The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The nine hundred and seventieth chapter female match she has a barrage (3)

Is this a rebirth?

Or was it crossed? !

He Tiantian looked at Si Xiangwan without a trace, secretly guessing.

Or, another writer?

He Tiantian didn't forget that she was doing the task of gambling.

One of the biggest features of such a customized task is that it is very unfriendly to writers like He Tiantian.

Make it harder, make it harder!

Although Xiao D has spoiled a little bit: women have golden fingers.

But what exactly the golden finger is, did not say.

Rebirth, traversal, system, unlocked plot... These are all golden fingers.

What's more, you can also come to a superposition.

For example, rebirth + system, transmigration + plug-in, are all possible.

"Yuhan? Kang Yuhan?!"

"Si Xiangwan" quickly entered the state after a series of changes in expression.

She tried her best to control her emotions and shouted at He Tiantian.

She seemed to just want to wake up her distracted friend, but He Tiantian still sensed the temptation in her tone.

Yes, this person seems to want to confirm whether the person in front of him is Kang Yuhan.

"What's wrong? Xiang Wan!"

He Tiantian didn't give "Si Xiangwan" a chance to speak cliché.

I want to determine the identity and time through her words, hehe, sorry, we are opponents.

He Tiantian refused to help.

"What did you just say?" He Tiantian didn't cooperate, and Si Xiangwan was a little anxious.

She has just entered this brain-damaged online article with three views destroyed. She has not yet received the memory of the original owner, and she has absolutely no understanding of the time node and the progress of the plot.

She wants to enter the state as soon as possible, so as not to miss or delay the opportunity to change her destiny because of her new arrival.

"No, I didn't say anything, we just chatted casually."

He Tiantian continued to act stupid.


Si Xiangwan choked.

She wanted to ask questions like "What did we talk about? Did you mention Huo Rin?"

But I am worried that the plot has not yet officially started, and the epic little three Kang Yuhan has not introduced the original owner to know Huo Rin.

If she asks rashly, she will reveal her secrets and be suspected by Kang Yuhan.

This woman is shrewd to the core.

And by no means the stupid white sweet like the original owner.

"By the way, that's how things are decided! Xiang Wan, you promised me, you can't break your promise!"

He Tiantian looked at the tangled Si Xiangwan playfully, and deliberately said something very misleading.

After the simple test just now, He Tiantian can be sure that the Si Xiangwan in front of him should be wearing it, not the rebirth of the original owner.

It is not ruled out that it is a writer.

However, even a writer should be a fledgling rookie.

Too impatient, too ignorant to hide emotions.

He Tiantian couldn't help but wonder, how much difficulty would the system create for a writer of such a level to be a writer who is doing a gambling task?

Of course, He Tiantian will not take it lightly, she believes that things are far from simple.

The system should have other arrangements.

It's just that He Tiantian is curious, how can a transmigration girl be so immature and "fight" with the writer?

"..." Si Xiangwan was dumbfounded.

She didn't even know what the original owner and Kang Yuhan said.

Wouldn't it be a promise to do something with Huo Rin?

If he really agreed, wouldn't he have to fall into the quagmire of this pair of scumbags and scumbags again?

She traveled once, definitely not here to be a victim or a victim.

She wants to live her wonderful life and never mess with scumbags and scumbags.

Si Xiangwan wanted to refuse, but she didn't know anything, worried that Kang Yuhan would ask her why she refused.

In this way, she will be speechless again!

God of transmigration, what the hell is going on with you?

Let me traverse, at least give me a suitable traversal node.

How can I be like now, so that I don't even have time to merge memories?

Wait, not really.

Or should I find an excuse to go to the bathroom?

Just when Si Xiangwan's brain started to work frantically,

Suddenly, a virtual screen appeared on her retina.

Si Xiangwan's eyes widened.

what's going on?

I traveled back once, and I still had an illusion?


He Tiantian felt another wave of energy fluctuations.

She thought about it and decided to give it a try!

He Tiantian gathered her thoughts and started a small program.


On He Tiantian's retina, the same interface as Si Xiangwan appeared——

The development of the plot is not right, Si Xiangwan looks a little weird! 】

9494, Si Xiangwan is just pure, not stupid! 】

Is there a possibility that Kang Yuhan is too cunning? Why do I feel that Kang Yuhan is more insidious than the setting in the original book? 】

I said, are you too much 'a bowl of fans'? Your own actors are poor in acting. They only use exaggerated movements like blinking eyes to express their hearts. As a result, they missed the loopholes and were noticed by others that they were abnormal, but they blamed them for being too cunning. ? 】

In front of you, you are so eager to defend Kang San'er, are you also a San'er yourself? 】

Earlier, an acting teacher said that some actors' eye movements were too exaggerated. I don't think so. Now that I saw this plot, I finally understood! 】

right! Si Xiangwan was so forceful that anyone with eyes could see her 'little actions'! 】

You go, you go, if you can't, don't beep! 】

that is! We are already very good, do you know how hard she works? 】

Sisters, don't waste your words with these black fans, let's focus on the plot. 】

Haha, just wear Xiang Wan, I want to know the development of the plot——]

Female goose, I know! Let me tell you, the plot has just started, and Kang San'er has introduced you to Huo Zhanan. 】

And me, I also know, Nu Goose, you are too naive, you were tricked by Huo Scum Nan, thinking that you have a relationship, but you are not sure, so you came to Kang San'er to chat...]

... The 'a bowl of fans' are crazy, do you really think your barrage can be seen by the characters in the play? 】


After He Tiantian read these words that flashed quickly, these two words also came to mind.

"Well, this is Si Xiangwan's golden finger? Time travel + barrage?"

As a girl who also likes to watch dramas and videos in reality, He Tiantian naturally knows what barrage is.

But it is the audience or fans who put their own discussion or evaluation of the plot on the screen.

With the progress of the video progress bar, the content of the barrage is also updated in time.

There are also spoilers such as "high energy ahead" and "famous scene".

What He Tiantian really cares about is not that Si Xiangwan can see the bullet screen, but that she is thinking about why there is a bullet screen in the world they live in.

According to the system, this should be a small world derived from online novels.

But the barrage mentioned a word "in the play".

He Tiantian couldn't help thinking, is there still "books" in this novel world?

Just like a nesting doll, it looks like a book world on the surface, but it is actually a virtual world derived from the book world.

And those "viewers" who send out the barrage, what they see is the virtual world.

Or TV series, or live broadcasts, but they are all virtual and then virtual.

This, can't help but make He Tiantian think of herself——

You think it is reality, but the world in the book is two-dimensional;

In fact, the reality you are in may be a Truman, a three-dimensional dimension in the eyes of a higher-level "audience"!

He Tiantian's mood fluctuated a little, but soon, she got it under control.


She must not reveal that classmate Xiao D is still in the depths of her sea of ​​knowledge.

With the uncle's Promise Jue madly running in his body, He Tiantian adjusted his breathing, heartbeat, etc. back to the normal frequency.

Nestled in the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, a certain hairy ball that was bored and licked the hair suddenly felt something, but soon, it relaxed again.

It must be an illusion! Hey, it's the best to watch Tiantian do the task. 】

Speaking of which, Tiantian was good or bad just now, playing Si Xiangwan like a fool! 】

Looking at Tiantian's little eyes, tsk, she should have guessed the most difficult task of this task. 】

That's right, it's a barrage! This is not a traditional well-known plot, but it can be spoiled at any time, as if someone has installed a full range of cameras, and every move is under surveillance. 】

Classmate Xiao D thought cheerfully, it's not too obvious that it "isn't too serious to watch the fun".

The result of being too invested in eating melons is that it doesn't care about He Tiantian's emotional fluctuations at all.

After a brief period of consternation, Si Xiangwan quickly adapted to the existence of the "barrage".

Through the content of the bullet screen, she knew the node she had passed through.

And she seemed to be stupid just now, trying to make a cliché, but in turn was tested by Kang San'er.

Kang San'er, ahem, she was affected by the barrage!

It's Kang Yuhan, but Kang San'er can't "think" like Kang San'er.

Si Xiangwan was worried that he was used to "thinking", and blurted out "Kang San'er" to Kang Yuhan.

Kang Yuhan had some doubts about himself. If he leaked again, wouldn't he have provided "evidence" to others?

Taking a deep breath, Kang Yuhan adjusted his mentality.

She suddenly showed a playful smile, "Okay, what happened just now is settled!"

"Yuhan, let's sign up for the live broadcast of 'Desert Island Survival', shall we?"

Through the barrage, Si Xiangwan knew his crossing node.

And she is familiar with the plot, and thought of the relevant details from the crossing nodes.

The original owner came to the cafe today, in addition to wanting to "discuss" her relationship with Kang Yuhan, she also discussed with her whether to participate in a live broadcast event.

What Kang Yuhan said just now was also because of this live broadcast.

Si Xiangwan continued the words and began to express his position, trying his best to cover up the gaffe just now.

He Tiantian didn't hold on to it, she had already tried everything out, so she didn't bother to waste words with Si Xiangwan.

"Of course it's good, I didn't say it just now, 'that's how things are decided'. Let's sign up now."

He Tiantian opened the smart bracelet on her wrist, and with a swipe, a virtual screen was projected over her wrist.

There are icons of various apps on the screen. He Tiantian taps the icon of "holographic live broadcast", the app is opened, and the registration screen is displayed...

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