The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and fiftieth chapters exiled villain (34)

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"No! We must not let the "Yu Family Army" revive!"

Several forces have not discussed it, and they have this idea invariably.

They are still secretly planning.

As a result, in the season of late autumn and early winter, a main force of Beirong bypassed Xicheng and went straight to Fucheng.

Leading the troops and horses was the third prince of Beirong Khan, a ruthless man with a famous reputation.

Not only did he kill, but he also slaughtered the city.

Wherever he passed, there were corpses everywhere, and rivers of blood flowed, making him a butcher among butchers.

He led 3,000 cavalry and 5,000 infantry down the mountain and charged towards the attached city like a tiger.

He Tiantian had already received the report from the scouts, and quickly made preparations to defend against the enemy.

"Kurou, can we defend the Fucheng?"

Standing on the observation deck of the Beida Camp, looking at the soldiers and horses stationed on the grassland in the distance, Yu Che couldn't help worrying.

Cowardly or not, the cruel reality is right in front of you.

He whispered: "We only have five thousand men and horses, of which there are only two thousand cavalry."

"The third prince of Beirong led 8,000 soldiers. Whether it is cavalry or the total number, it far exceeds us!"

The key people are people who grow up on horseback. From the time they learned to walk, they began to learn to ride horses.

As for the people in their Peking University camp, many of them are newly recruited recruits.

Some of them don't even know how to ride a horse, and they haven't even touched a weapon.

Of course, Kuro was well trained, and after several months of training, he finally turned a group of rookies into brave and sturdy veterans.

However, such veterans are still much worse than the Beirong cavalry who are good at cavalry and archery.

Yu Che hoped that the Yu family army could win and defend the attached city, but he also had to make the facts official.

"Don't worry, brother, I will make this group of people come and go!"

"Don't forget, I have prepared a big killer.


He Tiantian said with a smile, with a tender face, but full of confidence and a flamboyant smile.

"Big killer? What is it?"

"In the past few months, you have let Wulang's caravan buy a lot of things, and you have built several workshops. Many craftsmen stay in the workshops for a month or two."

"I heard that a workshop in Xishan outside the city was bombed last time. Fortunately, no one was killed."

Speaking of the big killer, Yu Che couldn't help being curious.

He had also asked He Tiantian before, but his good cousin always told him: "No hurry! No hurry!

When it's done, brother just watch the effect! "

What effect?

Could it be like a thunderstorm and blow up the workshop again?

Now, at the most critical moment, the life and death of Fucheng and the Xin Yu Family Army are at this moment.

That big killer should also be taken out so that everyone can see it.

"...I heard that these sturdy Beirongs also believe in gods."

He Tiantian didn't answer Yu Che's question directly. She looked at Beirong's barracks, then at the sky, and said faintly, "Today, I'll let Beirong know what it means to be angry!"

Later generations have long concluded that only hot weapons can really effectively defeat the iron cavalry.

He Tiantian was in Fucheng, not only farming and training troops, she also let Yu Xing get a lot of supplies through the caravan.

In addition, He Tiantian also asked a craftsman who is familiar with soil quality to discover a large saltpeter mine in a mountain near Xicheng.

He Tiantian ordered people to dig secretly and obtained enough raw materials.

Gunpowder, an artifact necessary for time travel, was successfully created by He Tiantian.

There was an iron shop in Fucheng, but the Yu family hid an iron ore in the northwest.

It's not that the Yu family wanted to make weapons privately, but the weapons rationed by the imperial court were too poor and too few.

If you wantonly buy iron, etc., you will be questioned and impeached.

General Yu tried to find a way to mine and forge by himself.

However, the Yu family's iron mine is very secret, and the Yu family, apart from the owner and the young family owner, few people know about it.

Yu Er has regarded "Yu Li" as his heir, so naturally he didn't hide it from her.

With enough pig iron and gunpowder, He Tiantian's mines, iron artillery and a series of big killers were created.

Hot weapons VS cold weapons, even the most sturdy Beirong cavalry can only serve them.

Sure enough, when the third prince of Beirong gave the order to attack, the 3,000 cavalrymen trembled slightly as they stepped on the ground, and the massive attack began.

However, before the cavalry at the forefront quickly crossed the sea buckthorn layer, there was a sudden explosion of bang and bang.

Some horses just stepped on the mechanism, and the people and horses were bombed to pieces.

Some horses were lucky enough not to step on them, but they were also shocked by the loud noise and stood upright.

Then, run around like crazy.

The horse was startled and directly overwhelmed the entire camp.

"My God! The gods are thundering!"

"It's terrible, what kind of monster is this?"

"The people of Daliang have done a magic trick, run away!"

The cavalry was in chaos, and the infantry was so frightened that their faces turned pale, and the two were fighting.

This is beyond their comprehension.

The scenes of blood and flesh in front of them made them feel like they were having nightmares.

And there was that loud noise that made the ears buzzing.

For a moment, they all thought that their souls had been pulled from their bodies, as if they were dead.

The Beirong soldiers were in chaos, shouting, howling, and crying, running around like headless flies.

"Don't run! Stop for me!"

The third prince was also taken aback.

But in the end he is the leader of the war, and his psychological quality is very strong.

Trying to calm down his beating heart, he pulled out his machete and shouted loudly, "It must be a trick from the Daliang people, let's rush in and kill all the people in Daliang!"

"Kill! Kill me!"

The third prince has a high status and only has power in the army.

His shout, somewhat awakened some of the people.

Especially those leaders, all suppressing their inner fear, echoed in their voices: "Kill! Kill!"

The broken hearts of the army have recovered some.

The remaining soldiers continued to charge.

Beirong soldiers crossed the first direction, crossed the horse-rejection stake, and set foot on the sea buckthorn field.

He Tiantian is a little distressed, alas, these are all planted by her life.

Just started to work, and the result is...

However, He Tiantian still raised her hand and shouted coldly, "Let's go!"

With an order, a row of soldiers on the city wall, in groups of four, pushed out the catapults forcefully.

Place the jar-shaped cannonball on the catapult, light the fuze, and activate the expansion.

Peng, Peng, Peng sounded a few times.

The burning iron cannonballs flew directly in the direction of the North Rong soldiers.




There were several loud noises in succession, like the explosion of thunder, and the ground shook unceasingly.

Even Yu Che, who was standing on the city wall, felt a slight shake.

His eyes widened, his heart pounding violently.

With dry mouth, Yu Che looked at it for a while, and then asked in a nonchalant manner, "This, this is the big killer you said?"

It really is "God's Wrath".

The Thunder Goddess is just like that.

"Yes! Second brother, what do you think of this big killer? Can you help us defend the attached city?"

He Tian dessert nodded and said with a smile.


Yu Che spit out the word firmly.

This is not his nonsense, but a living example is in front of him——

Eight thousand North Rong soldiers were either bombed with flesh and blood, or were scared and fled.

There are more wounded, lying on the ground, holding their stumps and arms and crying non-stop.

It's like a purgatory on earth.

Yu Che has been on the battlefield and knows what the confrontation between the two armies is like.

However, it was the first time I had seen such a terrifying scene.

Of course, the North Rong soldiers did not deserve sympathy.

Not to mention how many clansmen the Yu family filled in the northwest, but only to say that the number of people who suffer from disasters in the north every year, I don't know how many.

Those people, they are just farming honestly, they just want to eat a meal and live a peaceful little life, it's not too much.

Why should you be bullied like an animal? slavery? Slaughter? !

Only those who have never been on the battlefield, whose family has not been killed by Bei Rong, and who have not been slaughtered themselves, can say such nonsense as "the state of etiquette must be tolerant and generous".

When dealing with the intruding enemy, we must fight back directly and fiercely!

For example, at this moment, the remaining Beirong soldiers fled in all directions, and the wounded lying on the ground no longer had the ability to resist.

The Yu family's army, who rushed out of the North Camp, was still holding horizontal knives, axes, etc., harvesting their own spoils one by one.

There is no humanitarianism, only life and death, revenge!

He Tiantian watched with cold eyes, the snow in the sky was getting heavier and heavier, slowly covering the blood-stained land with snow white.

After this battle, He Tiantian not only kept Fucheng, but also took advantage of the opportunity to occupy the grassland on the north side.

Wubao was established and the grassland was delimited. Since then, the Yu family army has gained a good place to raise horses, cattle and sheep.

The Yu family's troops quickly expanded from 5,000 to 20,000.

He Tiantian continued to promote planting, and she also encouraged experienced old farmers to try methods such as seedling raising, interplanting, soil and chemical fertilizers, etc.

Gradually increase food production.

There are also high-yield and drought-resistant grains such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, which are easy to store.

The attached city is completely self-sufficient and can support tens of thousands of people.

Therefore, when Shi He, Yu Ye, Feng Lang and others deliberately cut off the commercial roads leading to Fucheng, such as Xicheng and Biancheng, Fucheng not only was not constrained, but continued to develop.

Five years have passed quickly, and He Tiantian has grown into a handsome young man.

Yu Che grew into a very mature and savory local official, and he could shoulder the heavy responsibility of staying in the Fucheng alone.

Yu Heng was the vanguard camp, either hunting bandits everywhere or looking for the whereabouts of the Beirong tribe.

Yu Xing opened up business routes in the northwest, and did business with countries in the Western Regions.

As for He Tiantian, she is in command of the overall situation, military training, farming, gunpowder...the most core things are all in her hands.

The new generation of the Yu family has grown up successfully.

Their target also aimed at the west city next door——

Wuzhen is located in Xicheng, and Wuzhen is the base of the Yu family.

In the past, there was no strength, nor too much ambition.

The gunpowder and high-yielding grains that He Tiantian took out gave Yu Er and Yu Si "hope".

The one sitting in the imperial palace in the capital is not always on guard against the rebellion of the Yu family.

The Yu family simply tried their best.

It is not necessary to rebel, but the Yu family must have sufficient territory and strong military strength.

In this way, it will no longer be easily dealt with...

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