The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 937th chapter exiled villain (18)

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"One general is incompetent, and a thousand troops are exhausted!"

"Shi He, if you want to die alone, why don't you drag three thousand soldiers?"

"You are jealous of your talents, you avenge your personal revenge, and you will die! But what's wrong with the three thousand soldiers of the government? They are all good sons of my Liang. Why did you die because of your arrogance and ignorance?"

He Tiantian looked conceited when she saw that Shi He was cut into a Kunlun slave by lightning.

She also had a naive face full of indignation, and she was even more righteous and impassioned when she scolded people.

Yu Er and Yu Si, who were standing on the sidelines, had another inexplicable illusion. They saw the shadow of the eldest brother and nephew in He Tiantian again.

The Yu family reacted in this way, let alone Shi He, an outsider.

His head had already been struck dizzy by the thunder, but now he didn't faint because of the strong support.

Hearing He Tiantian's scolding, scenes of scenes appeared in Shi He's mind——

General Yu Ji returned to Beijing majestically with a triumphant army of tens of thousands. Saints, civil and military officials, and people all over the capital welcomed him;

Yu Zhengcai was a teenage boy, but he was very heroic. He killed the Beirong people with a crescent moon halberd and fled.

Yu Ji and Yu Zheng, the father and son, scolded him with disgust, "One general is incompetent and exhausts a thousand troops"!

Yes, it is the phrase "one general is incompetent, and a thousand troops are exhausted".

It seems that in the eyes of the Yu family, Shi He is a piece of mud that can't support the wall, an incompetent person who can be trampled on by them.

He Tiantian, who was still angrily cursing, overlapped with some scenes in Shi He's memory.

Shi He shouted out of control: "Shut up! Shut up!"

"I'm not a waste, I'm now a hussar general!"

"Yes! I'm not the young man who was grinding in the northwest. I'm now the deputy general manager of the Northwest Road marching!"

"...It's you, haha, Yu Ji, you are dead, and your best eldest son is also dead, hahaha, your Yu family has been exiled..."

Shouting and shouting, Shi He finally reacted.

He raised his throat and laughed hoarsely, looking a little crazy.

"Our Yu family was exiled, so what? I'm a ten-year-old boy, but I can still see what's wrong with your military camp!"

"...Shi He, if you don't listen to my advice, hmph, it won't be long before you, Shi He, will take your whole family to the northwest to join us."

What He Tiantian said was a bit vicious.

He was actually cursing Shi He for his crimes and bringing disaster to the whole family.

Shi He:  …

The anger she had just vented because of her laughter was concentrated on her forehead.

The veins on his forehead were jumping.

"It's hard to persuade a damned ghost! If you insist on courting death, I can't do anything about it!"

He Tiantian looked at Shi He coldly, and after leaving such a sentence, she told Shangyu Er and the others to leave.

Shi He:  …

What the hell is that?

This little beast of the Yu family is more annoying than "his" father and elder brother!

The father and son of Yu Ji and Yu Zheng, at most, used their strength to crush Shi He and Shi Jia.

Yu Li is a good guy, and he can speak well.

The words that came out were even more difficult to hear.

Shi Heben was seriously injured by the lightning strike. Before he could recover, He Tiantian let out a breath, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

"General! General!!"

The guards shouted and shouted, called the doctor, called the doctor.

Doctor: I don't even know how to cure the general. Now that he is in a coma, I, I don't even know how to wake him up again.

But those few bodyguards with big arms and round waists and vicious guards didn't care about this. They all stared at the doctor and put their hands on the horizontal knife around their waists.

The doctor only felt a chill in his neck, and he could only continue to sacrifice his trump card - a bowl of soup that nourishes blood and qi.

Not to mention, the doctor's luck is really good.

After pouring in a bowl of soup medicine, Shi He really woke up again.

"Yu Li! Little beast! Damn Shuzi!"

As soon as he woke up, Shi He couldn't stop cursing.

It's a pity that the Yu family has already left, and no matter how loud he scolds, no one can hear him.

On the other hand, the guards around him, seeing that their hussar general still had the strength to curse, their hearts dropped slightly.

There was a guard who seemed to be a little gentle. After thinking and thinking, he still got close to Shi He and said cautiously, "General, just now Cainu went outside for a circle, and the rain is getting heavier and heavier!"

"The creek next to the barracks has also begun to rise—"

Shi He looked directly at the Sven guard and said coldly, "Jia San, what do you want to say?"

Could it be that this fellow really believed Yu Li's nonsense, and thought that there would be a flash flood that would destroy their barracks?

Jiasan was so frightened by Shi He's icy gaze that he shivered. He hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, "I dare not be humble! I am humble, humble—"

He sweated profusely.

In a hurry, a solution flashed in his mind, and he said quickly: "I feel humble, I feel that the Yu family first has Yu Ji killed in battle, and then there is the disaster of looting the family and taking the title, which is really bad!"

"The general returned from victory in the southwest, and was named the deputy commander-in-chief of the Northwest Road march by the saint. When the momentum was like a rainbow and the fortune was prosperous, if it was stained with bad luck--"

He didn't dare to justify himself according to He Tiantian's words "Shi He clashed with the Yu family", but deliberately raised Shi He up.

In fact, the meaning of the words is the same -

Shi He and the Yu family are indeed at odds with each other. If they have to walk together, it's easy to get into trouble!

In the morning, he was startled and broke his arm;

In the evening, he was struck by lightning and almost died.

Just now, the godly Jiurang of the Yu family said something about torrents.

Jiasan went to the creek to check it out, and the water pressure had indeed increased a lot.

Moreover, I don't know if it was thunder or some other noise, but there was a faint roaring noise in the mountains.

Jiasan is worried that the rain is too heavy and the rocks are loose, which will really cause flash floods or even mountain collapses.

It is said that they have experienced heavy rain in the past three years in the southwest, and they have also seen terrifying pictures of mountain torrents tilting.

Jiasan has also read some books. After listening to He Tiantian's words, he thought about it a little more.

But his own general is a conceited and arrogant master, and his temper is not very good, and he does not listen to advice at all.

Jiasan had to belittle the bad luck of the Yu family, elevate the general as a noble, and give his master a step down.

Sure enough, upon hearing Jiasan's remarks, Shi He's face looked much better.

In fact, before he fell into a coma, Shi He was vaguely touched when he heard Yu Li's words "good words are hard to persuade a damned ghost".

For fifty or sixty years, the Shi family has always regarded the Yu family as a feud.

For the first half of his life, Shi He lived under the aura of father and son Yu Ji and Yu Zheng.

Shi He, who kept in mind the creed of "know yourself, know your enemy, and never fail in a hundred battles", studied the Yu family a lot.

He found that the Yu family was the most "hypocritical", putting on a disgusting face of "loving soldiers like sons" every day.

As if they were the good generals who really cherished the soldiers, and Shi He was the shameless warlord who drank the blood of his soldiers.

Hmph, kindness does not raise troops, the Yu family has been leading troops in the northwest for hundreds of years, if they were really kind-hearted and soft-hearted, they would have been overthrown long ago.

Where is the glory of the three generations of generals?

They are all the same ruthless people, why do they pretend to be pretentious?

Shi He cursed in secret.

However, after scolding, Shi He had to admit that the Yu family did a really good job of "face-saving".

At least on the surface, they really cherished the soldiers, and they looked like they were righteous and awe-inspiring.

As for Yu Jiulang just now, the words "his" were exactly the same as those of Yu Ji and Yu Zheng in the past.

While Shi He was in a trance and a guilty conscience, he also believed somewhat—

Yu Li really cherished those three thousand soldiers!

"He" shouldn't be talking nonsense just to scold him Shi He!

Torrents may really break out! !

Shi He had already believed He Tiantian's words, but his face did not allow him to obey a junior's "advisement".

Especially since this stinky boy is still surnamed "Yu", it is even more impossible for him to admit counsel.

However, the three thousand soldiers and horses were the soldiers he had just carefully selected from the Sixteen Guards, and they were his confidence in the northwest.

If these people were buried in the torrent, even if Shi He escaped the natural disaster, he would not be able to escape the court's accountability.

Alright, take another ten thousand steps, even if the sage doesn't care, he won't let him choose his horse.

If there are not enough people at hand, how can he go to the northwest to be his deputy general manager, and how can he compete with the Yu family for territory? !

Therefore, just now, Shi He would faint, not only with anger, but also with inner entanglements and contradictions.

But Jiasan's remarks gave Shi He a step forward.

"...You're right! The Yu family is indeed unlucky!"

Shi He showed no joy or anger on his face, and snorted coldly, "Even the absurd things about the real and fake princes have been made, and the Yu family is completely over."

His historian was different, it was a good time for his momentum to rise.

He, he must not let the Yu family ruin the luck of the Shi family.

Shi He refused to admit it, and felt a little hairy in his heart——

Yu Jiulang this little beast is too evil.

Ever since I met "him", I've been no good.

Broken arm, struck by lightning... If you add a flash flood.

Shi He didn't dare to think about it at all.

"Come here, send an order, re-select the camp!"

Shi He made a decision and shouted at the top of his voice.

The soldiers outside had actually heard the rumors of "mountain torrents".

Some people disagreed, some thought it was alarmist, and some were secretly worried.

Afterwards, they actually received a notice to change camps, and everyone complained again——

At night, it was still raining heavily, but the camp had to be pulled up and set up again. This, this is not tossing people.

However, the military orders are like mountains!

There is an order from above, even if the sky is going to be a knife, the soldiers can only copy it obediently.

After tossing around for most of the night, the three thousand people finally settled down temporarily on a higher slope.

However, before these exhausted soldiers could rest for a while, they felt the hillside under them shake.

There was a faint rumbling sound in the mountains in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, someone exclaimed, "Mountain torrents! The torrents are coming!"

Including Shi He, everyone stood on the hillside extremely vigilantly, watching a turbulent yellow flood with rocks and broken trees rushing out from the mountain.

The torrent almost wiped away this hillside.

The people standing on the periphery were even sprayed all over their faces by the splashing water.

"Really, there are flash floods!"

Everyone was stunned. They saw with their own eyes that the torrent directly submerged the camp where they were stationed just now.

If they didn't leave in time, at this moment, they would be washed away by the flood just like those rolling rocks and tumbling broken trees.

"Yu Jiulang, God!"

"Oh, as expected of the son-in-law of the Yu family, as expected!"

"...I heard that our hussar general still doesn't believe it. If it wasn't for the unlucky family of Yu and his unwillingness to get too close to the family of Yu, the general would still refuse to change places!"

"The Yu family really lives up to its reputation—"

It was clearly Shi He who ordered the change of camp, but ordinary soldiers remembered the name "Yu Li".

Of course, Shi He didn't know, because the people around him were all trying their best to preach that it was his achievement.

Shi He was worried and fortunate for a while, and his heart trembled with the hillside.

However, his face was still calm and calm, as if all this was within his expectation and control.

However, early in the morning the next day, Shi He sent the order: "Get out of the camp! Hurry up!"

As for what to do with the Yu family, and trying to kill the Yu family, Shi He couldn't care less.

"The Yu family is so unlucky! Going with them won't ruin my good luck!"

Shi He's remarks were, firstly, to make up for the lie he told when he changed camps last night, and secondly, it was the most real thought in his heart.

The Yu family, especially that Yu Jiulang, who is too evil, should stay away from them first.

He wanted to arrive in the northwest ahead of the Yu family and gain a firm foothold as soon as possible.

When he has completely mastered the Northwest Camp, it will not be too simple to clean up a group of exiled prisoners!

Alas, I thought it was bad, I really thought it was bad before.

Shi He was secretly remorseful while lying on the stretcher, urging the guards to get on the road quickly.

He Tiantian waited for the Yu family members to spend the night in the ruined temple, not knowing what happened down the mountain.

However, He Tiantian hoped that Shi He would listen.

Alas, 3,000 lives in the end.

Worried, He Tiantian fell asleep.

No way, the past day has been too frustrating.

He Tiantian also exhausted the inner strength that she finally cultivated.

Without internal strength to protect the body, He Tiantian is a thin child who has been malnourished for many years.

Although there are Dali Pills cheating, if the body is too weak, the efficacy of Dali Pills will be greatly reduced.

After walking for a day, He Tiantian's feet were full of blisters.

Mrs. Hou helped to pierce it with a silver hairpin and put medicine on it, and then He Tiantian snuggled up to Mrs. Hou, and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, the rain stopped and the sun peeked out of the thick clouds.

Seeing the sunshine, Xiaowei Yuchi, the Yu family and the others all felt better.

When the sun is out, it's good, and we can continue on our way.

"I don't know what happened to the old thief Shi He? Did he die?"

Madam Hou prayed secretly while packing up her appearance.

Yu Er, Yu Si: ... I hope Shi He can die, but the scourge will live for a thousand years.

Damn people like Shi He lived longer.

However, last night, my nephew said with certainty, is there really a flash flood or something?

In fact, not only Yu Er and Yu Si were curious, but also Colonel Yuchi, who watched the lively night in the crowd, also wanted to know the result.

So, when they went down the mountain, they deliberately went around to the place where the Shijia soldiers and horses camped.

"This this--"

Everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what they saw!

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