The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and fortieth chapters exiled villain (27)

, The fastest update The heroine took the latest chapter of the villain script!

"Auntie, you should keep these people."

He Tiantian pondered for a moment, then shook her head gently.

She knew that Mrs. Hou's willingness to give these people to her was her trust and her final recognition of the identity of "Yu Li".

However, He Tiantian would not accept it easily.

The reasons are all ready-

"Auntie, you don't know anything! This time our four brothers went to Fucheng, not just a "marriage plan", but more of a gamble!"

Mrs. Hou was willing to trust her, and He Tiantian was happy to tell the truth.

She directly stated her gambling contract with Yu Che and others, "We use the attached city as a chessboard, each person divides a piece of land, and then builds it according to his own plan!"

"Whoever manages the site best, at least at the level of Wuzhen, wins!"

"Others will submit to him and follow him!"

This person will also become the future head of the Yu family.

He Tiantian didn't say the last sentence, but her meaning was very clear.

Madam Hou's eyes lit up.

She grabbed He Tiantian's hand, "Kiulang, what you said is true?"

"Also, did you propose this bet?"

He Tiantian smiled and nodded, "That's right!"

Mrs. Hou immediately smiled and frowned, "I knew it! I knew it! My Yang Jinhua's son can't be a fool who "has no need to compete with the world" or "no desires"!"

On the road before, Mrs. Hou saw He Tiantian unreservedly teaching his cousins ​​martial arts, and discussing military affairs with Yu Er and the others.

A single-minded, selfless look.

Mrs. Hou was in a hurry.

Everyone in the world cherishes the broom, and even the disciples don't forget to keep one.

It's better for his own Kuro, he teaches everything, and doesn't think about it at all,

Some people are very likely to be "his" competitors!

I thought that his own Jiulang had no intention of Yujia, and he had no ambitions.

Mrs. Hou often chatted in her son's ear, and even instilled in him the idea of ​​"firstborn succession" every day.

Fortunately, after hearing her son's words, Mrs. Hou finally knew that her teaching had worked.

The son no longer looks like a petite family, but starts to act like a qualified eldest son of a noble family. He knows competition and knows how to take back his own property!

While Mrs. Hou was happy, she felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

"Great! Haha, great 1"

Madam Hou was so excited that if it wasn't for her good upbringing to control her emotions, she would have wanted to pat her hands and laugh.

Seeing Madam Hou's appearance like this, He Tiantian pursed her lips and continued, "Since it is a gambling game, it must be fair and just."

He Tiantian spread out her hands, and continued what she said just now, saying, "So, auntie, I can't cheat!"

Those 200 parts should be left to Mrs. Hou.

After Mrs. Hou heard He Tiantian's words, her smile grew brighter, "My son, don't worry, I can bet for my mother that not only you, but others will also "cheating"."

"No, to be precise, it's not cheating. If it had to be fair and just, this game shouldn't exist. After all, you're the youngest."

"Also, Yu Che and the others have all been on the battlefield, and they also have personal soldiers and guards around them. But you don't have any of these!"

"...Kurou, there is no absolute justice in this world. For example, at this moment, although you have a part that your father left you, you don't have your father to teach you personally."

"As for Yu Che, Yu Heng, and Yu Xing, they may not have 200 trilogy, but they have their father and their previous combat experience to guide them..."

"The size is long and the size is short, and each has its own advantages. Where can there be absolute fairness?"

Mrs. Hou's remarks made sense, and He Tiantian was persuaded.

Yes, there is absolutely no fairness.

She herself is a big wall hanging with golden fingers, but she keeps saying what is fair, hypocritical or not? !

"...Auntie, I understand, I want to be left."

He Tiantian realized her problem and hurriedly corrected it.

She was sincere, and looked at Madam Hou with admiration.

Ahem, in addition to a bit of admiration, it's more of a performance.

He Tiantian must let Mrs. Hou have the happiness of "cultivating".

"Yu Li" was recognized halfway through, and there was no relationship with Mrs. Hou at all.

If "Yu Li" performed perfectly everywhere, and did not give Mrs. Hou, the mother, the opportunity to teach and have room to play, then the relationship between the "mother and son" would only become more and more estranged.

This is not what He Tiantian wants.

He Tiantian wants to make "Yu Li" a family member of Yu.

"Yu Li" and Mrs. Hou will also become real mother and son.

After ten years of getting along, Mrs. Hou can experience the feeling of "teaching" a noble son of an aristocratic family and a mighty general in person.

With personal participation and results, Mrs. Hou will have a sense of accomplishment, and her feelings for "Yu Li" will deepen.

"My son, how old are you, how can you think so thoroughly?"

Madam Hou was really pleased by He Tiantian's reaction.

She smiled lovingly and said softly, "Don't worry, A-Niang will definitely teach you well in the future."

Let his son completely change the petty arrogance given by the Gongsun family and become the real heir of the Yu family, the future general of Yu.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hou became more and more motivated.

And her heart that was slightly distressed because she handed over the 200 parts was instantly comforted—

What do you feel bad about?

Kuro is my own son, and only by handing over the manpower to him can he play a greater role.

Kuro is good, I can be better!

"By the way, in addition to manpower, there is also money! Your father has left us a lot!"

Fighting is the most profitable.

The Yu family has produced three generations of generals and has been entrenched in the northwest for more than a hundred years.

Accumulated wealth is not a star and a half.

If it weren't for the fact that the Yu family had to spend part of it to support the soldiers, the Yu family's wealth would have been even greater.

Even so, General Yu left a lot of property to his wife and children.

And these gold, silver, and human hands were not placed in one basket.

The Hou Mansion in the capital is only on the bright side, and it belongs to the tip of the iceberg.

The real big head is in the Northwest!

A pile of gold bricks was buried under the Yu family mansion in Wuzhen.

There are also several treasure houses buried in the grasslands and hills, all of which have been accumulated by the Yu family for hundreds of years.

Most of them belonged to Gongzhong and belonged to the entire Yu family.

However, there is still a small part that General Yu secretly left to his wife and children.

Not only him, Yu Er and Yu Si also have similar backers.

It was Yu San. He had never practiced in the Northwest and had no private library.

But he was in charge of the general affairs of the Yongan Hou Mansion in the capital, and he secretly moved his hands and feet. Over the years, he has also saved a lot of family business.

He hides it all in the name of his wife's dowry.

When the house was raided, only the property of the Yu family was confiscated, and the dowry of the daughters was not greatly affected.

There is the kindness of the saint here, and the reason of Mrs. Hou——

She is a royal lady.

Her dowry was not confiscated, and the other women's rolls followed her example.

Therefore, Yu San also kept his "little treasury".

However, this time his son was going to practice, and it was also about the position of the "young family head". Yu San gritted his teeth and took out all his family assets.

"Son, these fifty people are the caravans I recruited. They say they are guys, but in fact they are all guards. They have some skill in their hands and have fought with horse bandits."

"Also, there are 500 taels of gold here, which your father and I managed to save. I'll give it to you now, whether it's recruiting troops or buying supplies, all of them can be used."

Yu San handed over most of his family to Yu Xing with a painful face.

The corners of Yu Xing's mouth twitched: ...Dear father, is this what you got from the public?

He secretly spit out, but Yu Xing was still moved.

He knew that his room had never been taken seriously in the Hou Mansion.

My father is inferior because of his identity, and it is inevitable that he is a little selfish.

But no matter how careful his father was, his love for himself was not adulterated at all.

"Thank you Dad! Don't worry, my son will do well!"

In this gamble, he would definitely not be able to win against Kuro.

It is estimated that Shiro will be better than him.

However, Yu Xing will still go all out.

He also wanted to see how far he could go.

And what are the differences between him and Kuro?

Soon, Yu Xing discovered that he was far worse than Jiulang.

First, mind and pattern!

"What? Kuro, you said you want to give us all these bred seedlings and craftsmen?"

Yu Xing stared straight at He Tiantian, his eyes filled with disbelief.

These seedlings are the seeds that Jiuro bought with his own money, and they have been cultivated through hard work.

And these craftsmen were also recruited by Kuro at a huge price.

As a result, Kuro took it out so generously, indicating that the four brothers were divided equally, one for each.

This this--

Even the most careful and thoughtful Yu Heng was at a loss.

Is Kuro acting like this, is it too magnanimous, or is he too confident?

Yu Heng's mood was tumbling and he made various guesses.

Yu Che was also a little surprised.

However, he prefers that Kuro is too magnanimous and has a real overall view and pattern.

"Kuro, I lost another quarter!"

Yu Che smiled calmly, admitting defeat, but not at all awkward.

After listening to Yu Che's words, Yu Xing reacted and said, "Yes, yes, I am ashamed of myself with only Jiulang's heart!"

This is the mind and spirit that a family owner should have.

Just like the former uncle, after the eldest son and second son passed away one after another, he did not have to lift up his only son, Yu Yan, like the aunt, but cultivated all his sons and nephews without any partiality.

Just look at ability, not closeness, that should be the case for the head of the family or the patriarch.

Without too much selfishness, or even a little selflessness, can we ensure enough fairness, so that our clansmen and relatives can love each other and unite.

With this alone, Kuro is qualified to be the head of the young family!

Yu Heng bit his lip, and after a while, nodded silently, "That's right, Jiulang, in this respect, I'm really not as good as you!"

Well, they have already lost two rounds before they reach the Fucheng!

However, this is just the beginning, and the main event is to manage the site.

Looking at the desolate sand city that leaped into realization, Yu Heng clenched his fists and resurrected once again full of blood...

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