The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 963: The Exiled Villain (End)

ah ah

Yang Jinhua was anxious and hated, she wanted to roar loudly, but she couldn't make a sound.

...... Sweat slowly on his forehead, his head kept turning around on the pillow, his face showed expressions of pain or eagerness from time to time, and his mouth was unconsciously murmuring, moaning, and groaning!

Obviously, the woman lying on the bed was in the midst of a dream demon.

Dreams, messy and numerous.

The bizarre picture changes from time to time.

A moment ago, Yang Jinhua also "saw" all kinds of things during his birth, including the reactions of everyone, as well as a certain pair of dog men and women hiding in the inner courtyard of the Houfu to steal sunshine.

The next moment, the scene was switched to the road of exile again.

Colonel Yuchi was still shrewd and greedy. After receiving the money from the Yu family, he smiled and said, "Let's pretend first, and then take off the shackles when we are far away from the capital."

However, just as Yang Jinhua had personally experienced, the group had just walked a few dozen miles when Shi He led the troops to chase them up.

This time, there is no "Yu Li", only a cowardly and submissive Gongsun Li.

He also did not stand up to meet Shi He.

Naturally, Shi He did not startled the horse and was struck by Lei, but followed the Yu family all the way.

With him around, Colonel Yuchi did not dare to release water.

Slowly, he took off the shackles, and under Shi He's "reminder", he put heavy shackles on Yu Er and other adult males.

There are also the women's rolls, except for Yang Jinhua, the "County King", everyone else was also shackled.

Gongsun Li, as the biggest male in the big house, was prioritized by Shi He.

A young boy who was already thin and weak, and had to be scolded by Shi He in various ways.

On the third day on the road, the child fell ill.

Yang Jinhua, however, watched from the sidelines—

It's not my own son, but a little brat from the Hakka family. If he dies, he will die.

Of course, Yang Jinhua didn't care in his heart, but he still had to put on a dress on his face.

She took care of it herself, and deliberately begged Captain Yuchi to get some soup in front of everyone.

Perhaps it was the soup that had been exchanged for a golden hairpin for the symptom, and perhaps it was Gongsun Li's life that should not end, and he survived.

However, even if he survived, the root of the disease has fallen.

When Gongsun Li grew up, he would cough a little when the wind blows.

The cough was earth-shattering, almost carve out the lungs, and sometimes coughed up blood.

Gongsun Li, who was not very healthy at first, became more and more sick after having such a disease.

Shi He saw that he was crooked and collapsed as soon as he blew it. His distorted mentality was satisfied, and he did not continue to target.

The focus of his "care" is still Yu Er, Yu Si and their eldest sons.

Yu Er and the others really suffered a lot, and they also left behind hidden illnesses.

Even Yang Jinhua, the special caregiver of Yang County, lost weight because he couldn't eat or sleep well.

The path of exile, which I thought would not be too difficult, really became a trip to hell.

After the Yu family arrived in the northwest, three children died, and the adult males also lost half their lives.

There were also several concubines, who could not bear the humiliation of Shi He's soldiers, and either fled or found short-sightedness.

There was no one around Yang Jinhua who could help, even her Yuan Niang was frightened and became extra sensitive and cowardly.

Fortunately, he finally arrived at Xicheng, and Shi He, the evil wolf, did not continue to discuss.

However, before he left, he still dug a hole for the Yu family: the Yu family was placed in the Fucheng!

The Fucheng in the dream is different from the "reality". There are no high-yield crops, no magical thunder, only deserted deserted cities, and bandits and horse bandits who come to loot every now and then.

Less than three days after the Yu family arrived in Fucheng, they were ransacked by a group of horse bandits who had "heard the news".

Gongsun Li was also kidnapped.

This mountain bandit had a grudge against the Yu family, so they vented all their grievances on "Yu Yan", the only direct son of General Yu.

Gongsun Li suffered a lot in the cottage. The originally cowardly, timid, and kind-hearted child was bullied and abused again and again, and finally blackened. He joined the bandits and became a well-known executioner and murderer.

Later, the Yu family army cleared the cottage, and he was beheaded by Yu Heng.

Yu Er and the others went to join the army as planned, and Yu Che led the cousins ​​to build the attached city.

It's just that he doesn't have a golden finger, and he doesn't have the knowledge and skills that go beyond a thousand years. He can only build cities and open up wasteland step by step.

The process was very difficult, but fortunately, the Yu family was united, able to endure hardships, and supported by episodes and guards, and the Yu family finally gained a firm foothold in the attached city.

After more than ten years, the Yu family slowly recovered.

Yu Er fought bravely to kill the enemy and finally became a captain.

But Shi He, Feng Lang, and others suppressed him severely. The one who fought hard for the war was Yu Er, and the one who received the reward was indeed the three deputy general managers.

Yu Er secretly hated, but there was nothing he could do.

Beirong was rampant, the Central Plains were in chaos, and the country of Daliang was almost overturned.

Yu Er seized the opportunity, recruited troops aggressively, and tried to kill Shi He, becoming one of the three deputy general managers.

The Yu family army was rebuilt and gradually expanded, and the Yu family finally had a place in the northwest.

Yu Yan, who was well-raised by Gongsun Lei by his side, was escorted by Buqu and guards, and rushed to the northwest.

Yang Jinhua was overjoyed, pulled Yu Yan and said to everyone, "This is my son Yu Yan, he is the only direct son of the general and the most orthodox heir of the Yu family army!"

Yu Er and others: ...

Without sharing weal and woe, without fighting together, such a pampered young master actually came to pick peaches?

Yu Er naturally did not allow it.

Yu Yan is already twenty years old, not an ignorant child.

When I was a child, Yang Jinhua was fascinated by his ears and eyes, and when he grew up, Gongsun Lei always reminded him.

He has always regarded himself as the heir of the Yu family.

He may not be good at serious art of war, but he is very proficient in some strategies with a taste of house fighting.

For example, "introducing wolves into the house" and "chasing wolves and driving tigers away", he would play like a thief.

In order to deal with the "competitor" Yu Er, he actually went to cooperate with Yu Ye.


No, son, you can't mix with Yu Ye.

The "reality" that Yang Jinhua experienced told her that Yu Ye was the enemy of the Yu family.

Yu Yan's "cooperation" with him is not only "seeking skin with a tiger", but also "recognizing a thief as a father".

Yang Jinhua was so anxious that she almost vomited blood, but she seemed to be restrained, unable to move or make a sound, and could only watch with resentment that Yu Yan and Yu Ye had become an "alliance".

Fortunately, Yu Er was not a waste, he withstood the internal and external attacks of Yu Yan and Yu Ye.

In these battles, he accidentally met a hero in troubled times.

Yu Er knew that he was not the one in command of the overall situation, and he was best at assisting.

Coinciding with the troubled times, heroes came out in large numbers, and Yu Er and Yu Ye both took refuge in this powerful and domineering king.

A few years later, Xiongxiong really invaded the capital, unified the world, and established a new dynasty.

Yu Er, Yu Ye and others also became heroes.

Although Yu Yan had no military exploits, he knew how to drill into the camp, and even won an earl.

The Yu family seems to be getting rich again.

But Yang Jinhua was not happy at all, she even wanted to drag Yu Yan over and beat him to death——

Unfilial son! Heartless white-eyed wolf!

How could he ignore the revenge of killing his father and collude with the enemy?

Also, the Yu family could have been the emperor, and Yang Jinhua was also the phoenix of the empress dowager, so how could she become a little lady of the uncle's house?

"Yu Yan, you are an unfilial son! You, you should be damned!"

The person who was in the dream demon finally woke up suddenly because of incomparable resentment.

She sat up abruptly, her eyes were still bloodshot, and cold sweat dripped down.

After a long while, Yang Jinhua realized, "It turned out to be a dream!"

However, this dream is too real, too real.

Yang Jinhua had an inexplicable hunch that everything in the dream was real.

Maybe it's another "life" of hers.

Without Jiulang, she, the Yu family, Yu Yan and Gongsun Li would all have such a fate.

The son was not stolen, and Yu Yan was indeed her own flesh and blood.

And it is such a dear son, who has done everything for him, and the result is——

"Haha! Hahaha!"

Yang Jinhua suddenly laughed, and the sudden laughter echoed in the huge bedroom.

"Kuro...haha...Yu Yan...hahaha..."

The next day, He Tiantian received a reply: "The Empress Dowager is crazy!"

"Ding! The task is completed, and the reward points are 100 points."

"Ding! Get 5000 achievement points."

"Ding! Get a reward of 20,000 points."

On the day Yang Jinhua went mad, He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness rang out one after another of mechanical sounds.

Her mission accomplished!

He Tiantian let out a long sigh, she bet right!

His performance really made the readers "cool" greatly.

"Sweet, the task is completed, do you continue to stay or leave the novel world?"

Xiao D also got out and said excitedly.

"Don't worry, I still need to make some arrangements!"

He Tiantian left suddenly, somewhat reluctant and a little worried.

Moreover, the world has been decided at the beginning, and it needs to rest and recuperate, and she needs to do a lot of things as the founding emperor.

He Tiantian can separate out a touch of divine consciousness to replace herself, but in the end it is better to do it herself.

After staying in the novel world for another ten years, He Tiantian managed the Daqi Dynasty to be prosperous and stable, and it looked like a prosperous world, so she chose to leave.

She wrote down her edict to seal Yuxing's eldest son as the crown prince, and then "died".

"Tiantian, Tiantian, you are really amazing. It was the first time to do this kind of gambling task, and it was easy to complete!"

"Haha, I knew that my family Tiantian is the strongest writer, no task is difficult for you!"


Xiao D is like a jumping egg, duang, duang, and duang are jumping around He Tiantian.

Its smug look, as if the person who completed the task and got the high reward is not He Tiantian, but its classmate D.

"Tiantian, continue to do the task? Let me tell you, there are so many gambling tasks like this, as long as you want to do it, you can get massive rewards!"

Xiao D wanted to chase after the victory, and began to bewitched desperately.

He Tiantian shook her head, "Let's not do the task for now, let's go back to reality."

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