The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and fiftieth chapters exiled villain (36)

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"Oh, it would be great if the military camp in Xicheng also had the surname Yu!"

As the old Yu family army, Ma Sanniu envied the preferential treatment of the Xinyu family army.

And the soldiers of other military camps in Xicheng did not envy the welfare of the old Yu family army.

"Sanniu, I heard that you have meat to eat today?"

The speaker was a man in his thirties, his face was dark, he was not tall, and he was thin.

He didn't look very good, and when he spoke, he coughed twice from time to time.

"Brother Zhuang, are you sick?"

Ma Sanniu did not answer the question, but asked a question with concern.

"Oh, it's nothing! Isn't it cold? I don't have a cotton coat yet, so I can only wear a single coat, but it's freezing?"

When Ma Dazhuang said this, he did not forget to look at Ma Sanniu, who came from the same village as him, with envious eyes.

Gee, Sanniu is so lucky.

It was the same army, Ma Dazhuang entered the Feng family barracks, and Sanniu became the Yu family army.

You can eat enough, you can get military pay, and you have thick cotton coats in winter.

Five years ago, the Yu family army was in turmoil and was torn apart.

Sanniu, a veteran of the Yu Family Army who survived on the battlefield, was also assigned to the Feng Family Army.

Everyone was eating in a horse spoon again, and they all became poor soldiers like beggars.

However, not long after, the Yu family returned.

Sanniu went under the command of Jun Yu Erlang again and lived a good life again.

The same as the Xicheng army, the treatment of the Yu family's army is definitely the best among the several battalions.

Ma Dazhuang didn't need to ask about the specific situation, he only knew by looking at Ma Sanniu's increasingly robust body and the new cotton-padded clothes on his body.

Yu Jiajun's life is even better than in the past.

Of course, the pay is good and the training is strict.

like horses to strengthen them,

I usually do a drill or patrol, but I don't have much practice.

As for the Yu family's army, they practice every day.

Nearly 1,000 people, first standing in formation, but also turning around, I heard that even the beds in the barracks must be neat and clean.

Then everyone held a wooden stick and a wooden knife, shouting "Kill! Kill! Kill!", and bang bang bang with their companions.

If one gets it wrong, you will get hurt.

Don't be afraid of being injured, they have a special doctor.

Good bruises medicine, free of charge for wounded soldiers.

If you have a headache and a fever, you can also make a decoction.

I heard that family members who need decoction can also go to the doctor to ask for it.

Still no money!

Oh, by the way, the Yu family army also has to practice horse riding and archery...

Tsk tsk, too rich, so many ordnance, just to train the soldiers.

Unlike their Feng family army, they don't usually send weapons to their soldiers, but they will be issued in advance when there is a war.

Because the soldiers all know, ordnance also requires money.

There was a time when it was time to go to the battlefield, and some soldiers had no real weapons in their hands, and could only use wooden sticks to fill them up.

There are also armors, not even ordinary soldiers.

If you want to save your life, then pay for it yourself.

But where do the big bosses have money?

The army's salaries were deducted so little that they could not even support the children.

Or the Yu family army next door. They can have armor in normal training. Although it is not iron, that kind of rattan armor can also play a certain protective role.

Ma Dazhuang and other soldiers were envious.

The training is really hard, but you can get enough food and clothing, as well as military salaries, and family members can get pensions after death... Just one word: worth it!

Pulling back his thoughts, Ma Dazhuang reached out and touched the thick cotton-padded coat on Ma Sanniu's body, "It's better for you Yu family army, not only have the cotton-padded coat, but also so thick!"

"Huh? What's sewn in here? How soft and gentle?"

Ma Sanniu raised his head proudly, "Cotton! I heard that it is a good thing that our Shaolang Jun specially ordered people to find! Not only can it be spun and weaved, but it can also be sewn into clothes and quilts."

"Extraordinarily light and warm, it is much stronger than reeds and grasses. Counting nine cold days is not afraid of it!"


Ma Dazhuang had never heard of it, but he had already heard of the prestige of the Shaolang of the Yu family.

In the northwest, Mr. Yu Shaolang is definitely a legendary existence.

The ten-year-old Zhiling, in command of 500 trilogy, built the abandoned city into a more prosperous and stable than the west city and the border city.

The number of Xinyu's army has also grown from a few hundred at the beginning to two or three thousand.

Even their deputy director Feng was terrified.

There are many things about the attached city to embarrass Lord Yu Erlang.

He also deliberately cut off the commercial roads leading to the annexed city from several cities such as Xicheng.

As a result, the attached city is not afraid at all, and continues to develop and grow.

The attached city has become a trend.

In addition, Yu Erlang-jun has a little more confidence here.

"Yeah, cotton is very good. When I went to Fucheng to deliver a letter last time, I even went to see it. One after another, all of them are clouds like flowers. They are fluffy and soft, and I feel at ease when I look at them!"

Ma Sanniu raised his chest proudly.

Five years later, he was successfully promoted from a soldier to a captain of fifty people.

Ahem, it's not that he's not brave enough, it's that Jun Yu Erlang has been suppressed by the three deputy managers.

The men and horses under his command have only doubled in size.

With fewer soldiers, there are naturally fewer officers.

Being able to become the captain has already proved Ma Sanniu's ability.

As the coveted captain, Ma Sanniu really enjoyed the long-coveted generous benefits.

Military salaries, military merit awards, and allowances, relying on these items, the Ma family has built a new house, and his two younger brothers have also married.

It is Ma Sanniu, who has also changed from a poor soldier who was despised by everyone to a famous "golden turtle son-in-law" near his hometown.

What happened to the soldier?

There is so much pay every month, and I can get medicine for my family at no cost.

If family members want to go to the attached city to settle down, they can enjoy many preferential policies first.

The most exciting thing for the family members is that Fucheng will also arrange work for the women's volume and let the children study.

Tsk, a proper soldier, the whole family is worry-free.

Even if unfortunately killed, Fucheng also has a generous pension, enough for a woman to raise several children.

Moreover, General Yu said that the martyrs are given priority.

Priority to work, priority to housing, priority to study, priority to serve in the army...

And those who bully the strong family members will be punished twice as much.

All kinds of preferential treatment, so that the soldiers have no worries.

What are you afraid of?

When Lao Tzu died, the whole family was under the care of General Yu.

To put it badly, maybe the life of the family will be better than when he was alive!

Nothing was said, just one word - spelled it out!

Their lives were sold to General Yu.

Ma Dazhuang: If Feng Jiajun also has such a policy, my mother would also be willing to die.

However, the Feng family army is not as good as the Xinyu family army in Fucheng, and even the old Yu family army who was suppressed and had to be "harsh".

"Cough! Cough!"

Thinking of this, Ma Dazhuang couldn't hold back and coughed a few times.

"Oh, big strong brother, you are not very sick, you should see the doctor and grab some to eat."

Ma Sanniu saw that Ma Dazhuang was coughing so badly that his tears were about to come out, so he quickly reminded him.

Ma Dazhuang smiled bitterly, "I want to see a doctor, but how can I have money?"

He had to save up the military pay that was deducted and send it home.

The wife and children are hungry and will starve to death soon.

Like he is also a good man, he never flinched when he killed the enemy.

But he can't even support his wife and children.

Now that he is sick, he can only fight hard.

"No! You can't fight it hard! The disease will only get worse and worse. If you fall, there will be no hope for your sister-in-law and nephew!"

Ma Sanniu said eagerly.

He's not being alarmist, he's telling the truth.

Feng Jiajun did not have a series of welfare policies of Yu Jiajun.

Soldiers don't say that they died of illness, even if they die in battle, they have no compensation for their families.

If Ma Dazhuang was seriously ill, Shangguan might have thrown him out for fear of contagion.

At that time, Ma Dazhuang's family will only be more miserable.

Maybe in order to cure the disease, they have to sell their sons and daughters!

Alas, they are all folks from the same village. When he was in Feng's army, Big Zhuang also took care of him.

Ma Sanniu couldn't bear it, thought for a while, and said, "In this way, I will go to the doctor in our camp and ask if I can ask you for some soup!"

"Also, it's going to snow, how can I only wear a single coat? I, I still have the old cotton-padded coat from the past two years. Although it is a bit torn, it can still keep out the cold. —”

It's too late for Ma Dazhuang to be grateful, where would he dislike it?

I can't stop thanking him, my eyes are full of gratitude to Ma Sanniu, and I am already envious and jealous of him.

What if I was also the Yu family army?

In particular, Ma Sanniu really asked the doctor for the decoction for the cold, and even put his torn cotton-padded coat over Ma Dazhuang's body.

Drinking the warm decoction, he no longer felt that piercing coldness on his body, and Ma Dazhuang's heart became more and more fiery.

"It would be great if Feng Jiajun also changed his surname to Yu!"

This idea grows in my heart like weeds.

Ma Dazhuang was not an exception. There were also soldiers in the Feng family's military camp and Shi He's camp who had such thoughts.

Can't really blame these big guns.

They came to be soldiers, and they didn't have too lofty ideas. They just wanted to have a full meal. If they could support their families, it would be even better.

I am not afraid of having a hard life, but I am afraid that the next door is the control group.

If you don’t have enough food and don’t wear warm clothes here, your military pay will be deducted and delayed;

Next door, you eat your mouth full of oil, wear warm clothes, and there are so many rewards and benefits!

Envy, jealousy, hate.

Of course, they didn't hate the neighbor, nor did they hate General Yu.

They hate their own bad luck, they hate their bosses for being too greedy and mean, and they hate the generals who don't care if they live or die!

This hatred reached its peak after three consecutive months of not being able to receive military pay.

"It's almost New Year's Eve, and my family is still waiting for me to take the food and go back to New Year's Eve!"

"My baby boy is ill and has no money to watch, so he is waiting for my military pay to save his life."

"You still have a family. My special mother is almost thirty, and I'm still an old bachelor. Even a widow thinks I'm poor!"

In the Shijia and Feng's camps, there were more and more complaints like this.

Among the many voices, someone suddenly sighed, "Alas, it would be great if General Yu took over the West City!"

The crowd was silent.

But soon, the Yu family army next door, as well as various rumors in the attached city, instantly made their hearts agitated.

Yes, they are all from the Northwest Army, and the Yu family is not a traitor. From the Feng family and the Shi family to the Yu family, it is not a treason!

Besides, what if it was a rebellion?

I and my family are going to be unable to survive, and there is a death on the left and right. If I switch to the Yu family army, maybe there will be a way to survive...

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