The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and fiftieth chapters exiled villain (37)

The soldiers of Xicheng and Biancheng began to feel heartbroken.

Many people are secretly connecting with each other, and even some low-level military attachés are very excited about the Yu family army.

Can't help but be moved.

Power has always been pyramid-shaped, whether it is Feng Jiajun or Shi Jiajun, the people who can really eat meat, drink, and enjoy wealth are only a small part of the top.

Many mid-level and low-level generals lived better than ordinary soldiers.

Seeing the soldiers of the Lao Yu family army next door, they can eat and drink spicy food, and they have enough care if they are injured or dead.

Unlike myself, they are all captains and captains, and they are still embarrassed by the mother's side.

Think about all kinds of imbalances.

A certain idea in my heart grows like wild grass.

Feng Lang didn't know that people in his military camp had become uneasy, and he was busy collecting evidence of Shi He's crime.

Five years, a full five years.

The battle between the three deputy directors Feng Lang, Shi He and Yu Ye never stopped.

As expected by the saint, they did not completely unify the Northwest Army, and there was no more "Yu Family Army".

But the problem is also obvious, they go their own way, and they sweep the snow away from the door.

Feng Lang was stationed in Xicheng, and he just looked at Xicheng.

If there is a beacon fire in the border town, Feng Lang will stand by and watch.

Both Yu Ye and Shi He did the same.

The three deputy directors are so disunited that they have absolutely no idea of ​​cooperation and mutual assistance.

The defense line in the northwest is somewhat loose.

Last year, the eldest prince of Beirong personally led troops to attack the border city, which was in danger.

Fearing that the city would be destroyed, Yu Ye ordered people to go to Xicheng for help, and sent an urgent battle report for eight hundred miles to the imperial court.

The sage deliberately divided the Yu family army, and did not want another huge armed force to appear in the northwest.


He never thought of messing up the northwest and letting Beirong take advantage of it.

The ideal state of the saint is that the three deputy chiefs can not only check and balance each other, but also work together.

Feng Lang \u0026 Yu Ye \u0026 Shi He:'re thinking about PEACH!

how is this possible!

Competition is competition, rivals are rivals!

For the name of the general, the three of them almost had their human brains turned into dog brains, and they were about to tear their faces completely.

How could they still cooperate sincerely?

No, the evil consequences of deliberately creating contradictions have manifested—

Even if the sage made a decree and ordered Feng Lang to send troops to support him, Feng Lang would find various reasons to shirk and delay.

At a critical juncture, He Tiantian couldn't bear to see the ordinary people in the border town as victims of the power struggle, and rushed over with his troops.

Ahem, He Tiantian will send troops, and there are other reasons:

First, continue to train troops to further weaken the main force of the Northern Rong soldiers;

Second, once again increase the prestige of the Xinyu family army, infiltrate and shake the military hearts of several camps such as Biancheng and Xicheng.

He Tiantian led the Xinyu family army to rescue Biancheng, and the people of Biancheng were really grateful for this "magic soldier".

The following year, the Xinyu family army recruited troops, and there were many strong men from the border towns.

In addition, many people began to regret the remnants of the Yu family army that Yu Ye annexed.

"Hey, I knew this was the case. When Yu Erlang-Jun came back, he should have gone back!"

"Yes, yes, how kind and benevolent is the Yu family? They never drink the blood of soldiers. When the court's food and wages are insufficient, they will use their own money to supplement the soldiers."

"The current Yu Shaolang is more generous than the former General Yu. I have a robe, and he retired five years ago due to serious injuries. I thought that I could only live in poverty. Recruited to work in the workshop."

"Yes! That's right! I have a fellow villager, and this is also the case. He broke an arm. General Yu arranged for him to be a guard in the workshop. He was paid a month's wages, and also included room and board. The crippled ones that have been removed can easily support a family, unlike me—"

Everyone was talking, and their hearts were confused.

Someone suddenly said, "Actually, it's not too late to regret it now."

"We are all veterans of the Yu family's army. We have followed General Yu and Erlang Jun for several years. In the battle of the border town, we all fought bravely to kill the enemy..."

"That's right! It's not our will to be included by Deputy Director Yu. Deputy Director Yu was born in the Yu family, and he is also one of the most useful lieutenants of General Yu!"

"Yes, that's the truth. We have always called ourselves the "Yu Family Army", and the ungratefulness of Deputy Chief Yu is his business, and has nothing to do with us."

The "Yu Family Army" under Yu Ye's command was the most popular wave among the three deputy chiefs stationed in the army.

Yu Ye noticed something, but he didn't take these pawns at the bottom in his eyes.

Hmph, it's just a group of big-headed soldiers who don't understand anything. They only talk a few words behind their backs, and they don't dare to really "rebel".

Yu Ye deliberately picked a few soldiers who jumped up and down the most, and two of them were the captains.

Almost killed several people on the spot, which really shocked all the soldiers!

Standing on the high platform, Yu Ye looked down at the soldiers who were obviously frightened, and was very satisfied.

Are you afraid?

That's fine, be safe in the future!

Otherwise, there are more stringent military laws waiting for you.

Kindness does not raise soldiers, even if Yu Ye's family is from the lowest level, and he has achieved the position of general, his heart has become extremely hard.

As long as he can control the morale of the army and kill a few more thorns, Yu Ye will not hesitate at all.

After shocking the soldiers, Yu Ye did not continue to pay attention, but turned to collect Shi He's evidence.

It has to be said that although Yu Ye and Feng Lang are also in a competitive relationship, they have worked together in Northwest China for many years.

There is still so much tacit understanding between them.

The first target they wanted to bring down was Shi He.

It wasn't that Shi He was hated, and it wasn't that Yu Ye and Feng Lang were thinking about some old relationship.

In fact, Shi He had too many braids, and he grabbed a lot at once. You can also catch big mistakes enough to be punished.

Unlike Feng Lang and Yu Ye, one of them was cautious by nature, and the other was deeply influenced by the Yu family's army.

Both of them may have the common problems of military generals-eating empty wages and drinking soldiers' blood.

However, both of them are more restrained and will not go too far.

And the most crucial point, eating empty pay or something is not a big crime, but an unspoken rule.

Even a saint, he knows these things.

As long as a certain limit is not exceeded, and there are no calamities such as rioting and mutiny due to excessive persecution, saints and even important officials in the court will turn a blind eye.

Feng Lang, Yu Ye and the two of them had just the right balance.

As for Shi He, he was used to being arrogant in the southwest.

Eating empty wages and drinking soldiers' blood are all basic exercises. He also killed Liang and took advantage of his merits, and even secretly did business with Beirong.

Of course, Shi He would not do the real surrender to the enemy and betray the country.

But he wanted to get the prairie horses from Beirong, or to trade slaves, cattle and sheep with certain tribes.

...these are all invisible.

Once there is clear evidence, Feng Lang or Yu Ye can impeach him for "collaborating with the enemy".

In the past five years, Feng and Yu have been diligently searching for evidence.

Don't say it, they really found it.

What Feng Lang got was evidence that Shi He killed Liang and took advantage of his own merits and raised his enemies.

And Yu Yezhu got Shi He's accounts of "doing business" with many tribes in the northwest.

The two did not make an agreement, but they wrote secret papers to the saint one after another and reported the evidence.

The sage was furious, and he could bear it for killing Liang and taking merit.

Anyway, they are border people like grass mustards, and they will die if they die.

But Shi He had colluded with the Northwest, and the saint was absolutely unrecognizable.

This is collusion!

Even if he didn't betray the country, he was not loyal enough to Daliang and the emperor.

Moreover, you said that there was no betrayal, who can prove it?

You have all done business with the enemy and made a lot of money together. Even if you accidentally leak the secrets of the military, it will be a great loss to Da Liang!

The sage likes brain supplements. Seeing the memorials and evidences sent by Feng and Yu, he couldn't help but think—

In the past five years, there have been frequent wars in the northwest, and each time the city was almost destroyed.

When the Yu family guarded the northwest, such an emergency rarely occurred.

The sage did not think about the bravery of the Yu family's army, nor did he think that it was the Yu family's meritorious deeds in defending the city.

He didn't even think about his checks and balances, directly splitting the Northwest Army, and it was impossible to achieve unity and coordination.

He just sighed that Feng, Yu, and Shi were too incompetent.

With the evidence of Shi He's "colluding" with the Northwest, the sage couldn't help but wonder: Could it be this inner ghost is at work?

So, is the Northwest Defense Line so fragile?

The sage was very angry, he slapped the imperial eucalyptus hard, and passed down the will--

Shi He killed Liang and took advantage of his merits, greedy for the Mexican army's pay, collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, and delaying fighter opportunities... The evidence is conclusive, and he was punished for several crimes.

As for Shi He's 50,000 soldiers—

The saint pondered for a while, and another divine operation came.

He actually gave Yu Er a promotion with a stroke of his pen and asked him to replace Shi He.

The meaning of the saint is very clear, the situation of three-legged confrontation is the most stable.

And the Yu family, although they created a Yu family army to make the sage restless.

But it is undeniable that the Yu family is really good at fighting.

And after all, the Yu family "knows the rules" and has an overall view.

Even if they don't have the right to command the northwest, even if Feng Lang and Yu Ye are swept away, if there is a crisis in the city where they are stationed, Yu Er will send troops to help.

The sage likes to play checks and balances, dividing the huge northwest army into several parts.

But he didn't want the northwest defenses to be overwhelmed.

Feng and Yu are really not the people who plan the overall situation, so let Yu Er take this responsibility.

The more the sage thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible, and he was even secretly proud—

"I don't give you the title of chief general of the marching army, nor do I give you enough rights, but let you do the work of chief general!"

Even the problems of food, grass, ordnance, etc., have to be solved by Yu Er himself.

"Whore for free" Yu Er, treating him as a big head and a hard worker, the sage couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he thought of this.

Yu Er \u0026 He Tiantian: ... uh, as long as you are happy!

A month later, the messenger arrived in the northwest.

Shi He was relieved of his official position on the spot, and was tied up by the guards on the spot.

Yu Er was promoted on the spot and re-entered one of the leaders of the Northwest Army.

"Congratulations, Mr. Yu Erlang!"

The person who passed the decree was a servant, in his thirties, and fat and white, looking at him with a kindness.

However, Yu Er did not dare to underestimate him. This person was the second most useful servant by the sage's side. The sage sent him to deliver the decree, which seemed to give him enough face.

"Many thanks to the angel, the sage is so gracious, and a certain gratitude is inexplicable, and it is difficult to repay the broken bones!"

Yu Er pretended to be grateful and terrified, and when he was chatting with the servant, he didn't forget to secretly stuff the other party with a piece of good white suet.

After pinching the jade pendant, the tentacles are moist and delicate, and you can know that the texture is very good without looking at it.

The inner waiter curled his lips in satisfaction, and pretended to tell Yu Er some polite words such as "Saints value generals" and "Saints treat Yu's family with kindness".

The servant didn't stay for too long, and he had to escort Shi He and his party back to Beijing.

Yu Er kept it again and again and made a full gesture.

In the end, he personally escorted the servants and his party out of the three or four miles, and then returned to Beicheng "step by step".

"Second brother, that's great! Yu Jiajun, we got one third back!"

After sending the chambermaid away and sending the people around, Yu Si said to Yu Er happily with excitement on his face.

Yu Er was also happy, but he was not so happy.

He shook his head slightly and corrected Yu Si's words, "More than one third!"

When he said this, Yu Er turned his attention to Xicheng next door.

There, there are the remnants of the Yu family army.

Jiuro's "propaganda offensive" has penetrated into the Feng family's military camp.

Now, there is another case of "Shi Jiajun" turning into "Yu Jiajun", which seems to be the best assist.

You must know that before today, the Feng family army was the same as the Shi family army, and ordinary soldiers had a very difficult life.

Shi Jiajun was even worse than Feng Jiajun.

But now, Shi He was guilty, and the Shi Jiajun returned to the Yu family.

This is not just a change in the name, but more importantly, the "earth-shaking" of welfare benefits.

Once the soldiers of Feng's army knew that Shi's army was worse than him, now like Yu's army, they can eat enough food, wear cotton-padded clothes, and get full army salaries and rewards——

Hey, do you think they are unbalanced in their hearts, or are they unbalanced? !

Yu Er could completely imagine what kind of "lively" would happen to the Feng family's military camp, which was already full of people's hearts after he implemented the new welfare of the Yu family army in Beicheng.

Also, winter is coming again.

The grass and trees on the grassland are withering, and the nomadic Beirong tribe is facing a crisis of survival.

According to past practice, they will start looting the cities in the northwest front line.

Xicheng, Beicheng and Biancheng have always been the main targets of the northern army's attack.

Now the garrison in Beicheng has changed its surname to "Yu" again. Beirong, who was frightened by Jiulang's "Zhentianlei", not only did not dare to offend Fucheng, but even Beicheng did not dare to attack easily.

The West City and Border City are in danger.

No matter which one Beirong attacks, Yu Er will actively rescue them.

And after the "rescue", whether Feng Lang or the soldiers under Yu Ye's command will take the opportunity to mutiny and demand to join the Yu family army is beyond Yu Er's control. Is it or is it not? !


The Yu family is also very helpless!

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