He opened his eyes gently, and there was darkness.

He Tiantian didn't get up in a hurry, but lay down quietly.

She's "adapting"—

Back to reality, back to her courtyard in Beijing.

It was the bedroom she was familiar with, and there were mobile phones, scripts and other items on the bedside table.


Oh, by the way, before crossing, she was filming a historical costume drama called "The King's Landing."

She plays the second female Dugu Danxia in the play.

Because the circus was filmed for several days without a stand-in, director Chen Lin was worried that she was tired, so she specially gave her a few days off.

He Tiantian didn't really rest. She finally met Lian Ye, the wild writer, and had a brief confrontation with him.

Of course, Dianniang Library has formed an alliance with the evil forces and has become a community of interests.

Dianniang and evil forces are no longer antagonistic, and the former wild writers have also become regular writers of the system.

It seems that He Tiantian and Lian Ye are no longer enemies.

However, He Tiantian was still very wary of him.

This man is in danger!

Xu Shi is often a writer with a detached status in the task world, and Lian Ye's mentality is very domineering and arrogant.

He always had an inexplicable sense of superiority.

In his opinion, the people in the mission world are all NPCs, and he is a god-like existence.

He can dominate, change everyone, and even subvert a small world.

His sense of superiority has also been extended to the real world.

Lian Ye no longer looks down on the "mortals" in reality. He will get close to He Tiantian. In addition to He Tiantian's many conditions, the most important thing is that He Tiantian is "the same kind".

He Tiantian:  …

I was speechless!

What kind of different kind, makes him really like a great "god".

Whether it is a god or not, and who is a "mortal", is still unknown.

He Tiantian secretly hid her feelings so that Xiao D or the system would not notice.

Because of the unstable factor of Lian Ye, He Tiantian's sense of urgency became stronger.

Taking advantage of the two days of rest, she entered the world of novels and boldly chose the task of gambling.

Now, I won the bet, and I really got a super high score of 100 points.

Pulled open the system panel and glanced at the balance above——

Points: 109 points.

Well, I only had 10 points left because I bought a spiritual spring space that can be upgraded.

When doing the task, He Tiantian spent another 1 point to buy a dream space for Mrs. Hou, allowing her to "see" the reality.

Finally completed the task.

She only has 9 points left.

Now, with a reward of 100 points, He Tiantian's balance is back to three digits.

It is satisfying to look at, and at ease in my heart.

However, the task of gambling this time made her feel extremely tired.

It's not that the task is too difficult, it's that there is no clue at all.

He Tiantian has a hunch that such a task is just the beginning, and the next task will become more and more difficult and difficult to master.

Taking a deep breath, He Tiantian got off the bed, went to the bathroom to rinse, then changed into a set of clean pajamas and went back to sleep.

Letting go of the mind and relaxing the spirit, He Tiantian slowly fell asleep.

"Tiantian, look, Zhao Fei'er is on the hot search!"

The next morning, He Tiantian performed "morning exercises" in the yard as usual.

On the surface, she seemed to be doing some yoga-like stretching.

But, in fact, her body has been running Promise Jue.

The movements she does also imply her mental methods, which can reach the standard of cultivation.

He Tiantian finished her morning exercise and went back to the living room to prepare for breakfast.

Assistant Zhou Zi came early, and as soon as she entered the door, she shouted.

"Zhao Feier?"

He Tiantian had a momentary downtime and couldn't remember who Zhao Feier was.

I can't blame her for her bad memory. It's true that she has been in the mission world for more than 20 years and has experienced too much. In reality, some unimportant little things and little people,

She really can't remember.

Seeing He Tiantian's bewildered look, Zhou Zi couldn't help being a little speechless, "Tiantian, Zhao Fei'er, the second generation who brought money into the group, the one who always wanted to take your role."

"During the opening ceremony, she also ran on you with tea and tea. Have you forgotten?"

Although after the start, the two have almost no rivalry.

In the crew, there are not many opportunities for He Tiantian to meet Zhao Feier.

However, in the end, it is an actor of a crew, and there have been several contacts.

Why does his own artist still have the expression "who is she"?

Was this intentional ignorance, or was it really forgotten? !

"Oh, it's her!"

The little assistant reminded He Tiantian that a charming but not friendly face instantly appeared in He Tiantian's mind.

Then, there is no then.

Zhou Zi was even more speechless. While pushing the customized vegetable salad and two slices of whole wheat toast in front of He Tiantian, she said, "Tiantian, you don't want to know, why is she on the hot search?"

He Tiantian looked at the salad and toast with disgust. They were all breakfast, tasteless and lacking in oil and salt.

Soymilk fritters, scallion pancakes and bean curd brain are serious breakfasts.

"..." Zhou Zi understood the disgust in He Tiantian's eyes, and sighed helplessly, "Tiantian, you are an artist and you need to control your weight."

"Soymilk fritters and so on are all weight-enhancing packages, just look at them, don't eat them!"

Speaking of which, Zhou Zi seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly said, "By the way, Zhao Fei'er was on the hot search because she posted her butterfly back on V Bo."

While talking, Zhou Zi took out her mobile phone, swiped her fingers, opened a photo, and went directly to He Tiantian.

"Hey, look! How sexy is this butterfly back!"

Zhou Zi's praise of Zhao Feier is false, but it is true to "stimulate" her own artist.

"Butterfly back? What butterfly back? It's just too thin, and even the shoulder blades protrude."

He Tiantian glanced at it and said incomprehensibly, "You call this 'sexy'?"

Not malnourished and bony?

Just after returning from the troubled times, He Tiantian had seen those refugees who were so thin that only their skeletons were left.

To put it badly, the stars in the entertainment industry are almost like refugees.

So skinny, so skinny.

The height of one meter sixty, but only eighty pounds.

Absolutely skinny.

Of course, this has something to do with the photogenic effect.

The lens is widened, and the photo is ten pounds fatter.

For a better screen effect, artists can only desperately try to be thin, thin, and thin!

Before He Tiantian entered this circle, she knew that artists had almost abnormal control over their weight.

After entering, only to find that it is only more crazy.

Looking at the good-looking actors on the screen, in reality they are really as dry as ghosts.

Zhao Feier, He Tiantian searched hard in her mind and found her appearance and Baidu information——

Born in 1994, after his debut, he was changed to a person born in 1998, becoming the so-called post-95 generation.

Height 164, weight 82 pounds.

He Tiantian is about the same height as Zhao Feier now, 166cm, but He Tiantian's weight is ten pounds heavier than Zhao Feier.

He Tiantian also felt that according to her height and weight ratio, she was actually quite thin.

Normally, it should be around 110 pounds.

But including her assistant, acquaintances in the circle said: Sweet, you are too fat, you need to lose weight.

Some netizens put He Tiantian in the ranks of "fat beauties".

Slightly fat?

Do you call someone who is less than 95 pounds slightly fat?

He Tiantian really doesn't understand the aesthetics of the entertainment industry more and more.

Obviously more than ten years ago, actors still generally weighed more than 100.

But now-

"It's sexy, you didn't see all the compliments from the netizens, and the fans even blew it up!"

"It is also said that Zhao Feier is self-disciplined, works out all year round, eats fat-reducing meals, and sacrifices a lot in order to be an artist."

He Tiantian doesn't understand the perverted aesthetics of the entertainment industry, and Zhou Zi doesn't understand her own artists.

"Exercise all year round? Impossible! You're so thin, you don't even have fat, let alone muscle—"

He Tiantian is not a fitness expert, but she practices martial arts.

Just look at Zhao Feier's "butterfly back" to know that this person is definitely not relying on fitness to keep in shape, she is simply hungry and thin.

"Also, this isn't called self-discipline, it's called self-harm!"

He Tiantian shook her head, her eyes full of disapproval.

Zhou Zi sighed helplessly, "It doesn't matter whether it is self-discipline or self-harm. Sweet, this is popular in the entertainment industry, and if you are not thin enough, it will indeed affect your photogenic effect."

While talking, Zhou Zi did not forget to look up and down He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: What kind of eyes do you have?

"No! I'm at my thinnest state now. If I'm thinner, I'll have no muscle!"

Without muscles, she still practices martial arts.

and many more--

Thinking of this, He Tiantian seems to have found an excuse to deal with her little assistant: "Elbow, in King's Landing, I am a young general dressed as a man, and there are many fighting scenes, circuses and war scenes."

"I don't need a substitute, I do it all by myself. If I'm too thin, I can't do these moves at all!"

Elbow is Zhou Zi's nickname. After He Tiantian got to know Zhou Zi, he also started to call her so affectionately.

Zhou Zi hesitated for a moment, looked at the bulging biceps of He Tiantian's raised arm, and then looked at Zhao Feier's "beautiful back" on the phone screen, whose shoulder blades were bulging, and finally nodded slowly.

"Tiantian, you're right. Let's do it this time, but you can't get fat any more!"

At least eat a fat-reduced meal honestly, instead of thinking about calorie bombs such as carbs + carbs, sugar and oil mixtures all day long.

"Don't worry! My weight can definitely be controlled at 90 pounds."

He Tiantian is a martial arts practitioner and has internal skills, so he can control his body shape in the most ideal state.

The topic of weight loss came to an end, and He Tiantian continued to eat whole wheat toast in small bites. The rough taste really made it difficult for her to swallow.

In order to divert her attention, He Tiantian asked casually, "By the way, Zhao Fei'er is on the hot search, what does it have to do with me?"

It made her talk so much with the little assistant early in the morning.

It's simply a disaster.

Zhou Zi rolled her eyes, swiped away the photo, and clicked on the comment area:

"Of course it's Zhao Feier's fans who are slamming it in the comment area. Diss, you are too fat, not self-disciplined, not dedicated, and don't even have a butterfly back!"

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