
Cheng Yiming refused without thinking.

Apart from the fact that he had already recommended the role of Dugu Danxia to He Tiantian, and He Tiantian had already finished the audition, Director Chen almost had to make a final decision.

At this time, unless the management spends a lot of money, this role can be pried away.

Firstly, Cheng Yiming is not a wayward employer, and secondly, He Tiantian was originally introduced by himself.

If he makes such a fuss again, he will definitely offend people.

He Tiantian is no ordinary young actor, he also has He Technology Entertainment Company behind him.

And even director Feng Jing wanted to curry favor with his big backer by changing the script.

Furthermore, even if He Tiantian doesn't have a strong backer, her own ability is not bad.

She is young, beautiful, has acting skills, and has the qualifications of a Beijing university student. As long as she wants to, she will definitely be able to make a career in the entertainment industry.

Such a potential stock, it is too late to invest in advance, how can it be offended by the brainless? !

Cheng Yiming is not stupid, let alone crazy!

More importantly, Xue Min doesn't match the role of Dugu Danxia at all, okay?

Xue Min is already 31 years old this year, but Dugu Danxia in the script was only 16 years old when she appeared on the stage.

Of course, good actors are not limited by age.

As long as the acting skills are good, thirty or forty years old can still act as smart and cute as seventeen or eighteen.

But the problem is, Xue Min has no acting skills at all.

Many cases in the entertainment industry have revealed a truth:

Academic background ≠ good acting skills.

Xue Min was the most eager among them.

Think about when Xue Min met Cheng Yiming?

When filming a few years ago!

A few years ago, Cheng Yiming was still struggling in the quagmire of bad movies.

I can make bad movies with him,

The fact that he hasn't stepped on Cheng Yiming's footsteps to become famous shows how bad Cheng Min's acting skills are.

The key is that this person's acting skills are not to mention bad, but he also likes to play big names.

Say 123 when speaking lines, apply eye drops when acting in crying scenes, and use two or three substitutes at any time...

Many times, Cheng Yiming couldn't see it.

Cough cough, brother Yiming's acting skills fluctuate from time to time, but there is no problem with his character and professional ethics.

I only collaborated with Xue Min once, and that drama was really terrible.

Cheng Yiming secretly swore in his heart that he would never cooperate with Xue Min in filming again.

No acting skills, no professionalism, no good fortune, what is the point of cooperating with such a person?

Aren't they consuming a not-so-good reputation and word-of-mouth together?

Cheng Yiming is very optimistic about "The King's Landing" this time.

He took the initiative to invest because he was afraid that the crew would be troubled by funds and had to compromise with the management.

Now, other employers haven't stuffed some vases capriciously, but I help Xue Min, who wants everything and nothing, to grab the important role of the second female lead. Oh, I really think he is being taken advantage of.


Seeing Cheng Yiming's resoluteness and his tone of sarcasm, Xue Min couldn't even hold the phone.

It took a while for Xue Min to find her own voice, and said dissatisfiedly, "Brother Yiming, you wouldn't be so heartless. Let's at least—"

Before saying this, Xue Min turned on the recording function of the phone.

Although Cheng Yiming didn't know that Xue Min was secretly recording, but he has worked hard in the entertainment industry for nearly 20 years, and he is more careful and cautious than anyone else.

He wouldn't say a word if there was something left to talk about.

"Xue Min, we have filmed together, and cooperated with the crew to fire CP. In the past few years, because of a lot of bad news, it has been frequently discussed by netizens!"

Cheng Yiming took a deep breath, intentionally concealing the past ambiguity between the two, but slowly said what he wanted to present to the public——

"I thought, we are friends after all. Besides, you are a girl, and you are at a disadvantage when it comes to scandals!"

"Now that I'm getting married with Xueqing, I always feel a little sorry for you. It just so happens that there are a few opportunities for auditions, and you are quite suitable, so I recommend it to you!"

"However, this does not mean that I owe you and I will be threatened by you!"

At the end, Cheng Yiming's tone had cooled down.

The word "threat" seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth.

Xue Min's heart trembled, and she suddenly realized that she had made a bad move.

She shouldn't mistakenly think that the well-known nice guy in this circle is really a "good guy" just because Cheng Yiming compensated her.

Are you kidding me, Cheng Yiming is the fool that netizens ridicule for being able to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry such as Vanity Fair and big dye vats, and even turning himself into a capital?

Not to mention that Cheng Yiming himself is the capital, but he has worked hard in the entertainment industry for nearly two decades, and the connections and relationships he has are not something that Xue Min dares to offend easily.

"Oh, brother Yiming, I, I just said it casually, if you can't do it, you can't do it, don't be angry!"

Xue Min quickly eased her tone.

Cheng Yiming is not a cheating scumbag, and she, Xue Min, is not the original partner of Misery.

This is the food and drink men and women in the entertainment industry. When filming, they "came to love because of the drama".

First, there is no relationship, and second, there is no certificate.

There are no moral and legal fetters.

He is kind and willing to give her compensation, so she should take care of it.

Why do we still have to push forward and intensify?

Xue Min quickly realized her problem, and hurriedly pleaded with Cheng Yiming, "I was wrong, Brother Yiming, I know I was wrong."

"Then what, you are right, that role is not suitable for me. Hehe, forget it if it is not suitable. We will still be friends in the future, right?"

When it came to the end, Xue Min became cautious, even with some flattery.

Seeing that Xue Min is so knowledgeable, Cheng Yiming nodded in satisfaction, "Yes! We are still friends!"

They are all people in the same circle, and Cheng Yiming, who has always been a man, naturally won't talk to death.

It will not force people to a dead end.

At most, he knows that Xue Min is not smart enough, so stay away from her in the future.

Hearing Xue Min say some good things on the phone, Cheng Yiming responded a few words lightly, then hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone with the screen turned off, Cheng Yiming was stunned for a while, then turned on the screen again——

The role of Dugu Danxia must be finalized as soon as possible.

Even Xue Min wanted to come to join in the fun, tsk, it shows the appeal of director Chen Lin and the charm of the crew itself.

Cheng Yiming had a lot of trouble with the drama "The King's Landing", so he naturally hoped that it would be perfect.

He Tiantian is the most suitable actor to play Dugu Danxia, ​​and Cheng Yiming doesn't want to make any changes, so he should settle it as soon as possible, so as to save the management from making another mess.

Cheng Yiming swiped his phone, found Chen Lin's phone number, and dialed it directly.

"Hey, Director Chen, how are you doing? Are you done?"

Cheng Yiming didn't have too many pleasantries, and went straight to the point, "Is Dugu Danxia's role settled? Is He Tiantian's audition result okay?"

"...How about I invest more?"

Even if there is a relationship between the employer and the employer, it must be ensured that several important roles will not be affected.

"Haha! I definitely welcome your additional investment!"

"He Tiantian's performance is very good. The screenwriter watched her audition, and the inspiration exploded on the spot, and he went to retreat to change the script again!"

"Basically, it can be settled. I'll let my assistant notify He Tiantian to sign the contract!"

Chen Lin understood what Cheng Yiming meant, so she answered jokingly.

In fact, Cheng Yiming guessed right, there are indeed a few resourcemen who have taken a fancy to the role of Dugu Danxia.

There is no way, the plot setting is anti-routine, and the character setting is very brilliant.

The second female lead is not the love rival of the first female lead. Not only will she not seduce the male lead, but she also dislikes the male lead for not being strong enough, not perfect enough, and not worthy of her own good girlfriend!

In addition to the character design, the role of the second female lead is second only to the female lead.

After all, she is the heroine's little friend when she was a teenager, a good best friend in her youth, and a good helper after entering politics.

She has always been by the heroine's side, and her roles run through from the first episode to the last few episodes.

Add up, it is the sum of supporting roles such as the second male and the third female.

If you bring a screenwriter yourself, spend some money, add more drama, and become a heroine in a second!

Furthermore, director Chen Lin's signature is also very resounding.

Her last TV series "You Are the Same", the star hit the Internet again, and the d-valve score broke through 8.1.

All the male and female protagonists in the play have become popular, and several supporting roles have also gained a high degree of exposure.

The news that Chen Lin was going to make a new drama "The King's Landing" had already spread, and the entertainment industry began to stir.

An outdated actor wants to take this opportunity to become popular, and Xiao Mengxin, who has just debuted, wants to have a good start...

It doesn't matter, those who have already embraced golden thighs will naturally find ways to get better roles.

Facing the money thrown by the capital and the candidates they recommended, Chen Lin also hesitated.

After trying the audition, some candidates who were really unwatchable were eliminated, leaving three or five people.

There are men and women, and there are big and small backers.

Chen Lin began to measure, and found a few less important roles.

For such an important role as Dugu Danxia, ​​Chen Lin didn't want to give resources with mediocre acting skills.

So, when she received a call from Cheng Yiming, Chen Lin gave a clear answer.

"That's good! Haha, Director Chen, if you keep busy, I won't bother you!"

When Cheng Yiming got the answer he wanted, he laughed and hung up the phone.

He didn't call He Tiantian directly to announce the good news. It would be safer for Director Chen to notify him of such things.

As for things like "selling favors", you must let the other party know if you do it.

But we must pay attention to the method and method, too direct, it will be counterproductive.

On Chen Lin's side, just as she put down the phone and was about to ask her assistant to notify He Tiantian, the phone rang again.

"Mr. Liu! Haha, yes, I'm planning to shoot a new movie?"

"Is there a gap in funds? Oh, for things like funds, the more the better."

"You want to invest? Welcome, haha, it really solved my urgent need..."

"Zhao Fei'er? Oh, I know her, the little girl is good at acting, and the web drama she just acted in was quite popular!"

"...Okay! Let her try a mirror!"

Chen Lin chatted with the other party for a while before hanging up the phone.

Looking at the phone, and Zhao Fei'er's contact information and audition time written down in the notepad at hand, he couldn't help sighing.

Mr. Liu didn't directly ask for the role of the second female lead, but there was a hint of this in his words.

Why Zhao Fei'er has learned to dance, and can complete some moves such as air jousting and somersaults.

Why is it that Zhao Fei'er has studied in the rotten country, can ride a horse, and even participated in the rotten country's equestrian competition.

These words are so purposeful and directional - Zhao Fei'er can meet Dugu Danxia's role requirements.

"Zhao Fei'er?!"

Chen Lin picked up her phone again and began to search for information about this newcomer on the Internet.

Well, born in the millennium, this year happens to be twenty-two years old.

He debuted at the age of eighteen, and when he debuted, he took a rich and beautiful persona.

It is said that the family is quite rich, and she is a daughter of a moderately wealthy family.

I have studied in the rotten country, but I am not the kind of pheasant university that you can go to if you have money. It might not be a prestigious school, but it's not too bad either.

Therefore, when she debuted, the company created a character set for her as Bai Fumei + Xueba.

The key is that they have a fiancé who is well-matched, and the fiancé is willing to spend money to support her to continue acting.

Zhao Fei'er debuted for four years and acted in three movies and two TV series.

Not surprisingly, they all jumped.

Last year, I acted in a web drama in a fit of anger, and it actually became a little hit.

The team chased after the victory and hyped her Bai Fumei + Xueba personality, which actually made her a name in the entertainment industry.

The number of v-bo fans has exceeded 4 million, so he can be regarded as a small star below the third line.

Zhao Fei'er's appearance is also good. She is not a stunning beauty, but she is also pure and lovely, and belongs to the type of sister next door.

Small round face, because of youth, the face is full of collagen, it has eye rims when you look at it.

As for acting skills, I can't say that they don't have any, but they can't reach a high level. At most, they just make people stop acting.

The online drama in the previous step was explosive, mainly due to her true colors, a pure and lovely rich daughter.

It is said that when filming this web drama, many luxury cars, clothes, bags, jewelry, etc. were used from Zhao Feier's private collection.

This is also a bright spot in the follow-up hype, attracting countless viewers and fans to call it "Little Princess".


Zhao Fei'er's image and conditions really don't meet Dugu Danxia's requirements.

Dugu Danxia is an aristocratic woman, a major general who disguises herself as a woman. She has a noble air, but more importantly, she must have a heroic air.

Chen Lin really couldn't imagine the scene of Zhao Fei'er flying on a horse with a small round face and fighting in the battle.

But Mr. Liu's investment really moved Chen Lin's heart.

Opening her mouth is 50 million yuan, which is worth half of all the investment she brought in.

Alas, with an extra 50 million, she can make Fu Huadao more refined, and she can also go to the real scene to shoot.

Oh, by the way, war scenes can also be made more grand and intense!

But Zhao Feier——

The perfect performance of He Tiantian in the audition kept flashing in Chen Lin's mind, and she felt a tangle in her heart.

At this moment, Chen Lin's assistant rushed over excitedly——

"Director Chen, if the third young master of the Lian Group wants to invest in our new drama, he will open his mouth for 80 million yuan!"

Chen Lin: ...

She swallowed a mouthful of spit and asked straight to the point, "They want that part?"

It can't be the heroine.

She has already identified Jiang Li and signed the contract, it is really difficult to change.

But the employer gave too much money, what should she do if she is so tempted.

"The man said that the third young master of their family is a fan of He Tiantian..."

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