The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 951st chapter exiled villain (32)

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"Hey, the surname is Gongsun, the family has no money, come and get some money."

Cuixia shouted to Gongsun Lei angrily.

It is said that as the successor of Gongsun Lei, from the day she started hooking up with Gongsun Lei, she played the image of a caring Jie Yuhua.

Gentle, kind, sensible, and well-behaved, she is not as beautiful and capable as Cuizhu's original partner, but she is absolutely considerate.

A clever mouth coaxed Gongsun Lei into a daze, and he flirted with Cuixia regardless of whether his wife was still pregnant.

After Cuizhu died (or died of anger), Gongsun Lei was even more impatient to marry Cuixia.

After becoming a relative, this pair of scumbags and scumbags became more and more lingering and loving.

Cuixia was obedient to Gongsun Lei, and her mouth was like a lotus flower.

Gongsun Lei has always believed that Cuixia loves herself and regards herself as a hero and her god.

Later, Cuixia gave birth to a pair of children to Gongsun Lei, tsk, a family of four, a strict father and a loving mother, a loving father and a filial son, so beautiful.

At least before he went to the court of Dali Temple, Gongsun Lei felt that he was very happy and his life was perfect.

However, all the good things came to an abrupt end that day.

In Dali Temple, Gongsun Lei lied casually in order to get rid of the crime.

His beloved wife, who was "in the same mind", also cooperated with her to make up her lie so that she would not be implicated.

Cuizhu's evasive words actually hammered that lie to death step by step.

Gongsun Lei has also changed from a hero who has little righteousness and courage, to a villain who is greedy for wealth and ungrateful.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hou still had doubts in her heart, and she was also very reluctant to give up Yu Yan, who she had raised for ten years.

She did not pursue Gongsun Lei, and entrusted Yu Yan to him.

Otherwise, if Madam Hou refuses to forgive, and insists on taking care of Gongsun Lei the most, this couple will probably be beaten, imprisoned or exiled.

even so,

The reputation of Gongsun Lei's family is also ugly.

Mrs. Hou did not "entrust an orphan" to Gongsun Lei, so the hidden property of the Yu family's big house naturally did not fall into Gongsun Lei's hands.

Originally, Gongsun Lei wanted to go back to his hometown to avoid the limelight, but after calculating his family background, he found that he couldn't even collect the money for returning to his hometown and buying property.

In the capital, after all, there is a house.

It's just that when the original wife died, Gongsun Lei was put together.

After hollowing out the property that Gongsun Lei finally accumulated, even this house was operated by the original partner and recorded in the name of his son Gongsun Li.

Dali Temple had a verdict, Gongsun Li became Yu Li, and Yu Yan became the son of the Gongsun family.

The owner of this house became Gongsun Yan.

Ahem, Mrs. Hou left a few people for Gongsun Yan, and these people have already seen the face of Gongsun Lei's villain.

In order to let Gongsun Yan have a support in the capital and not be tricked by Gongsun Lei, they took the house deed and went directly to the yamen to establish a new deed.

Jingzhao Mansion also heard about the anecdote of the real and fake princes for a long time. Seeing that the Yu family's partisans came to help change the owner of the property, they happily went through the formalities while eating melons happily.

At that time, Gongsun Lei and Cuizhu were both beaten, and the couple lay on the bed to recover from their injuries.

When the couple recovered from their injuries and freed up their minds to pay attention to real estate and other affairs, they lived in the house for more than ten years and changed the owner again.

Gongsun Lei: ... hemp! One by one, they all treat Lao Tzu as a thief.

The house was obviously bought by myself, but as a result, once or twice, it became someone else's property.

Gongsun Lei just wanted to sell, but he was not qualified to sell it.

As for Gongsun Yan, he didn't want to leave the capital at all.

He is a wealthy and noble son. He grew up in the capital since he was a child, and has long been accustomed to the wealth and honor of the Hou Mansion and the prosperity of the capital.

Go to Gongsun Lei's hometown?

A poor mountain ravine, remote and barren, there is no meat and fish to be seen all year round.

Many people in the village have never been to the county seat in their entire lives.

In such a poor and ignorant place, Gongsun Yan was extremely resistant just thinking about it.

Furthermore, although Gongsun Yan was coddled to be a bit willful and does not like to use his brains, he is not stupid.

In the capital, there are old friends and relatives of the Yu family, who may be guilty of their own identity.

But after more than ten years of love, he will never ignore him and stand by.

To put it differently, when Gongsun Yan was still Yu Yan, those who bullied and offended those people would not watch Gongsun Yan "die prematurely" in order to have the opportunity to take revenge in person.

And when he went to Gongsun Lei's hometown, the emperor was far away, even if something happened to Gongsun Yan, outsiders would not know.

Gongsun Yan did have a few people left by Mrs. Hou around him, but he also understood that if he could not provide these people with a certain value, loyal servants would also become villains.

Gongsun Lei is an example.

The Yu family treats him so well, and his family depends on the Yu family to live a rich and stable life.

As a result, he guarded himself against theft—


No, no, Gongsun Lei did not secretly change children, he Yu Yan is the true son of the Yu family.

Gongsun Yan couldn't accept that he was not from the Yu family blood, but from a humble and shameless ranger.

And his insistence on identity also made him reluctant to leave the capital.

Staying in the capital, he can continue to study and have the opportunity to find his identity.

Once he went to that backcountry, Gongsun Yan felt that he might really be trapped in that place and become a pariah who was digging for food.

"I don't want to leave, I'll stay in the capital."

Gongsun Yan was very persistent in the face of Gongsun Lei who came to persuade him.

The house is his, he doesn't sell it.

He still had some silver coins in his hand and refused to give it to Gongsun Lei.

Gongsun Lei: ... This little bastard is even more unscrupulous than Yu Li.

Back then, when Gongsun Lei was still a martial arts teacher in Houfu, he taught Gongsun Yan martial arts in person.

After all, he can be regarded as Gongsun Yan's teacher.

Master Tiandi, how could Gongsun Yan be so disrespectful to his teacher?

Not to mention, in the household registration, it is clearly recorded: Gongsun Yan, son of Gongsun Lei!

Gongsun Lei was first framed by his unfilial son Yu Li, which completely ruined his plans and reputation.

Then he was disliked and guarded by Gongsun Yan in various ways. One or two, he didn't take the "old man" of Gongsun Lei seriously.

Gongsun Lei was full of anger.

But he was helpless--

Yu Li had already gone to the northwest, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

As for Gongsun Yan, they went to the academy and didn't come back for ten days and a half.

Even if he came back, he was surrounded by guards.

Gongsun Lei could only be secretly angry.

Oh, by the way, there is also Tsujimuro Cuixia.

Since the day of Dali Temple, Zhou Cuixia has been completely revealed.

She no longer pretends to be gentle, virtuous and understanding, but like a shrew.

He opened his mouth and said, "Hello," and closed his mouth, "Gongsun." He didn't take him as the head of the family seriously.

He shrugged his face at every turn, and even asked for money, as if collecting debts.

No, the Chinese New Year is about to come, not only did the family have no money to buy New Year's goods, but almost ran out of food.

Zhou Cuixia killed Gongsun Lei with a face that was not a face and a nose that was not a nose. She stretched out a hand and said confidently, "Hurry up, give me the money!"

"Zhou Shi, don't go too far! Look what you are like now? You're more rude than a shrew in the market!"

"Also, don't forget your identity, you are my wife, not my ancestor!"

It is rare in the world to ask for money to be so arrogant.

"What do I look like? Hmph, I am a close-fitting maid of Mrs. Hou, marrying a wealthy businessman or a petty official, but your rhetoric that kills a thousand knives has tricked me into—"

Gongsun Lei was full of grievances, and Zhou Cuixia was still full of grievances.

"You hide your own evil intentions, plan the master's family, and actually use me!"

"It's alright now, who in Beijing doesn't know that I, Cuixia, are a slave to the master?"

Zhou Cuixia was talking, but her eyes actually glowed with water.

Although the Yu family was defeated, the in-laws of the Yu family were still there.

The Yu family had a good relationship with their in-laws, and the servants of several families also had contacts.

Her former good sisters, or servants of familiar in-laws' families, although they did not marry well, they all became rich businessmen's wives or female stewards.

Ruo Cuixia's true colors have not been exposed. If she asks for these good sisters, she will not say too much. A little bit of good sister's fingers will be enough for her to support herself and her children.

As a result, because of Gongsun Lei's murderous talent, Cuixia's reputation was notorious, and those former good sisters also disliked and despised her in every possible way.

Cuixia hates it, she doesn't think she has a problem, she only blames Gongsun Lei for hurting her.

If it weren't for the fact that she still had two children and her reputation was so bad, she would have wanted to remarry directly.

Can't remarry, Cuixia can only become a pair of grudges with Gongsun Lei.

In light of the yin and yang strange anger, in the heavy, one cry, two troubles, three hangs, and there is no longer the slightest virtuous wife of the past.

"...Gongsun Lei, you are a jerk, you are useless!"

"I brag about what kind of hero I am all day long, but in the end, I am a waste who can't even raise a mother-in-law and a child!"

"Gongsun Lei, let me tell you, there is no food at home. If you want to starve your own son to death, you can do whatever you want."

"Hmph, you're quite fond of the one born earlier, and in order to make him live a good life, you're willing to be ungrateful and scheming against the benefactor—"

Speaking of this stubble, Cuixia became more and more resentful.


They are all the seeds of Gongsun Lei, but Gongsun Lei treats them differently?

For Cui Zhusheng's son, he made plans in every possible way, even if he betrayed his benefactor, he also exchanged the child for the Hou's house as a little prince.

As for the child born by her Cuixia, she could not even guarantee the minimum food and clothing.

The more Cuixia thought about it, the more angry she became, and the gaze she looked at Gongsun Lei was full of resentment.

Gongsun Lei: ... God's mother's "love to the son born before" ah.

There is no such thing as a replacement at all.

But Cuixia, the "half" of the parties, believed it and became more and more convinced.

Hearing Cuixia talk like this every day, sometimes, Gongsun Lei is a little dazed——

Did I really replace my son back then?

Gongsun Lei hurriedly shook his head again, getting rid of these messy thoughts in his mind.


Absolutely not!

He is not really the son that Cuizhu gave birth to him.

Furthermore, even if he wants to enjoy the wealthy days, wouldn't it be better for him to enjoy himself?

He didn't have the idea of ​​"giving himself up for others".

Not even if that person is his own son.

However, Cuixia believed it, and even if she didn't understand, she used it to accuse Gongsun Lei of being biased.

Gongsun Lei is really dumb to eat coptis, and he has nowhere to talk about the bitterness in his stomach.

"...Okay, okay! Don't mention these things in the future!"

Gongsun Lei's head was about to explode when he saw Cuixia's appearance of rolling.

If he wasn't worried about causing trouble again, Gongsun Lei wanted to slap Cuixia hard.

Although he didn't have the errand of Hou Mansion, he still had the time to help him.

It's not a problem to knock down one or two strong men, let alone a woman who only knows about Sapo? !

But, you can't do it, Cuixia is not Cuizhu, unless Gongsun Lei can directly beat people to death, otherwise, the dead woman will dare to make trouble on the street.

Gongsun Lei was terrified of being beaten at Dali Temple, and he didn't want to take another lawsuit.

Most importantly, there are two sons.

Gongsun Lei resented Cuixia's success and failure, but he truly loved the two sons that Cuixia gave birth to.

Oh, forget it, just treat it as a child.

The reason Cuixia is so noisy is also to keep the children fed and clothed and able to read.

The energy in Gongsun Lei's chest went down, and the momentum softened, "I'll find a way about the money."


Seeing that Gongsun Lei was overwhelmed, Cuixia did not "take advantage of the victory".

Although she changed from a good wife to a shrew, she did not become stupid.

She knows the proportions, and she also understands the truth of what is enough.

The purpose of swaying her is to ask for money, not to fight Gongsun Lei to the death.

Gongsun Lei was willing to give money, and she was so happy to go down the hill.

As for where Gongsun Lei went to get money, Cuixia didn't care.

Hmph, a big man who claims to make friends all over the world, even if he goes to borrow from "friends", he has to get the money.

Not to mention, the Gongsun family still raised Gongsun Yan.

As Mrs. Hou's former maid, Cuixia certainly knew that Mrs. Hou loved and valued Gongsun Yan.

Even if there are doubts about the real and fake prince, Mrs. Hou will not really abandon Gongsun Yan.

Those few episodes are living proofs.

Cuixia dared to bet that in addition to people, Mrs. Hou also left Gongsun Yan money.

Worst of all, Gongsun Yan and this house belonged to the Gongsun family.

If Gongsun Lei could get the house back, the Gongsun family wouldn't be so poor!

Cuixia didn't speak, but the little abacus in her heart cracked.

Gongsun Lei glanced at Cuixia, and without guessing, he knew that this woman was thinking of something beautiful again.

Alas, Gongsun Yan is not like Yu Li, people have always regarded Gongsun Lei as a servant of the dependent Houfu, a servant, without the slightest respect or fear.

In front of Gongsun Yan, Gongsun Lei couldn't hold the air of Lao Tzu at all.

Go to him for money, for a house—

No way!

The family still has time to live, and Gongsun Yan is no longer Yu Yan. Since he has the surname of Gongsun, he should make due contributions to the Gongsun family.

Gongsun Lei comforted himself like this, so he went to the academy where Gongsun Yan was studying.

He asked other students to call Gongsun Yan.

After a while, Gongsun Yan walked out slowly.

However, before Gongsun Lei thought about how to speak, Gongsun Yan looked sad, "What should I do? Gongsun Lei, what do you say?"

"Yi Qi and the others are gone, they are going to the northwest, they don't care about me!"

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