The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The nine hundred and fiftieth chapter was exiled villain (31)

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A month later, Fucheng has changed.

The broken city walls were repaired and reinforced, and the originally empty city gates were also refitted.

Outside the city wall, there is a deep trench, and there is a circle of horse-rejecting piles outside the trench.

Outside the horse-rejecting pile is the wasteland that has been reclaimed.

Crops such as sorghum, potatoes, and wheat are grown on large tracts of land.

Ahem, potatoes or something, of course, He Tiantian used the space to cheat.

All the excuses are ready-made - in the seeds Hu Shang gave, there were potato tubers.

He Tiantian forgot about it because he "did not know" what kind of crop it was.

As a result, the tubers sprouted, and He Tiantian "tried" to cut the potatoes into small pieces and buried them in the soil.

Two months on the road, one month in Fucheng, three months, the potatoes actually matured.

He Tiantian "tried again" to roast the potatoes, which gave off the unique fragrance of food.

They were fed to wild dogs and wolves, and they were not poisoned.

He Tiantian was eaten by the gangsters who were used as livestock, and these people were all alive and kicking.

As a result, He Tiantian and the brothers of the Yu family learned that the taro grown in this kind of soil can really be eaten, and it can also carry hunger, instead of the staple food such as wotou and pancakes.

"Okay! Kuro, these potatoes are really good!"

"Haha, drought tolerance, fast maturity, the key is that the yield is not low!"

"We have this magical crop, and we will never worry about rations in the future."

With potatoes, a must-have cheating fetish for time travel, Fucheng became more and more motivated.

He Tiantian is as generous as ever, allocating enough potatoes to all three brothers for breeding.

The prisoners captured by Yu Che and others honestly planted potatoes in the reclaimed wasteland.

In the outermost layer of the field, a circle of sea buckthorn was planted.

The desertification of the attached city,

Also need sea buckthorn to change.

In addition, a water source was found in the city, and several wells were dug.

He Tiantian ordered craftsmen who knew some water conservancy to dig canals, and using these canals, they could barely irrigate the surrounding land.

It happened to be late spring and early summer at this time, which was not the best farming season.

But He Tiantian and the others couldn't care less about it.

Anyway, He Tiantian has Lingquan to help cheat, but Yu Che and the others don't know much about farming.

He Tiantian made a fool of himself, and they all obediently followed suit.

The result is of course good, but after more than a month of effort, there is a green outside the Fucheng.

The crops are sprouting!

The attached city is no longer a desert sand city!

However, the attached city is too remote, and this change is not too unreasonable, neither the west city nor the border city pays attention.

He Tiantian took the opportunity to continue to expand the territory with his brothers.

They built the barracks on the north side and built beacon towers in the east, south and west directions.

The beacon tower was guarded by a group of fifty people.

As long as the enemy's situation is discovered, the beacon fire will be lit, and the troops of the Beida Camp will immediately come to support.

As for why the military camp was built on the north side, it was mainly because the north side bordered Beirong.

He Tiantian still wants to occupy the grassland with lush water plants.

The location of the Beida Camp and the three beacon towers is the outer city planned by He Tiantian.

Yes, He Tiantian is not satisfied with a small attached city at all.

With the attached city as the center, expand outward little by little, nibble away the grasslands of Beirong approaching Daliang, and let them go back to their hometown completely!

Alternatively, Beirong can also choose to "cooperate" with Fucheng and "help" Fucheng raise horses, cattle and sheep.

As for Fucheng, the most advanced and splendid culture of the Four Books and Five Classics of Daliang was passed on to Beirong.

Of course, these are all things to come, and visions that will take years, if not decades, to complete.

But for now, the development of Fucheng is very good, and it has begun to attract people from Xicheng and Biancheng to settle down——

He Tiantian reported that as long as he is a good citizen of Daliang household registration, as long as he comes to Fucheng, he can get 20 acres of Yongye Field for free per person.

In addition, there are 80 acres of mouth divided fields.

Yongyetian can be passed on to future generations, while Koufentian needs to be returned to the attached city after death.

This is the policy of Fucheng which is different from other places in Daliang.

In Daliang, it is mainly Yongyetian, that is, as long as it is owned by an individual, it will be private property for generations, and it can be bought and sold at will.

At first the land was still in the hands of most farmers.

But with the passage of time, land mergers have become serious, and hidden households have emerged one after another.

Farmers lose their land and will be exploited layer by layer, and class conflicts are on the verge of breaking out.

And if there are more mouths and fields, this kind of crisis can be avoided to a certain extent.

The guillotine is divided according to the population of the land, which cannot be bought and sold, nor can it be passed on to future generations.

After the owner of the Koufentian dies, he has to return it again, so that new land is allocated to the newly born people.

This is Tang Chao's famous Jiuyong modulation, and He Tiantian used it directly.

Of course, in order to encourage more people to settle in Fucheng, He Tiantian also gave many preferential policies.

for example--

For the first three years of land reclamation, the land tax may not be paid.

Three years later, the land tax was only two-thirds of the Daliang tax.

Although the mouth and fields cannot be passed on to future generations, they are given for nothing.

Because in Daliang, only 20 acres of land are granted per capita.

If you want more land, you can only buy it yourself, but you may not be able to buy it.

The land in the frontier is not as valuable as the Central Plains, but it is not easy to buy.

Even if there is, it is wasteland, water sources, cattle, etc., all need to be solved by yourself.

If there is no support, it is very uneconomical to rely on individual strength to cultivate wasteland.

In Fucheng, there is no such trouble.

As long as it is allocated by Fucheng, Fucheng helps to build canals, rent cattle and farm tools for free, and distribute good seeds.

Farmers only need to plant the land steadily, and after a year, they only need to pay a small amount of tax and perform a certain amount of labor to harvest money and grain.

And for the first three years, no tax is required.

Going to Fucheng is a good deal!

The only worry was that the attached city was too close to Beirong and could easily be looted.

However, in the past month or two, the four princes of the attached city have taken action one after another, not only eliminating bandits and horse thieves in a radius of hundreds of miles, but also fighting against a small group of Beirong soldiers.

Basically all are big wins, very few defeats.

The most important point is that the 2,000-strong Beida Camp is located in the outermost circle of the field.

Even if Bei Rong came to loot, he had to pass this level first.

These people who settled down lived in the inner city.

Inner city!

In places like Xicheng and Biancheng, only the rich or the rich can live there.

Ordinary people can only live in the periphery, even in villages outside the city.

Comparing the plans and making calculations, the people actually felt that going to Fucheng was a good choice.

With the common people, there will also be caravans. Slowly, Fucheng has changed from an abandoned sand city to a prosperous frontier town.

This is not the greatest beauty. There are more people and the population increases, so there will be a source of troops.

At this time, Yu Heng also swiftly conceded defeat——

"I'm not as good as Kuro! In the future, I, Yu Shiro, will be only in the hands of Kuro!"

The most ambitious Yu Heng bowed to him, and Yu Che and Yu Xing did not struggle at all.

They directly handed over their subordinates to He Tiantian.

And they themselves, although no longer in command of the troops, have their own errands.

Yu Che's comprehensive ability is good, and he is cautious, but he lacks the decisiveness of being a general.

He is not suitable for commanding the whole army, but he is very suitable for defending the city and securing the rear.

Therefore, Yu Che was in charge of all affairs of Fucheng, and was regarded as the local official of Fucheng.

Yu Heng has drive, ambition, and sufficient combat capability.

But it lacks the big picture, and the mind is not broad enough.

He became the vanguard of the Peking University battalion, leading the vanguard battalion.

Yu Xing is not good at fighting, nor does he like local affairs, he is good at dealing with people.

He Tiantian handed over all the business of Fucheng to him.

Yu Xing opened up business districts in the city, organized caravans, and actively did business with various tribes in the west.

Of course, in the gaps in business, you can also inquire about information.

Yu Xing has become the God of Wealth of Fucheng, the head of outside intelligence.

He Tiantian is the commander of the Peking University, recruiting troops, training soldiers, leading troops to fight... all her errands!

The four brothers have a clear division of labor, and the soldiers and horses of the four houses are also concentrated in He Tiantian's hands.

Ahem, less than five hundred people!

However, as the people came to Fucheng one after another, He Tiantian began to recruit troops on a large scale.

The conditions offered by He Tiantian are very good-

As long as you enter the Beida Camp, you will have three meals a day, all meals are oily and watery, and there will be meat at lunch.

The army's salary is 1 stone of grain per month, and clothes for the four seasons.

Military salaries, armaments and other materials are all distributed in full.

And the soldiers themselves are covered with food and housing, and the monthly military salaries can be left to their families.

One stone of grain is one hundred catties. As long as the ration of each person per meal does not exceed two or three taels, one soldier can support his wife and children.

He Tiantian also said that those who entered the Peking University Camp and performed well in daily training will receive bonuses in addition to promotions.

Coupled with the head reward for fighting, in a year, you can get a few, or even dozens, at least.

If you are wounded or killed in battle, there will also be compensation for wounded and death in battle.

Families are also well taken care of!

These days, the emphasis is on "good men should not be soldiers".

Soldiers are basically poor people who can't afford food.

He Tiantian's series of benefits are really attractive.

After arriving in Fucheng, within three months, He Tiantian's Beida Camp quickly soared from less than 500 people to 2,000 people.

And, this number continues to grow.

He Tiantian is confident that the number of people can reach 3,000 before the autumn harvest.

Three thousand well-trained and well-equipped soldiers were enough to withstand a small group of invading North Rong soldiers.

In addition, Yu Er and Yu Si also successfully gathered a small part of the Yu family's army and established a firm foothold in the northwest camp.

If the Fucheng side is in danger, Yu Er can also find a way to support Yi Er.

Of course, He Tiantian didn't need rescue either.

She in turn supported 500 heads of Yu Er's brothers, and successfully made Yu Er to be promoted to captain in the shortest time by relying on "military merit".

The soldiers and horses of the attached city also took advantage of the situation to get under the command of Yu Er, and finally changed from "bandit people" to officers and soldiers...

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