The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 947th chapter exiled villain (28)

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He Tiantian divided the seedlings that he had cultivated and the craftsmen he had invited into four, and each of the four brothers had a share.

Later, Yu Er found out the map of Fucheng, and directly drew a "cross" on it. Yu Che and other four people randomly selected a piece of land.

"Okay, since you choose to go to Fucheng, you must manage it well."

"Wuzhen's part can't be moved, but Gongzhong can give you some of the disabled veterans and their family papers who have retired from the Yu family army over the years."

Yu Er assumed the posture of a big parent and allocated enough resources to the four juniors who ran out to "explore the territory".

One per person, impartial.

As for what kind of subsidies each of the four house heads have, Yu Er will not interfere.

For example, he also distributed some of his "private property" over the years to his own son Yu Che——

100 soldiers, plus a caravan.

Yu Si was more attentive because he knew his son's ambitions.

In fact, even if it wasn't for ambition, Yu Si wanted to have a good experience with Yu Heng.

"I'll give you 80 of my private soldiers. In addition, there are a few craftsmen. They are all ancestral ironsmiths—"

Yu Si said to Yu Heng seriously, "Just do it, if there is any difficulty, just tell Dad!"

The Yu family does not allow brothers to fight against each other, but fair competition between brothers is very encouraged.

After all, all the sons the Yu family needed should be wild wolves who could fight well. Together, they could besiege Menghu and wild boars.

Scattered apart, any one is also a heroic and capable lone wolf!

Instead of mediocre waste wood, only know the wagyu in the nest.

Sons have ambitions, and parents must support them.

The heart of the left and right sons is not bad, and they will not go astray because of jealousy.

Furthermore, with the fact that he looked like an old man, how could he really make his son make a big mistake?

"Thank you daddy, my son will not live up to daddy's expectations!"

Although Yu Heng knew that he had little chance of winning,

But to have a chance to perform, he still has to go all out!

The support of his father is his greatest strength and motivation.

"Okay, let's go!"

Yu Si himself will also follow Yu Er to the military camp, he will send his son away and settle down at home.

When everything is arranged properly, their Yu family will also carry out the next step.


Yu Heng nodded vigorously, brought his men and horses, and went outside the city gate to join the other three brothers.

He Tiantian, Yu Che, Yu Xing and others have also waited on the official road at the city gate with their own troops and supplies.

After Yu Heng arrived, the four brothers glanced at each other, then waved their whips in unison, "Let's go!"

On the city gate, Yu Er, Yu Si and others looked at the distant figures, silent, only the deep hope and anticipation burst out in their eyes.

"I hope Jiuro and the others can surprise us."

"Don't worry, second brother, all the sons of our Yu family are good."


The West City was not too far from the Fucheng City. The four brothers led their respective men and horses and arrived at their destination after riding for less than two hours.

I saw a dilapidated and lonely city standing in the yellow sand in the sky.

There is no human beings, no chickens and dogs, only the whistling wind and sand, and the faint wolf howling.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

Yu Xing spat out the sand in his mouth, and his excited heart was instantly annihilated by three or four points.

Looking at the barren city and the flying yellow sand, he couldn't help but feel a little despair——

"Kuro, can this place really live?"

The desertification is too great!

Although it is spring now, the wind and sand are particularly strong.

But, but, the dusty appearance of Fucheng is almost like a desert.

Yu Xing seriously doubted whether people could live here.

Maybe there is no water source in the city.

Without water, human beings cannot exist.


He Tiantian said with great certainty.

She raised her hand and pointed to the north side with her whip. "Five brothers, did you see that there is a large grassland on the north side of Fucheng."

"Where there are grasslands, there must be water sources, and there will also be water systems underground."

He Tiantian said confidently, "Furthermore, more than ten years ago, people lived in Fucheng. There were also large fields."

Without water, it is impossible to live in and farm.

The reason why the attached city was abandoned was not only the desertification, but also the fact that it was too close to Beirong.

Every time Bei Rong committed a border, he would attack the Fucheng first.

Always living in the midst of war and chaos, the people could not live a normal life at all. After a long time, they naturally couldn't stand it, and they fled one after another.

The attached city has no people and no planting, and the desertification will become more and more serious.

Thus, it entered a vicious circle.

Today, Shacheng has become like this.

He Tiantian is confident that he can change all this.

"How to change? Beirong soldiers and horses, we are not afraid, after all, our Yu family army is not vegetarian!"

Yu Che sat on the back of the horse, watched He Tiantian chatting, and asked, "It's mainly the desertification and the water source."

In this era, there is no more effective method for urban desertification.

As a later generation who has supported Ant Forest, He Tiantian has countless experience of crossing, and naturally knows how to turn the desert into an oasis.

Chinese people are infrastructure madmen, but they are miracle creators.

A desert like Saihanba can be turned into a lush oasis through the efforts of generations. The problem of the attached city is not an unsolvable problem.

After all, the desertification of the attached city is only the initial stage.

It is also connected to a large grassland on the north side.

He Tiantian bet that there must be a source of water in the city.

There should also be a certain water system underground.

"Sandification can be solved! Brothers, do you still remember the seedlings I gave you?"

He Tiantian said to Yu Che and the other three, "One of them is a crop called sea buckthorn. I asked Hu Shang. This crop is the most heat-resistant and cold-resistant, and it can also prevent sand and soil."

While talking, He Tiantian used a whip to draw a circle around Fucheng, and said proudly, "We planted sea buckthorn around Fucheng to prevent Fucheng from continuing to sand."

"Besides, sea buckthorn is a good thing. Not only can it prevent sand and soil, but it can also grow fruit. Sea buckthorn fruit can be eaten, and it can also make wine—"

At a time when food was scarce, winemaking was restricted by the imperial court.

Fruit wine is much better and will not waste food. As long as there are enough fruits, enough wine can be brewed.

And fruit wine can also be purified, He Tiantian thought, maybe he can use sea buckthorn fruit wine to purify alcohol.

With alcohol, it is not just a matter of making money, but also on the battlefield, there is an additional "magic medicine" for anti-inflammatory.

"Kurou, is this sea buckthorn really that good?"

Yu Che was a little moved, but more curious.

In his cognition, crops, like people, need adequate water sources.

If it is too dry, people will not be able to survive, and crops will also die.

As far as the arid and barren ridge of Fucheng looks like, it is really hard for him to imagine that there will be a special crop that can survive.

"Brother, the world is huge and full of wonders! And all living things have their own magic."

He Tiantian said with a smile, "In addition to sea buckthorn, there is also cotton. This crop can be used for spinning and weaving, and it can also keep out the cold."

He Tiantian took cotton as an example.

She pointed to the vast land around Fucheng, "There is so much wasteland here, enough for us to cultivate."

If it is changed to Wuzhen, the reclaimed land can only be used to grow food.

There is no way, in this era, the output of grain is too low, and the grain yield per mu cannot increase, so we can only rely on quantity to win!

All other crops must make way for food.

Especially the novel crops such as sea buckthorn and cotton, except He Tiantian, who has a golden finger on the wall, most people do not know their importance, and naturally they will not take the land to take risks easily.

People make mistakes for a while, and people make mistakes for a year.

In the barren northwest, no one dared to take risks with rations easily.

He Tiantian has long known that Wuzhen is not suitable for her "infrastructure plan", and the attached city is the most suitable place.

"...Okay, I believe in Kuro! Let's plant more sea buckthorn and cotton!"

Yu Xing had already admired He Tiantian in his heart, and he didn't disbelieve her words.

Yu Che is older and considers issues more comprehensively.

"The wasteland is to be opened. However, other problems in the attached city also need to be solved!"

The first point is that the city wall needs to be repaired.

As far as this dilapidated city is concerned, let's talk about the Northern Rong soldiers, even the horse bandits can easily get in and out.

There are also supplies such as food and grass.

When they left Wuzhen, they did bring a lot with them.

But the four brothers, each with one or two hundred men and horses, were fed by the horses.

There is indeed a lot of wasteland in Fucheng, but food cannot be grown in one or two days.

At least a year.

Yu Che roughly calculated that the food they brought from Wuzhen would be enough for a month's consumption.

Of course, you can still buy it!

In addition to food, they all have money given by their elders.

But it's still the same sentence "sit and eat the mountains and the sky".

There is also a lot of money, and it is impossible for the four brothers to have only one or two hundred people.

Continue to recruit troops.

After all, their biggest purpose in coming to Fucheng is to "train troops".

Rebuild a "Yu Family Army".

Raising soldiers or something is too expensive.

If the Yu family hadn't wanted to subsidize the Yu family's army, it would be impossible for the family to have only such a small amount of money.

Yu Che spent a period of time in the Northwest Camp and also commanded troops and horses, so he naturally knew the difficulty of raising troops.

The moment he left Wuzhen, he began to think about these.

"Brother, these are easy to handle!"

"The city walls have to be repaired, the houses have to be converted into barracks, and wells and canals have to be dug!"

Of course He Tiantian knew about the problems Yu Che said, and she had already made a plan.

"We can first gather our hands and let the craftsmen take the disabled veterans to repair the city wall and dig wells!"

"In addition, I also sent people to several cities such as Xicheng and Biancheng, where there are exiles."

"Give more money and grain to recruit these people, one is to repair the city wall, etc., and the other is to help open up wasteland—"

He Tiantian is methodical and talkative.

Yu Che's brows were still slightly frowned.

Yu Heng said it directly, "What about money? Whether it's buying grain or recruiting people, you need money!"

The question that Yu Che thought of, Yu Heng also thought of it.

The most important issue in raising soldiers is money.

If you don't have money, what can you use to recruit troops and build weapons?

"Money is easy too!"

He Tiantian turned her head and pointed to a few small hills in the northwest with her whip, "Here! There are mountains of gold and silver there!"

"Mountain bandit?"

"Horse bandit?"

"Black eats black?"

Yu Che, Yu Heng and Yu Xing shouted in unison.

He Tiantian, Yu Che and Yu Heng glared at Yu Xing.

He Tiantian said in disgust, "What is black and black? We are good people, and we are here to help the court to suppress bandits!"

Yu Xing had a look of "who are you lying to", and muttered softly, "Kiulang, we are idiots!"

Not even good people.

It's okay to reclaim wasteland, but if you go to war with hundreds of soldiers, you will be suspected of arrogance.

And if you want to avoid someone finding fault, when their brothers "go to battle", they must use their names cleverly.

For example, disguise yourself as a bandit, and then——

There are also North Rong soldiers.

If you rashly attack the Bei Rong soldiers, it is easy to find an excuse for the Bei Rong side to send troops.

And if it is a "bandit", even if everyone knows what's going on, as long as no evidence is captured, it can't be regarded as a provocation by Daliang's officers and soldiers!

Beirong can only eat this dumb loss.

Therefore, Yu Xing's statement that "black eats black" is not nonsense.

"What I said is the truth!"

Yu Xing felt the staring eyes of the other three brothers, and retorted unconvincingly.

"Five brothers, the facts can't be told!"

"Seeing it without saying it is the way to live in the world."

When He Tiantian spoke, it was called a mature and steady person.

Yu Che and Yu Heng nodded again and again.

Still, Kuro is safe.

The formal security made the three brothers always forget Kuro's real age.

They would always involuntarily regard Kuro as the backbone, and would subconsciously chase after her figure.

"Okay, no kidding!"

Yu Che was the eldest brother in the end, he waved his hand to interrupt the brothers' jokes.

He said solemnly, "Kurou is right! Let's try the blade with those bandits first."

Those mountain bandits occupy the mountains as kings, loot merchants who come and go, and take advantage of the war between Daliang and Beirong to fish in troubled waters.

Not only were they bloody indebted, but they also accumulated a lot of wealth.

In addition to gold and silver, there should be a lot of food and weapons.

And these are what the city needs most.

"Yes! It's still the most profitable to eat black."

Yu Xing couldn't remember the lesson, so he still said that.

He Tiantian and the other three were too lazy to correct them. She directly took out a map, "Brothers, I have read it carefully. There are six bandits in the vicinity of the palace."

"Three of them are weaker, and one is medium. Let's practice with these four first."

"Second brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, you go to these three places, I will go to the last one!"

He Tiantian tapped on the map with the whip, and directly assigned the targets of each attack.

Yu Che was a little worried, because Jiulang chose the middle-strength mountain bandit.

This band of bandits occupied a hill with two or three hundred people.

They are all ruthless, murderous gangsters.

Its ferocity and sturdiness are no less than that of the Northern Rong soldiers.

Jiulang was only ten years old, and although he had 200 episodes given by Mrs. Hou, he was not as many as the bandits.

For the first time training, it is better to choose a weaker opponent.

If the opponent is too strong, it is one of them that they cannot win easily. The most important thing is that it will damage the morale of the soldiers and affect the morale of the army...

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