The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter Nine hundred and fourteenth storm

"Okay! Then try!"

Seeing He Tiantian's confident look, Chen Lin couldn't help curling her lips.

In fact, when Cheng Yiming recommended He Tiantian to her, she searched for He Tiantian's related videos on the Internet.

In addition to "Breaking Dawn" and related tidbits and trailers, she also found a video of He Tiantian participating in the opening ceremony of the school sports meeting when she was in high school.

Inferior pictures, but recorded the most exciting scene——

A group of middle school students who were knights in COS Jin Juxia's novel, suddenly a girl jumped up from the crowd.

The whole person stands in mid-air, the golden rooster is independent, and the bow is held in both hands.

That leap, that heroic posture, is simply a heroine who came out of a martial arts novel.

Just this scene, Chen Lin's heart was moved——

is her!

That's her!

The young female general Dugu Danxia has been found!

In Chen Lin's mind, she even began to replace the scene of Dugu Danxia fighting on the battlefield in the script with He Tiantian's appearance.

There is no violation, it is perfect.

After that, she watched all the videos of He Tiantian edited by He Tiantian's fans in Breaking Dawn.

Chen Lin discovered that although this little girl was young, her acting skills were very good.

Chen Lin knows Cheng Yiming very well, this is a person with real acting skills, but his performance is not stable.

But in "Breaking Dawn", several important characters are showing off their acting skills.

Especially a few old actors, whether it is the station master of the military command or the ghost general, they are insidious, cunning, cruel and cruel, and the old actors' performances are so penetrating that it makes one's scalp tingle.

Cheng Yiming not only was not suppressed, but was evenly matched with the old actors.

And He Tiantian, among all the men, is not inferior at all.

She is only eighteen years old, and "Breaking Dawn" is only her debut work!

He Tiantian has such an amazing performance,

It shows his high acting skills.

Chen Lin had secretly decided on He Tiantian, but, just to be on the safe side, she still called Feng Jing.

In the entertainment industry, for actors, sometimes acting skills are not the most important thing.

Especially at a time when stars are overturning their cars and their houses are collapsing, directors and investors pay more attention to issues such as character and ethics.

What's the use of acting well, if there is any scandal, it will directly implicate the entire crew.

Chen Lin has a work with an investment of tens of millions, which took two or three years to complete. But because the hero stepped on the red line, the whole movie was removed from the shelves.

Not only did the investor lose everything, but Chen Lin was also very frustrated.

Too wronged, too unlucky, too fucking disgusting!

Therefore, this time "The King's Landing", Chen Lin will not only pay attention to the acting skills of the actors, but also investigate more aspects.

In terms of contracts, several major breaches of contract were emphasized.

Of course, none of these can be foolproof. If you want to prevent problems, you still need to do a good job of investigation in advance.

The male lead, Cheng Yiming, definitely has no problem.

In the eyes of netizens, Cheng Yiming may be a greasy and out-of-date male star with fluctuating acting skills.

But in the circle, word of mouth is very good.

This person lives very transparently, and is able to grasp the big issues of right and wrong.

And this time Cheng Yiming is also an investor, and he will perform well for his own money.

The heroine chose Jiang Li, a veteran Tsing Yi, whose appearance and acting skills are above average.

The key is that he basically has no black material, and he is still a famous model worker in Hengdian.

In addition to filming, filming is filming. There are 365 days a year, and 360 days are spent on the set.

I seldom participate in variety shows, and seldom have scandals.

Even if it is requested by the crew or the film studio, she rarely forms a CP with others.

It can be regarded as a clean stream in the entertainment industry, and it is also a good seed discovered by Chen Lin.

The relationship between the two has always been very good, and Chen Lin also believes in Jiang Li's character.

The male lead and the female lead are chosen, but supporting roles such as second male and second female need to be screened.

Cheng Yiming recommended He Tiantian to play the second female role, and the management also filled in a few traffic niches to compete for the male second and male third roles.

Chen Lin: ...

Although he didn't want the management to interfere too much in his casting, he had to bow his head under the roof.

To take other people's money, you must meet certain requirements.

Yes, a "certain" requirement.

Chen Lin will not indulge the management unprincipled.

She has a few demands, and she will never give in——

First, the employer can recommend actors, but they must go through a unified audition;

Second, the employer or certain actors cannot intervene in the script and filming.

Chen Lin would never allow her script to have that kind of situation where an actor brings a screenwriter into the set!

What a joke, even the screenwriter can bring his own, you guys might as well bring in a director.

Of course, requirements are requirements, but in reality, we often have to give in a little bit.

However, for the role of the second female lead, Chen Lin still decided on He Tiantian.

"Bring her a sword, you don't need too many moves, just hold a sword flower."

Chen Lin turned her head and said to the deputy beside her.

The deputy agreed and signaled the staff to do it.

Not long after, a shiny silver prop sword was handed to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian looked it over, and corrected in his heart: This is not a sword, but a horizontal knife from the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The props team is very careful, and this horizontal knife is quite restored.


He Tiantian thanked him, and took the Hengdao over.

She weighed it lightly, the knife and the scabbard were quite heavy.

After estimating the weight, He Tiantian began to turn her wrist.

She also didn't deliberately show off her skills, or make too much movement.

Just by turning his wrist so casually, the horizontal knife was played in a variety of ways.

Chen Lin and the other main creators all stared wide-eyed.

It's not that they haven't seen martial arts, and it's not that they haven't seen actors who can hold swords and flowers.

It is said that more than ten years ago, Wia was not so popular, and when actors still had to undergo related martial arts training, it was relatively common to hold swords and flowers, and cross-legged horses in the air.

Unlike now, flying around at every turn, relying on the wire to turn around is a martial arts master.

Holding the sword and chopping wildly, until the end, he couldn't even insert the sword into the sheath correctly, and he passed the test by stepping on the horse.

Alas, an old-school director like Chen Lin can't understand these things very much.

Although she is a female director who shoots historical dramas and costume dramas, she is also very particular about martial arts.

Finally seeing this kind of relaxed and flowing sword flower again, Chen Lin took a fancy to He Tiantian even more.

He Tiantian continued to turn her wrist, and at this time the horizontal knife had been turned from her right hand to her left.

The movement was so smooth, I only thought of Chen Lin and the others and secretly said yes.


He Tiantian actually pulled out the horizontal knife, holding the knife in one hand and the scabbard in the other, and made a few slashing movements.

Then, she threw the horizontal knife casually, without looking at it, the horizontal knife drew an arc in mid-air, and inserted it into the scabbard precisely.


Chen Lin and the others couldn't hold back, and gave a loud cheer.

Especially the original author and screenwriter sitting on the side, his eyes were burning.

She couldn't help muttering, "That's right! That's it!"

"This is the Dugu Danxia in my mind. The tiger girl in the general gate, who stands on the horse with a sword, is heroic and brave, crowning the world!"

There is no need to watch any circuses, just look at his sharp knife skills, the screenwriter believes that He Tiantian will be able to perfectly interpret the young female general she portrayed.

Chen Lin pretended not to hear the scriptwriter's muttering, and there was no joy or anger on her face.

She suddenly asked, "Will you play ugly?"

He Tiantian instantly thought of the plot written in the script, among which there was a scene in which the second woman disguised herself as a man.

When a woman disguises herself as a man, and in someone else's crew, perhaps she only needs to wear a man's hair in a bun and put on a man's attire, and all the characters in the play will be able to make the eyes open and talk nonsense that they are men.

But not in Chen Lin's crew.

Chen Lin is very strict about the details, and she is also very principled——

When a woman disguises herself as a man, it is difficult to distinguish male and female;

Shooting war scenes is to be grand, intense, and bloody;

Actors should jump in muddy water, and if they should be tied up, they should be tied up.

Under Chen Lin's lens, it is absolutely not allowed to appear that kind of picture with beautiful makeup but insisting that he is a big man.

It will also not be allowed to say that he was kidnapped with a ribbon tied around his hands and feet and a small handkerchief in his mouth.

"Don't fool the audience for fools!"

This is Chen Lin's bottom line.

"Yes! As long as the filming needs, I can cooperate!"

He Tiantian answered crisply.

In the mission world, she has even been a real man.

Playing ugly or something is not worth mentioning.

And He Tiantian has read the script, even if the second female had disguised herself as a man, she is still a heroic young general.

Not some filthy beggar, or an unsightly ugly man.

More heroic at best, can't have any daughters too.

For He Tiantian, who had really been a man, this was not too easy.

When He Tiantian thought of a certain plot in the script, she straightened up suddenly, put her hands behind her back, and raised her chin slightly.

The delicate face became full of heroism, and a sense of determination and courage emerged from the bones.

"I am the Young Master of the Dugu Clan. Thinking that I, the Dugu Clan's three generations of great generals of the Zhu Kingdom, have been loyal and good for generations, how can I be bullied by such petty bastards like you?"

Her voice also became a little rough, not the roughness of a big man, but the indistinguishability of a young man.

Chen Lin: ...

Let me go, what kind of acting is this?

Without the assistance of Fu Hua Dao, relying entirely on eyes and temperament, "women disguised as men" were actually realized.

The main creators, seeing He Tiantian's appearance, couldn't help wondering: Could it be that this girl was originally a boy, without any sissyness, let alone using excessive force.

Everything is so natural!

After all, Chen Lin is a famous director, and her ability to control her emotions is still very strong.

Even though she had identified He Tiantian, she didn't express her opinion on the spot.

"Very good! We have already understood your situation, how about it, wait for my call!"

Don't talk to death, leave enough room for yourself to take the initiative.

Chen Lin has long been used to this way of doing things.


He Tiantian put away the performance and restored her original appearance.

She smiled sweetly, and thanked obediently: "Thank you director! Thank you everyone!"

After going out the door, Yuan Mei, who had been waiting for a long time, and a round-faced little girl greeted her.

This is the assistant He Tiantian hired just now, a real assistant, responsible for carrying bags, buying meals and other trivial matters in life.

The little girl is Zhou Zi, who just graduated this year.

Originally, she was recruited by Xue Siyuan for HE Technology Entertainment Company.

Hearing that He Tiantian was short of people, Tan Rou directly asked Xue Siyuan to transfer some people to He Tiantian.

Among several newcomers, He Tiantian chose Zhou Zi.

The little girl is twenty-three years old, from the capital, with a cheerful personality, but very careful in her work.

The key is to be tight-lipped. During college, people rarely talked about right and wrong.

Entering HE company as an intern is also a down-to-earth study, and he is a very reliable person.

As a result, Zhou Zi changed from the back office of the HE company to the personal assistant of the third- and fourth-tier star He Tiantian.

However, wages, benefits, etc. are still paid from the HE company.

There is no way, HE was originally He Tiantian's sole proprietorship company, and He Tiantian was supposed to serve alone!

Today is Zhou Zi's third day at work, and the little girl quickly entered the role.

Seeing He Tiantian coming out, she hurriedly handed over a thermos, "Tiantian, drink some water!"


He Tiantian took the thermos cup and took a sip.

Yuan Mei asked, "How is it? Did you pass?"

She didn't know much about the rules of the entertainment industry, and it was the second audition with He Tiantian.

Therefore, what she asked was a little amateurish.

He Tiantian smiled and said, "It's okay, but in the end it depends on the choice of the director and the management!"

Although He Tiantian is also new to the entertainment circle, she knows the way inside it too well.

Don't look at Chen Lin setting out the conditions with the management, with a very tough attitude.

However, the final result depends on the investor.

The rich is the uncle, no matter how good Chen Lin is, she has to weigh the pros and cons.

As long as the management doesn't go too far and make some concessions, Chen Lin still has to do it.

So, regardless of Chen Lin's satisfaction just now, if the management insists on Saiyan coming in, and the conditions of that resource guy are not too bad, Chen Lin will compromise.

Thinking of this, He Tiantian touched her chin——

In fact, I am also capital, right!

After all, we also started a company, and there are still a series of zero balances on the account.

How about calling Brother Yi Ming?

He Tiantian was thinking about it secretly, while Cheng Yiming on the other side was suffering from a headache.

"Xue Min, you are not someone outside the circle, everyone understands the rules, why are you so entangled?"

Cheng Yiming was really annoyed.

At the beginning, he filmed a TV series with Xue Min, and in order to promote it, he cooperated with the crew and fans to form a CP.

This CP is speculating and speculating, and the two of them are doing some fake dramas for real.

In fact, this is nothing at all. It is normal for unmarried men and women to fall in love together.

It's just that the two of them didn't reveal their relationship, they were just so ambiguous.

Later, Cheng Yiming met Zhang Xueqing, who was more beautiful, younger and more innocent, and the two also had a cooperative relationship.

Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing were a little ambiguous again.

This is the so-called "double snow" dispute.

However, Cheng Yiming has never made it clear who his lover is. Although he is always called a scumbag on the Internet, there is no real hammer.

Now that he has chosen Zhang Xueqing, the farce of "two women fighting for one husband" has just come to an end.

Cheng Yiming felt that he was wronged and gave Xue Min some compensation.

He felt that this was the end of the matter.

He is indeed a bit of a scumbag, and Xue Min is not a white lotus.

Last year, I also fired CP with the actor who was filming.

So, it's all about the same thing, so don't scold anyone.

But Cheng Yiming still felt that he was a man and should be more generous, so he introduced some resources to Xue Min.

Unexpectedly, this woman was so greedy that she even came to negotiate with him——

"Oh, brother Yiming, don't be so unfeeling, we have been in love for two or three years anyway!"

"...I'm not greedy either, so how about it, you give me the role of the second female lead in "The King's Landing", and we'll settle all grievances completely!"

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