The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 966 The wind rises

"Is someone undercover? Trying to hack into the database?"

He Tiantian was a little surprised.

"That's right! Fortunately, you helped upgrade the firewall, and added alerts and anti-tracking programs!"

The person on the other end of the phone said in a deep voice, "It's a pity that the man's skills are so superb that he escaped."

He Tiantian was silent for a moment. She was very confident in her computer skills. This was a black technology given by the system that surpassed reality for several years.

But soon, she was relieved, and a name appeared in her mind - Lian Ye!

They are all writers. He Tiantian can learn super sophisticated technology through the system, even Ye can also.

Therefore, he could easily escape the anti-tracking program set up by He Tiantian.

"...Mr. He, don't worry, we will continue to pay attention and deal with relevant issues as soon as possible."

People in the relevant departments felt He Tiantian's silence, mistakenly thought she was worried, and hurriedly said.

He also knew that He Tiantian was not only a national treasure-level scientist, but also an entertainer.

The entertainment industry is very complicated and the water is deep. A small specious black material can destroy a star.

Of course, with the national Baba as the backer, even if He Tiantian is hacked, he will not easily overturn the car.

However, since it is necessary to protect, it must be more perfect and "prevent problems before they happen"!

He Tiantian's background is very innocent, there is almost no black material, and there is no reason to be criticized.


This is also easy to solve!

Relevant departments have already begun to make arrangements, and I believe there will be results soon.

"OK, thanks!"

He Tiantian didn't think too much, just assumed that the relevant departments would strengthen confidentiality, defense and other work, so as not to let people interested in her find out the details.

It's a pity that even Ye has already found her, so it doesn't matter if there is any evidence for that.

However, He Tiantian is very grateful for the willingness of relevant departments to be busy with her affairs.

Hanging up the phone and sitting quietly, He Tiantian's brain began to work quickly——

"No, I have to speed up! I can't let this idiot, Lian Ye, ruin my plan!"

He Tiantian controlled her mood swings, preventing Xiao D and the system from noticing her abnormality.


s province, d city.

"Ms. He, is He Tiantian your niece? Did you bring it up?"

A man wearing a black jacket and sunglasses said to the woman across from the booth.


He Shengnan looked alert, "Who are you? Why do you know me? What is your relationship with He Tiantian?"

He Shengnan really doesn't have much affection for He Tiantian, a cheap niece who he raised until he was eighteen years old.

Especially this dead girl is cold-hearted and cold-hearted. Since she got married, He Tiantian has cut off from her.

Later, when He Shengnan went to the school to look for her, she avoided seeing her, and even pushed the head teacher, teachers, etc. to prevaricate her.

Go to college, and don't give her any news.

So much so that her younger brother and younger sister-in-law complained about her, and even her former concubine and current husband scolded her for being stupid: "You have already raised them, but you don't raise them well!"

"Obviously I paid, but as a result, the child is older, but I don't kiss you, and I don't even leave you a contact information!"

"Tell me about you, and seeing your shrewd face, how can you do such a stupid thing?"

He Shengnan can't bear children, and he has reached middle age, and he can only rely on his husband for the rest of his life.

Therefore, even if the husband pointed at the nose and scolded him, he did not dare to resist in the slightest, and he had to accompany the smiling face and apologize: "It's my fault, it's me who did things wrong!"

He Shengnan said this, but he felt a lot of grievances and anger in his heart.

She didn't dare to hate her husband, so she put everything on He Tiantian—

It's all this dead girl! Unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

With hatred in his heart, He Shengnan didn't want to pay attention to He Tiantian anymore.

Even if she saw He Tiantian's advertising poster in the supermarket later, she just called her brother, but did not continue to investigate——

He Tiantian, how did this girl suddenly become a star?


"Dawn was released, and news and gossip about He Tiantian began to appear on the Internet.

He Shengnan also deliberately ignored it, let alone showed off to his husband, stepson, relatives and neighbors.

After a few months like this, I didn't expect someone to find me because of He Tiantian.

"Ms. He, don't worry, I have no ill intentions!"

Seeing that He Shengnan was very alert, the jacket man smiled and said, "Actually, I just want to know the details of He Tiantian. For example, her parents, her childhood, her school days..."

As he spoke, he took out a bulging envelope from his handbag.

He pushed the envelope in front of He Shengnan.

He Shengnan's eyes closely followed the envelope. If she guessed correctly, it should contain cash.

Such a thick stack, about ten or twenty thousand.

He Shengnan's heartbeat began to speed up, and a greedy light appeared in his eyes.

She can't blame her for her shallow eyelids. Since she married her husband, she has no job and no income. She can only get living expenses and pocket money from her husband every month.

Although there are 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per month, the household expenses are also large.

He Shengnan also likes to enjoy himself. After a month, he can't save any money at all.

The dowry she originally prepared for herself was blackmailed by He Tiantian's dead girl, and she didn't dare to move the rest, and kept it as a coffin book.

... This resulted in He Shengnan having no money at all.

Seeing 10,000 or 20,000 yuan in cash at this moment, it seemed that he could get it without much effort, and He Shengnan was naturally moved.

She took her eyes away from the envelope with difficulty, and showed a clear smile of "I have seen your identity" on her face——

"Are you a paparazzi, want to know He Tiantian's dark history?"

Although her husband always called her stupid, He Shengnan didn't think he was stupid.

On the contrary, in some things, her reaction is still very quick.

The person in front of him was secretive and inquired about He Tiantian in detail.

As for He Tiantian, although He Shengnan tried his best to avoid it, he had to admit that this dead girl had become a star in the entertainment industry.

Celebrities or something, the topic is high, and there are many right and wrong.

For the sake of performance, the paparazzi are especially loyal to digging stars for various materials.

Although He Shengnan has a bad relationship with He Tiantian, she is He Tiantian's aunt and adoptive mother.

What she said was believable.

Even if she spreads rumors, the brainless netizens on the Internet will believe it, and instead run to scold He Tiantian for being ungrateful and being too indifferent to her relatives.

He Shengnan's eyes brightened when he thought of this.

Hey, this definitely kills two birds with one stone:

First, you can get rich rewards for breaking the news or something.

Second, she can also use public opinion to kidnap He Tiantian, so that she can obediently fulfill her obligations of filial piety and support to her elders.

Oh, He Tiantian is a star.

Celebrities can earn more money, and everyone outside the circle knows.

If He Shengnan wanted to come, He Tiantian would spend hundreds of thousands or millions for any commercial.

And she took out a little bit, enough for her old age.

And with such a cash cow niece, her husband and stepson won't take her seriously like they used to!

Taking 10,000 steps back, He Tiantian's dead girl is cold-hearted, heartless, unfeeling, not swayed by public opinion, and reluctant to reconcile with her relatives. He Shengnan made a lot of money by breaking the news.

Anyway, no matter how you calculate it, He Shengnan is not at a loss!

Oh, yes, it's still my brother's side.

If he also agrees to come forward and accuse his unfilial daughter, his biological parents and adoptive mother, he will definitely be able to kill He Tiantian for being unfilial and ungrateful.

"This money, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

When He Shengnan made a decision, he began to bargain.

They were not fools. The man in the jacket understood He Shengnan's face when he saw her face.

"Ms. He is indeed a smart person, good! This money is regarded as a deposit. If I am satisfied with what Ms. He does, there will be a 'final payment'."

"That's good! Let me tell you, this girl He Tiantian..."

He Shengnan began to talk endlessly about He Tiantian's childhood.

The jacket man listened for a long time and found that there was no obvious black material.

When He Shengnan saw the man in the jacket frown, he knew that he should not be satisfied with his revelations.

She changed her words, "This girl is just looking honest and full of bad water, she-"

Having said this, He Shengnan deliberately paused, and it was full of meaning to sell off.

"Ms. He, as I said before, in terms of money, I will never treat you badly!"

"Hehe, you misunderstood...then what, let's continue. He Tiantian, she doesn't care about the family when she is successful. She deliberately changed her mobile phone number to prevent me and her biological parents from finding her."

"I don't worry, I went to school to find her, and she deceived the teacher and let the teacher prevaricate me!"


He Shengnan said it vigorously, and a look of surprise began to appear on the face of the man in the jacket.

right! That's it!

This is the big black material that can make stars roll over.

Huaguo attaches great importance to filial piety, and even the law is biased. Parents can be unkind and not loving and not supporting their children, but when children grow up, they cannot but support their parents!

There are also some netizens who like moral kidnapping the most.

No matter how bad the parents are, they will persuade their children to be kind and repay their kindness.

The moral kidnapping that stars have to bear is heavier.

He Shengnan and Jacket Man are well aware that such revelations are enough to make He Tiantian, a rising star in the entertainment industry, overturn.

"Ms. He, would He Tiantian's biological parents be willing to be interviewed?"

The jacket man didn't think it was enough, so he continued to make demands to He Shengnan.

In the Chinese tradition, Sheng En is always the most powerful.

Biological parents also seem to have an advantage over adoptive parents.

Blood ties, like a gold medal to avoid death, can condone some irresponsible parents to act recklessly.

And He Tiantian's biological parents are willing to come forward, and they will be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

"Uh, this—"

He Shengnan is a little hesitant. His younger brother and younger sister are official apes, and they don't even post on a circle of friends. How can they easily deal with gossip paparazzi?

Seeing that He Shengnan would not let go easily, the jacket man took out an envelope from his handbag.

Another twenty thousand dollars!

He Shengnan gritted his teeth, "I'll talk to my brother first and persuade him well."

They are both directly related siblings, and He Shengnan knows his younger brother very well—

He Tiantian is so disobedient, and his younger brother doesn't show his face, and he must be very dissatisfied.

The younger brother should also want to "expose" the unfilial daughter!

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