The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The nine hundred and thirtieth eighth chapter was exiled villain (19)

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The original camp has become a muddy swamp.

The stream next to the camp has now turned into a big river that runs endlessly.

The turbid river water tumbled the bodies of tree trunks, wild boars and other wild animals, as well as some tattered items.

The river doesn't seem to be so turbulent anymore, but just by looking at the widened river surface and the mess on the hillsides on both sides, you can guess what a thrilling disaster happened here last night.

"No way! Old Thief Shi He is really dead?"

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Hou couldn't help muttering to herself.

The enemy died, she was very happy.

But Mrs. Hou did not forget that Shi He was still leading 3,000 troops.

Those government soldiers were all just drawn from the Sixteen Guards.

It's not even a Shi family's armament, most of them are from a clean family.

The Yu family has been a military general for generations. Although Mrs. Hou is only a woman and child, she was also influenced by the Yu family's "love soldiers like children".

And Mrs. Hou is a daughter of the royal family, and the surname is Yang in this world.

The soldiers and horses of the Sixteen Guards also belonged to the Yang family.

"Hey, they are all good sons of my liang. Could it be that he just died so innocently?"

This old man, Shi He, deserved what he deserved and deserved death, but those soldiers were really pitiful.

Mrs. Hou hated Shi He's woman so much, she couldn't help feeling unbearable, not to mention the generals such as Wei Chi, Yu Er and other generals.

"No! They're all right!"

He Tiantian looked around and said confidently, "They should have changed camps and then avoided the flash flood!"

"Kuro, why do you say that? Is there any evidence?"

Hearing this, Yu Er turned to look at He Tiantian and asked seriously.

He Tian dessert nodded, "Yes!"

She turned left and right, pointing to the hillside not far away, "Second uncle, look, there are some traces there, it seems that the barracks have just been set up.


Yu Er, Yu Si, Yu Chi and other generals all followed He Tiantian's fingers.

"Huh? It seems to be there!"

"That's right! I also saw a few dark kitchen holes."

"Could it be that Shi He listened to Kuro's persuasion and changed camps overnight?"

"...No, how come I only see some discarded items, but not the people. Shi He, the old guy, didn't claim to be with our Yu family!"

Several people were talking.

I don't know who said such a sentence, everyone is stunned.

Yes, since the camp was not washed away by the torrent, why did Shi He, who wanted to kill the Yu family to die, disappeared?

"Haha, of course the old thief Shi He was scared away by my son!"

Mrs. Hou was the first to laugh out loud, "My Jiulang is smart and capable, he can meet each other again, and he can predict mountain torrents!"

"Hahaha, the old thief Shi He didn't believe in evil at first, but what happened? He broke his arm and was struck by lightning. If he hadn't reacted quickly and changed camps in time, he and the three thousand soldiers and horses would have been washed away by the flood! "

Madam Hou proudly clasped her fingers and counted He Tiantian's "records" one by one.

"My Jiulang, I can tell you everything, and I was so frightened that the old thief Shi He dared not provoke our Yu family again!"

"Hmph, let's say he's smart and runs fast! Otherwise, he might not have the life to go to the Northwest to take up his post!"

Crowd: ...

Er, Mrs. Hou's words were meant to show off and vent her anger, but they also made some sense.

Shi He should have been frightened by Yu Jiulang's "God's prophecy" again and again.

Even if he wasn't scared out of his mind, he probably had a shadow in his heart.

In fact, even if Shi He is bold and doesn't believe in evil, the cronies around him should also be muttering, fearing that there will be some kind of retribution.

Yu Er and Yu Si saved others by themselves, and could understand the thoughts of those people very well.

It is said that military generals do not believe in ghosts and gods or retribution, but they have to believe in luck when leading troops to fight.

Some generals have no problems with martial arts, strategy, and character, but they are just big wins.

Either you can't find your way, or you can't find the main force of the enemy.

Once or twice is an accident, but more often, it will inevitably make people think of "Luck".

As for Shi He, there were so many "accidents" on the first day of "walking" with the Yu family, so why not let people think too much.

The first two times were nothing, and only Shi He was injured.

But the mountain torrent or something, but almost 3,000 people will be implicated.

Those guards and soldiers will definitely have fear in their hearts, and maybe they will also express their anger.

If Shi He wanted to stabilize the military, he could not go his own way.

"Although this old thief is a shameless villain, he is not stupid!"

Yu Er figured out these joints and sighed softly.

Shi He is more than not stupid, he can bend and stretch.

Back then in the northwest, he clearly hated the Yu family and was jealous of Yu Zheng, but he could still be humble and small.

Otherwise, Yu Ji would not have sent him to help the border town, which would cause a catastrophe.

"He is a poisonous snake. He usually hides in the dark, but the key is that he will bite!"

Yu said coldly, all sides sinking like water.

"Oh, anyway, this poisonous snake was scared away by our Kuro. Haha, he can no longer block us on the next road!"

Yu San won't think too much, he's just a little happy—

Without Shi He's shit stick, their future path of exile should not suffer any more!

Yu Er, Yu Si and others: ... that makes sense. It's just that, in the presence of Colonel Yuchi, he said that directly, okay?

Holding the gold pancake in his hand, Colonel Yuchi said: It doesn't matter! As long as the money is in place, you can do whatever you want!

Slowly talking about how to "cheat" on the road of exile in front of him, he just hired a carriage and let the secret guard jump out to protect him openly. Captain Yuchi also turned a blind eye.

So, after the first day of discussion, the Yu family lived quite comfortably on the second day.

As soon as they came down from the mountain and came to the official road, there was a "passing" Yu family "gujiao" who brought a carriage, food and other things.

Mrs. Hou, Mrs. Er and other female relatives got into the carriage with their young children.

Yu Er and the others did not continue to be shackled, but walked slowly on both sides of the carriage.

If it weren't for the lack of carriages, Yu Er and the others wouldn't have to do it.

However, the "old friend" said that there will be a small town within a few dozen miles.

Once in town, you can buy horse-drawn carts, ox carts, and other supplies.

"Kurou, come up and have a rest too!"

Sitting in the carriage, Mrs. Hou finally regained her composure as a lady.

She stuck out a hand from the car window and shook it gently at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian shook her head, "No need, A-Niang! I'm with the second and fourth uncles!"

In just one day's work, He Tiantian won the acceptance and respect of Yu's second-class male males by virtue of her miraculous performance.

He Tiantian even suspected that those Yu family's parts hidden in the dark should also take her performance in their eyes and remember them in their hearts.

Perhaps, they still couldn't believe that she was the real son of the Yu family under the car.

However, He Tiantian's excellent performance has moved them and made them start to face up to their own, the heir of the Yu family.

What He Tiantian has to do now is to continue to consolidate this "advantage".

She insisted on following Yu Er's side, not only to share weal and woe, but also to get more information about Yu's family from Yu Er.

Of course, Yu Er wouldn't be so big mouthed, and he wouldn't easily tell He Tiantian about the secrets of the Yu family.

However, when people talk, even if they deliberately cover up, they can always reveal some clues when they talk about some trivial or unimportant things in the family.

What He Tiantian has to do is not let go of any clues, and then peel off the cocoon to get the information she wants.

Aside from the information, the situation in the northwest that was only learned from Yu Er's mouth was also the information He Tiantian desperately needed.

He Tiantian has traveled many times and has also been in contact with the Northwest.

In addition, she also saw some "common sense" about infrastructure construction in the Northwest on the Internet.

However, this kind of information is not as direct and profound as those who have lived and operated in the Northwest.

And these, He Tiantian is lacking, but Yu Er and other indigenous people who are fighting in the northwest know very well.

"... Northwest, the ground is full of yellow sand. Because it is saline-alkali land, crops cannot be grown in many places."

"The border town we are going to is the northernmost side of the northwest, directly facing Beirong."

"Biancheng has just experienced a major war, its vitality has been severely damaged, and the city walls are in ruins."

"Hehe, fortunately, it took us a lot of time to go all the way. Otherwise, after arriving in the border city, the first thing for us exiled criminals is to repair the city wall."

When he said the last two sentences, Yu Er's tone was full of bitterness.

Two months ago, he was a lieutenant general under one person and over ten thousand people in the Northwest Camp.

During the Battle of Border Town, his elder brother died in battle, and he and his fourth younger brother were also escorted back to Beijing.

As soon as they arrived in the capital, the Yu family was raided and seized, and they were exiled back to the northwest.

It seems that they have returned to base camp.

But, in essence, their identities have been subverted.

Even if the Northwest Camp is the territory of the Yu family, most of the generals, large and small, are old members of the Yu family.

Some are even part of the Yu family.

However, the human heart is the most complicated and cannot stand the test of interests.

The Yu family returned to the northwest as exiled prisoners. If they wanted to regain military power in the northwest, they themselves had to compete for interests with those generals.

Now there is another Shi He who already had a grudge against the Yu family——

Yu Er thought about it with his toes and knew that even if he returned to the northwest, the Yu family would not be greeted by a sidewalk, but a brutal and fierce battle.

[The saint is "wise"! 】 Yu Er sighed in his heart.

He Tiantian sighed softly at the same time as him, "The saint is wise!"

The foundation of the Yu family in the northwest is too deep, and the three characters of Yu family army are stuck in the heart of the saint like a thorn.

If it is replaced by any emperor, it is estimated that he will try his best to regain his military power.

After finally catching Yu Ji's greed for meritorious deeds and sacrificing himself in the city, the sage quickly punished the Yu family.

However, if another general takes over the northwest, can it guarantee that there will not be a second Yu family army?

To be an emperor, what he likes most is to decentralize power and engage in checks and balances.

This is the case in the courtroom, and the same is true in the barracks.

Therefore, the sage wanted to divide the Yu family's army and put an end to the dominance of a certain general's family.

Putting Yu Er and Yu Si back to the northwest was to divide military power.

The same is true of sending Shi He, the shit stirrer, to the Northwest.

On the surface, it seems that the saint is benevolent, and there is still a way to live for the Yu family who made a big mistake.

In fact, he wanted to destroy the so-called "Yu Family Army".

Although Yu Er is not as old-fashioned and calm as his eldest brother Yu Ji, he has been a lieutenant for more than ten years, and he has all the mentality and calculations he should have.

But Yu Er still didn't expect that his ten-year-old cheap nephew could actually say the words "a wise man."

Yu Er lowered his head and looked fixedly at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian didn't speak any more, just winked mischievously at Yu Er.

It seemed that the sigh she just said did not exist at all.

He Tiantian did not continue to show her political sensitivity, but Yu Er raised the importance of "Yu Li" a little bit in her heart.

He was born with divine power, tough-minded, and he was suspected of being a martial arts master. Now, coupled with a sharp mind and a big-picture perspective, such a Yu Li is simply the most perfect heir to the Yu family.

Yu Er's inner balance tilted towards He Tiantian again.

And then, He Tiantian's amazing performance will always make Yu Er "eccentric" step by step.

With the carriage, the group traveled much faster.

In the afternoon, everyone arrived at the town.

The town is located at the intersection of two official roads, so the town is not big, but it is still prosperous.

Merchants traveling from south to north, tourists returning from east to west, cars coming and going, there is an endless stream.

He Tiantian was surprised to find that among the many merchants, there were still sporadic Hu merchants.

Hu Shang is good, Hu Shang has a lot of good things in his hands.

Even if the Hu merchants she met didn't have any good goods, He Tiantian could have an excuse to smuggle out some of the supplies in the space.

"Auntie, I want to go buy something!"

He Tiantian took a look at that Hu Shang, walked a few steps to the carriage, and whispered to Mrs. Hou.

"Okay, let's go!"

Mrs. Hou felt that Yu Er, Yu Si and others attached great importance to her Jiulang.

She also valued this son a little more.

She no longer regards He Tiantian as a child, nor does she ask or interfere too much.

If the child wants to buy something, let "him" buy it!

She believes that Kuro is not a naughty person, and there must be a reason for what he wants to buy.

Even if he was a little naughty, Kuro was only ten years old, and he was still a half-old child.

Mrs. Hou directly took out a few golden leaves from the bag and stuffed them into He Tiantian, "Go, just buy whatever you want!"

"Thank you auntie!"

He Tiantian smiled with frowning eyes, and thanked sweetly.

Taking the golden leaf, He Tiantian killed Hu Shang and began to ask about the goods.

"Seeds? Well, I have some seeds here from the west, but I don't know if Lang Jun likes it or not!"

Hu Shang saw that He Tiantian was a little embarrassed, but his eyes were full of confidence.

Speaking and demeanor are more like a noble person.

Hu Shang did not dare to wait, and greeted warmly.

He Tiantian checked the seeds that Hu Shang took out one by one, hey, don't say, she really found the treasure——

Cotton Seeds!

And sea buckthorn seeds!

These two are the big killers of northwest infrastructure.

He Tiantian was overjoyed, and after some bargaining, bought two kinds of seeds.

In addition, He Tiantian was picky and bought some other seeds, which only made Hu Shang happy.

Yu Er looked at it thoughtfully...

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