The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter nine hundred and sixty fifth black material


He Tiantian smiled, and a pretty finger pointed back at herself, "Grab the character's relationship?"

Cough, related households or something, He Tiantian admits it.

After all, she really brought money into the group, and the investment amount is still the largest among the fathers of many gold owners.

But He Tiantian would never recognize the "robbery role".

Cheng Yiming had given her news a long time ago, even Director Chen Lin had mentioned it.

At the time of the audition, Chen Lin and the screenwriter and original author selected her He Tiantian.

It's just that when it was finally decided, Zhao Feier jumped out and inserted a stick.

If you have to say grabbing a role, it is definitely Zhao Feier, not He Tiantian.

"Oh, Zhao Fei'er's brain-damaged fans have started to act like demons. They ran under your v-blog to swipe the screen, and they all criticized you and cursed you!"

Zhou Zi kept swiping at her phone and scolded angrily: "The navy! It must be the navy! And those black fans, listening to the wind is rain."

"Tiantian, they all call you a resource coffee-"

After Zhou Zi became He Tiantian's assistant, she took over her v-blog account.

Regularly posting "life photos", or sharing news or something, finally let He Tiantian's v-blog account say goodbye to the state of long grass.

Fans shouted exaggerated words such as "sister killed me" and "prosperous beauty", licking the screen, licking the screen, editing the editing.

Zhou Zi occasionally likes or replies to a comment or two, and fans are getting more and more excited.

He Tiantian's v-blog's comment area entered a virtuous circle, and began to have the liveliness and traffic that line stars should have.

However, at this moment, Zhou Zi was somewhat disgusted by the "noisy" in the comment area.

Hemp eggs are all black fans, navy fans, and Zhao Feier's brainless fans.

It directly made the comment area smoky, full of all kinds of foul language that was blocked by ****.

Zhou Zi hurriedly began to delete comments, complained about the title, and still scolded: "This Zhao Fei'er is exactly the same, her acting skills are not good, and you can't beat you with investment, so, just use this inferior method."

"Sweet, why don't we quickly send a clarifying video."

Resource Cafe is not a good reputation. If it is crowned with this title, Tiantian's image will definitely be affected.

How sweet her family is, with high appearance, high IQ, no hype, no black history... but she was labeled a resource coffee for no reason.

Zhao Feier really performed "the wicked sue first" to the fullest.


He Tiantian thought for a while, but did not rush to answer.

Clarification is for clarification, but she wants to wait—

"Sweet, what are you waiting for?"

Zhou Zi was puzzled, thought for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Do you want the crew to help—"

At this moment, He Tiantian's cell phone rang.

She brought it over, looked down at the electricity, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise: "Come on!"

While talking, He Tiantian pressed the answer button, "Director Chen, hello!"

Hearing the words "Director Chen", Zhou Zi's eyes widened.

Then, she seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared on her round face.

Hehe, let's just say, my sweet family is the gold master father of the "King's Landing World" crew.

Now being slandered, the crew represented by Director Chen must help clarify.

No wonder Tiantian said to wait a while, but it was Director Chen who took the initiative to express his stance.

"...Okay, okay, thank you Director Chen!"

After saying thank you, He Tiantian hung up the phone abruptly.

She raised her head and looked at Zhou Zi, "Swipe your phone, there should be a new v-blog hotspot."

Zhou Zi hurriedly picked up the phone, and there was another swipe.

A few minutes later, she shouted in surprise: "Yes! Yes! The official blog of King's Landing and Director Chen's personal account have been updated with a video!"

"Oh, it's a tidbit of when you slapped polo. There is no Weiya, no stand-ins, and all the movements are done by you."

Zhou Zi was so excited that she couldn't stop talking.

After watching the video, she quickly opened the comment area.

Netizens in the comment area, book fans, drama fans, and He Tiantian's lotus leaves are all actively leaving comments.

I go, is it true or false, there is no substitute? 】

After I love love, I know that our family is the most powerful, and she is a trainer. 】

The original fan said that the Dugu Danxia in my mind finally has a specific appearance, ah ah ah, it's you, it's you, @何天天! 】

...a stubborn fan of a certain family, I will ask you if your face hurts or not, and you say that you are related to stealing the role. The director and the crew have all stood up and clarified. 】

9494, even if I didn’t see the director, they all said, ‘It is said that this is a related household, I sincerely pray that such a good-looking, acting, and hard-working related household will give me a dozen! ’. 】

Haha, don't look at Director Chen, who is almost 60 years old. 】

As a kid who grew up on the grassland, I have been riding horses since I was a child. I couldn't help but give a thumbs up. I just wanted to say to He Tiantian: awesome. 】

This is the noble daughter of a noble family in fresh clothes and angry horses and orchids like flowers. She is valiant and proud, and He Tiantian's acting skills are really good! 】

Of course, there are some discordant voices among the many pursuits and praises.

Who knows if it's a special effect? 】

That is, what if you can ride a horse? Our Mayfair can also play guzheng and calligraphy. 】

He Tiantian is fat, but she is not disciplined, and the flesh on her face is about to cross the screen! 】

Yes, you have right-angled shoulders, do you have a butterfly back? As an actor, I can't even control my weight well and I'm not dedicated! 】

Most netizens still hold a boycott attitude towards these brain-dead remarks that are almost black for the sake of black.

Of course, some people follow suit and think that He Tiantian on the screen is indeed not as slender as some actors in the crew.

He Tiantian:  …

Sure enough, this morbid aesthetic has already spread to ordinary people.

Beauty, do you have to be thin? Even thin to the point of being sickly, thin to the point of deformity?

He Tiantian frowned, she couldn't believe it, it was already 2021, and beauty was still so restricted and extremely defined.

Looking at the effect of being on camera and gaining ten pounds, and looking at those comments, He Tiantian couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

"Oh, sweet, you don't have to read the comments of these brainless fans, their brains are all blocked by the lake of shit."

Seeing that He Tiantian was silent, Zhou Zi thought that He Tiantian was affected by those malicious comments.

She hurriedly reassured and gave an example, "In fact, most people like you. Even passers-by have mostly positive comments."

"It really doesn't work, I'll go to the navy too, hum, Zhao Fei'er blacks us, and we black her too."

"She has been out for a few years. In the early years, there was a black history on the Internet. It's just that the memory of the Internet is relatively short, and Zhao Fei'er deliberately covered it up, so she didn't make a big deal."

Zhou Zi gritted her teeth, and He Tiantian came back to her senses and waved her hand, "No, I'm thinking about other things."

She has gone through so much, and her temperament has long been tempered to be extremely tough, so why would she care about some painless abuse and slander?

Zhou Zi was still immersed in her own thoughts, and continued, "Hmph, I don't believe it, there is no real black material on her body!"


"Check! Let someone check carefully, I don't believe that He Tiantian has no black history!"

"By the way, she was recommended to Beijing University. Is there any black box operation?"

"What about her parents, do they have some energy to help her get through the back door?"

"Hey, there must be something tricky! The crew said that, He Tiantian also invested money. She is a freshman, if she didn't have the support of her parents, how could she have so much money?"

"...Uh, even if the parents are incompetent, they can still find a great godfather!"

When it comes to the word "Godfather", Zhao Feier is extremely excited.

If she can find evidence that He Tiantian is being nurtured, she can directly hammer her to death.

Let He Tiantian completely collapse in the entertainment circle and become a bad actor, and there is no possibility of turning over again.

"Yes, go check it out, the focus is on the people behind her."

"Schools, such as Beijing University, her high school, oh yes, and her hometown, her relatives, neighbors, classmates..."

"Don't care about the money, as long as you can find valuable news, I will give a bonus of 200,000 yuan."

Zhao Feier's eyes were a little crazy.

She has always been smooth sailing, and after entering the entertainment industry, she is also like a duck to water.

He Tiantian encountered Waterloo again and again and again.

In the scolding battle on Weibo, when she just wanted to show off herself, she stepped on He Tiantian by the way.

I didn't expect the crew to be so tough and He Tiantian, and took the initiative to help stand up to refute the rumor.

Facing the strength of the crew and Chen Lin, Zhao Fei'er not only couldn't fight back, but also called Chen Lin to explain that everything was just the personal behavior of a very small number of fans.

It has nothing to do with her true master.

She Zhao Feier has no opinion on Chen Director's casting, and resists Heizi's malicious speculation.

Hold the fire!

After the phone call with Chen Lin and the smiling face, Zhao Feier felt extremely resentful in her heart.

She didn't want to offend Chen Lin at this time, so she could only transfer her anger to He Tiantian.

This time, she didn't make a rash move, but wanted to check He Tiantian's details carefully.


"He Tiantian is well protected by the relevant departments. I can't find any more information about her!"

In a certain luxurious villa, Lian Ye sat in front of the computer, his fingers flying, and the keyboard crackled.

Lines of code flashed quickly on the monitor in front of him.

He had just completed a task and exchanged his points for a top hacking skill.

The first time he tried it in reality, he aimed at the "similar" He Tiantian.

It's a pity that He Tiantian rejected the proposal of "cooperation", they can't be partners anymore.

It might even become an antagonistic enemy.

In order to prevent problems before they happen, Lian Ye decided to take the initiative to grasp all of He Tiantian's situation and find out the opponent's weaknesses.

Or the black history that can blackmail each other.

drop! Drip!

The computer of a relevant department suddenly sounded a rapid prompt tone.

A bright red exclamation mark with a triangular frame quickly flashed on several computer screens!

"There was a hacker...attempt to eavesdrop on classified information..."

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