutes, the bus began to enter the village.

After passing through two villages, the bus terminal arrived.

"Xiao He, we're here, get off the car!"

Since they decided to go together, the three people introduced themselves.

Auntie calls He Tiantian and Xiao He affectionately, while He Tiantian politely calls her "Aunt Liu".

"Okay, Aunt Liu!"

He Tiantian responded obediently, and followed Aunt Liu with Xuan Mo.

The three of them got out of the car and found that this was a small mountain village.

The village is not big and is built halfway up the mountain.

There is a reason why the bus considers this place as its final stop——

The entrance to the small mountain village is still an asphalt road, but when you enter the village, it is a dirt road.

It is full of potholes and narrow, making it unsuitable for large vehicles to pass through.

However, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo soon discovered a problem.

[Something's wrong, there's something weird in this village! 】

[Even if the roads in the village are inconvenient for cars to drive on, there should still be tricycles or motorcycles. 】

【Yes! It’s already 2021, and this isn’t a remote mountainous area. How come there aren’t even electric cars or motorcycles? 】

[Also in the village, there are some old people and children left behind. They seem to be quite popular, but they always give people a lifeless feeling! 】

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo communicated silently with their eyes.

The two of them said something to each other, and soon they told each other about all the abnormalities in the village.

[I have opened my heavenly eyes, let me try? 】

He Tiantian silently pointed to the center of her eyebrows, and then in turn pointed to the small village in front of her.

【Um! 】

Xuan Mo nodded.

In fact, he can also open his eyes.

Naihe was seriously injured now. Although he had the magic talisman given by his junior aunt, he temporarily suppressed the rolling corpse poison.

However, he cannot easily use his spiritual power yet.

Otherwise, if you don't do it right, the corpse poison will wreak havoc again.

Xuan Mo didn't want to take risks unless necessary.

Anyway, there is a more powerful little sister-in-law, so it would be good for him to follow behind and be a cheerleader.

He Tiantian gathered her spiritual power, stretched out the index finger and middle finger of her right hand, and lightly touched it in front of her eyes.


The eyes of heaven are open!

The world in front of him instantly became distorted and transformed into something else——

It is still a small mountain village, but there are no old people who are leisurely or enjoying themselves, and there are no children running around, laughing and playing.

Some are just empty streets, dilapidated houses, and large and small non-human energy groups.

Among the many air masses floating around, there were still one or two vaguely alive people.

However, even if they are living people, their vitality is being swallowed up bit by bit.

Some have turned into half-human, half-ghost monsters!

They didn't notice anything strange around them, and were still immersed in a "dream".

He Tiantian frowned and her heart sank.

She followed a path in the middle of the small mountain village and slowly raised her gaze and looked further away.

Soon, a temple that looked ordinary on the outside but filled with black energy jumped into He Tiantian's eyes.

This, should be the so-called Demon-Suppressing Temple!

What a demon-suppressing temple!

It's called "Suppressing Demons", but this dark yin and demonic energy is almost turning into reality.

He Tiantian believed it if he said it was a hellish cave!

The final black air surrounded the small temple, baring its teeth and claws, and the evil spirit was overwhelming.

He Tiantian wanted to continue exploring, but Aunt Liu was already greeting her warmly, "Oh, little girl, why are you so dazed? Hurry up and leave!"

"It's almost ten o'clock now. We must arrive at the Demon-Suppressing Temple before noon."

"In this case, we can still eat in the temple. Let me tell you, even though Zhenmo Temple is not big and not famous, their vegetarian food is very good!"

"I came here to eat once last time, and I always remembered it..."

Aunt Liu said nonchalantly.

He Tiantian looked away and turned to look at Aunt Liu.

Because he opened his eyes, He Tiantian discovered that Aunt Liu's body was actually entangled with strands of black energy.

This is not a ghost, nor is it a sinister aura, it is more like a demonic aura!

Otherwise, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo would be able to detect this even if they didn't open their eyes and just use their spiritual sense to detect.

Of course, this does not mean that He Tiantian and the others did not notice something unusual about Aunt Liu.

In fact, there were more than a dozen passengers in the entire bus.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo were the last people to get on the bus, and there were other empty seats in the car.

However, the two of them went straight to the seat in front of Aunt Liu.

He Tiantian even took the initiative to strike up a conversation, and a few words aroused Aunt Liu's interest in gossip.

... All this happened because the two of them locked onto Aunt Liu when they were at the station, and then took this bus that was not consistent with their destination.

"Okay! Let Aunt Liu say this, I'm already hungry!"

He Tiantian restrained herself and smiled heartlessly.

She also took out her mobile phone and took pictures around her.

"Oh, you young people never leave your cell phones!"

"If you really want to take pictures, don't do it here. There's nothing to take pictures of in a small mountain village. You'd better go up the mountain and take pictures in the temple..."

Aunt Liu enthusiastically took He Tiantian's wrist and walked quickly towards the Demon-Suppressing Temple.

He Tiantian agreed and clicked a few times on the phone screen.


Xuan Mo's cell phone buzzed with a new message from V letter.

Xuan Mo took out his phone and clicked on the screen. A strange sign instantly came into view.

There are no people, no vitality, only dilapidated and deserted small mountain villages, and groups of vague shadows.

Xuan Mo knew that this was a photo taken by He Tiantian using the Xuanmen mobile phone specially developed by the Extraordinary Office.

It can break the phantom of the formation, restore the real scene, and capture some non-human energy groups.

Xuan Mo took a steady look at the photo, and then sent a message and location to the special group.

After doing all this, he put his phone back in his trouser pocket and walked slowly into the small mountain village.

A black air that was so thick that it was almost impossible to dissolve, like a curtain, slowly pulled up behind Xuan Mo, completely submerging the tall and handsome back...

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