The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 952 The exiled villain (33)

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"Obviously a few days ago, they told me excitedly that my uncle had made military exploits in the northwest, killed 500 soldiers from the North Army, and was promoted to captain."

"Uncle has an official status, and the Yu family is no longer an outcast. At that time, Yiqi told me that the revival of the Yu family was imminent—"

And he, the heir of the Yu family, can also follow.

Because Yi Qi negotiated with several other episodes and wanted to escort him to the northwest.

Even if he can't return to the Yu family for the time being, under the protection of the Yu family, he must earn military merit and make a fortune.

When there is a suitable opportunity in the future, Gongsun Yan will be able to regain his identity.

Yes, Mrs. Hou left several episodes to Gongsun Yan, all of which were private soldiers trained by General Yu.

They were extremely loyal to General Yu, and believed that Gongsun Yan was the blood of the Yu family.

True and false princes or something, but the villain deliberately framed.

In order to protect the prince, Mrs. Hou came to push the boat along the way and planned the plan.

And then, what happened to the Yu family on the road of exile confirmed this speculation from another aspect—

As soon as the Yu family left the capital, they were stopped by the old thief Shi Hena.

If God hadn't opened his eyes, Shi Heding would not have fled in a hurry.

If he has been following the Yu family, he will definitely be sparring.

Yu Er, Yu Si and other adult men are nothing more than people who practice martial arts. They are physically strong and will suffer, but they will definitely not die.

It's hard to say for the younger kids.

For example, their eldest son, who is delicate and precious, can't stand Shi He's malicious targeting?

If one gets it wrong, he will die prematurely on the road to exile.

Or change someone to suffer and suffer on behalf of his little prince.

To exchange Yu Yan with Gongsun Li, this plan was formulated together by Mrs. Hou and Gongsun Lei.

B Qi and several other guards are insiders.

Although Gongsun Li shouted injustice on the spot,

The anecdote of the Houfu changing sons was revealed.

But B Qi and several people still firmly believed that the plan was right, but there were some deviations in the process of implementation.

With Mrs. Hou's order, several people guarded Gongsun Yan.

However, a few days ago, news came from the northwest that Jiulang was rebuilding the Yu family army.

And the first-class guards, all began to command the troops and horses, and have official bodies.

Now it's just the bottom "commander", each leading fifty people.

However, it is also a serious official position, with the possibility of promotion.

Perhaps, in the near future, the first class of people will be able to break away from the humble status like Yu Ye and become a real general.

They are all good men, who doesn't dream of being appointed a wife and a son right away?

Yi Qi heard that the former comrades of the first class of A, all had military exploits and started to take off. How could he not be envious in his heart? How not to be in a hurry?

The guards such as Yiqi are indeed loyal to the Yu family, and they are willing to protect the heirs of the Yu family.

But the problem is, Ayi is also a guard, and their level is higher than that of B7.

That is to say, only when Jiayi and the others truly recognized Yu Li would they do their utmost to be loyal.

In the news that B Qi received, it was clearly stated:

Not only the minions of the first-class big house recognized Yu Li as the young master, but even the second, third, and fourth house masters and the minions also worshipped Yu Jiulang!

The meaning is too obvious, no matter whether Yu Li is true or not, he is now the recognized young master of the Yu family, and the future leader of the Yu family!

As for Gongsun Yan, he was completely an abandoned son.

Gongsun Yan was abandoned and was destined to become a commoner.

Perhaps, one day in the future, Gongsun Yan will be able to find a half-official position by relying on his studies.

But, it's too slim.

Yiqi is a part of the Yu family, and it is also well-informed.

He still knows a lot about the official selection system of the imperial court.

Daliang basically selects officials by recommendation and by the shadow of the door.

There are also some specific positions, and special talents will be selected through examinations.

However, most of these official positions are low-level officials, and it is extremely difficult to climb to a high position.

And such people are all talented and tenacious.

Gongsun Yan?

Oh, let's wash and sleep, there is everything in the dream!

Yi Qi couldn't see any hope in Gongsun Yan, but he didn't want to sink with Gongsun Yan.

"You can't blame me, it's not that I'm not loyal enough! Jiayi and the others are all biased towards Yu Jiulang, we just follow the example!"

Yi Qi and others desperately tried to console themselves like this.

With such self-deceiving thoughts, Yiqi and the others ran to Gongsun Yan and made an excuse: "Master Shaolang, Lord Erlang has made great achievements in the northwest, and urgently needs manpower!"

"Although I am not talented, I am also a part of the Yu family, and I am deeply grateful to the Yu family. Now that the Yu family has employees, I will definitely go there."

"Fortunately, you are in Beijing, everything is fine, and I can leave with confidence!"

"Master Shaolang, cherish it!"

After saying this, before Gongsun Yan could react, Yi Qi and the others turned around and left.

With that eager appearance, I was really afraid that Gongsun Yan would block him.

When Gongsun Yan woke up, Yiqi and the others had long since disappeared.

Gongsun Yan:  …

what's the situation?

I, I was completely abandoned?

Gongsun Yan wasn't stupid, of course he didn't believe what Yi Qi said.

What is "the Yu family urgently needs people"?

Hmph, it was clearly because they felt that there was no future with him, the abandoned Shaolangjun, so they went to the northwest not far away.

Nor did they go to defect to the second uncle.

Gongsun Yan had a hunch that he was seven or eight points confident that Yiqi and the others went to find Yu Li!

Yu Li, ah bah, it's Gongsun Li!

A lowly son of a ranger and a lowly servant should have become a scapegoat for suffering and suffering.

Unexpectedly, this fellow was so cunning and dared to make up lies at a young age.

Yes, Gongsun Yan didn't believe in the matter of changing sons. It was Zheng Cuizhu who told Gongsun Li.

Although there is no evidence, Gongsun Yan has such an intuition——

Everything is the conspiracy of that stinky boy!

However, so many adults actually believed his words.

Falsehood has become true, and he, the true prince, has fallen into the ranks of the people, and now even the last few guards have left him!

Gongsun Yan's heart fell to the bottom, he panicked and became confused.

So much so that when Gongsun Lei came to him, he forgot to cover it up and told the truth.

"What? Yi Qi and the others went to the northwest? They went to join that little bastard Gongsun Li?"

Gongsun Lei was startled at first, then he slowly tasted it.

Yiqi ran away, indicating that the Yu family had completely abandoned Yu Yan, oh no, it was Gongsun Yan.

Gongsun Yan did not have the Yu family as a backer, so he could only be the son of his Gongsun Lei.

The father is the guide for the son, and the father has the power to kill his son.

Even if he beat Gongsun Yan to death, the government could not do anything to him.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Lei's eyes gleamed with greed, and he smiled, "Dalang, Yiqi left without leaving you any money?"

Gongsun Yan looked at Gongsun Lei's greedy appearance like a jackal, his heart that had already fallen to the bottom of the valley continued to sink and sink until it was completely submerged in the dark abyss.


The first snow that came to the northwest fell.

He Tiantian waited for the princes of the Yu family, but they didn't have the heart to make tea and enjoy the snow. They all returned to their places and were always ready.

During the autumn harvest, Beirong continued to harass Xicheng, Biancheng and other cities as in previous years.

Because the attached city has been abandoned for a long time, it has escaped the large army.

Only a small group of soldiers, either detours or coincidences, passed by the attached city, and planned to take a break in this dilapidated sand city.

However, as soon as the small cavalry crossed the steppe, they found a military camp and arable land full of some unknown crop.

The arable land is full of crops, and further behind is a new city.

"Where is this? Who am I? What am I here for?"

The cavalrymen looked at the completely different scenery from their memory, and three consecutive questions suddenly appeared in their minds.

However, the daze was only for a moment, and the cavalry quickly reacted——

Fuck, what the hell is this place?

Anyway, it's not Beirong's site, so it's over!

Although they don't know what the crops in the arable land are, they have grown so much that the people in the city must have food.

They rushed in and slaughtered all the young, the old and the weak, and the food, livestock, and women were all theirs.


The cavalry wielded their machetes, roaring like wolves and rushing in.

However, before they could break through the first obstacle of the sea buckthorn siege, there was a thunderous whistle all around, "Kill Beirong! Grab the head!"

One head, the bonus is ten, enough for a family of old snacks to drink for a whole year.

The soldiers of the Bei Rong battalion roared excitedly, and they did not have the fear and retreat when they saw the Beirong cavalry in the past.

After training and combat again and again, He Tiantian let his soldiers know that——

Bei Rong was also raised by his father and mother. He also had one nose and two eyes. If he was cut with a knife, he would bleed, and if he was seriously injured, he would die.

They are not monsters, monsters, or undead monsters on horseback.

With the first time, they also successfully killed the Beirong cavalry, and the Xinyu family army no longer has the slightest fear.

When they see the enemy, they just get excited—


It's all money!

Oh, yes, and military merit.

If you kill five people in an array, you can be promoted to one level.

Kill ten people in an array, and then level up.

Now there are 5,000 people in the Peida Camp, and the original system needs to be upgraded.

Don't have too many vacancies.

The major general said that as long as you dare to fight and fight, as long as you have military exploits, you are not afraid of not having an official to do it.

In half a year, He Tiantian really trained a brave and sturdy iron army.

Facing Beirong's small group of cavalry, they did not flinch at all, but charged forward actively.

After a few back and forth, this group of people was wiped out.

Afterwards, several small groups of soldiers and horses also sent heads and equipment to the Beida Camp.

However, this kind of situation happens a lot, and there are always one or two fish that slip through the net.

So, Beirong got a piece of news——

The attached city flourished again, and was protected by a mysterious army.

The leader seems to be surnamed Yu, and the huge "Yu" flag is fluttering in the wind.

"The Yu Family Army! It must be the Yu Family Army! They are back from the ashes!"

Not only Beirong Khan, but even Shi He, Feng Lang, and Yu Ye, the three deputy chief executives, who were each scheming, also had this idea in their minds.

"How is that possible? Yu Er and Yu Si are in the military camp, and the old man crushed them to the death. How did they get a new Yu family army?"

While Shi He was furious, he was puzzled.

There is also Yu Ye, who couldn't help but feel a deep sense of fear in his heart.

The decent commander of the Yu family's army is here. Shouldn't it be time for the curtain call as his substitute?

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