The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 971st chapter female partner she has a barrage (4)

He Tiantian incorporates the memory of the original owner, and is very familiar with these high-tech products.

She quickly filled out the information and then submitted the registration form.

Compared with He Tiantian, Si Xiangwan was a little rusty.

She secretly watched He Tiantian's every move and quietly followed her studies.

Click on the optical brain on the wrist, open the optical screen, find the "holographic live broadcast" APP, and then start to fill in the information step by step.

After a full five minutes, Si Xiangwan completed the registration process.

[Haha, the female goose is so cute! 】

[Confess that my family is late, beautiful, kind, and a great technical expert! 】

[Yes, yes, who would have thought that such a girl like a little white rabbit would grow into a technology giant in the future? 】

[Si Xiangwan is an independent and successful woman, unlike Kang Yuhan, who knows how to rely on men and knows how to take shortcuts! 】

[Please, in front of you, don't worry about Kang San'er, bad luck! 】

[That's right, let's praise my female goose. Instigated by Kang San'er to participate in the holographic live broadcast, but...]

[I'm going, the one in front, don't spoil the whole family! 】

[I've done it three times, and seeing this, I can't help it! 】

【Three brushes? I have eight brushes, okay? 】

【Eight brushes? Too exaggerated. Doesn't it look disgusting? 】

[The one who said disgusting, what do you know? Good works have to be read over and over again. 】

[That is, if you don't know how to appreciate yourself, you know how to doubt others. 】

[Si Xiangwan's brain-damaged fans, you are enough, you can cheer yourself up if you like, why do you diss passers-by? 】

[Yo, you are Kang San'er's 'San'er fan', right? You still have the face to pretend to be a passerby? 】

The barrage started to quarrel, and He Tiantian saw three black lines hanging down from her forehead.

However, seeing these barrages, He Tiantian was thinking again, maybe things are not as complicated as she thought.

This is still the world of books, but the original plot of this book is set so that the heroine (or supporting actress) can see the barrage.


He Tiantian lowered her eyelids, what was the energy fluctuation she felt?

The applet she embedded really allowed her to "share" Si Xiangwan's golden finger.

and also,

He Tiantian didn't know the original script, so she didn't interpret it according to any fixed plot.

Her communication with Si Xiangwan just now was entirely based on her character, and she had free play.

However, the barrage on the virtual screen did not show any abnormality.

The reactions of netizens seem to be able to be "updated" in time as the content of the plot changes.

This is not like a TV series that has been filmed, but a live broadcast that is broadcast while filming.

...The mission world this time is really different from the previous one.

Therefore, He Tiantian would suspect that this is a "matryoshka", and there are three dimensions in addition to the second dimension.

"Okay, I'm done!"

Si Xiangwan also saw the barrage. She filtered out the unimportant information that praised her and quarreled, and refined it to a key point—

The holographic live broadcast this time is a conspiracy of Kang Yuhan.

And she is smart and has a bullet screen as a cheating device, so she broke Kang Yuhan's conspiracy and tricked her in turn.

Si Xiangwan: ...

Well, it's not the same as the web article she read.

In the original book, the original owner, Si Xiangwan, did not have any barrage.

So, the barrage is the golden finger that is only opened after wearing it?

"Am I the real chosen daughter? And the tragic fate of the female supporting role, Si Xiangwan, can also be reversed by me?"

Thinking of this, Si Xiangwan suddenly became energetic.

When she first wore it, Si Xiangwan was still worried that she had dressed as a cannon fodder supporting actress with the same name and surname.

Although she will not follow the old path of female supporting roles, she will try her best to distance herself from the disgusting pair of male and female protagonists.

But she is afraid of the power of the plot.

If in order to correct the plot, she will be forced to subdue her intelligence, wouldn't she have to vomit to death?

After watching the barrage, Si Xiangwan realized that the plot could be reversed.

Female supporting roles can also counterattack and become female protagonists!

That's right!

She is a big heroine, a scumbag, a scumbag, a career, and beautiful alone.

Maybe you can find a few little milk dogs, little wolf dogs... Tsk tsk, such a comfortable life is not a hundred times better than mixing with the male and female protagonists? !

Yes, in the online novel that Si Xiangwan read, Huo Rin and Kang Yuhan are the protagonists.

They were originally a pair of lovers who truly loved each other, but because of the objection of the Huo family, they had to reluctantly parted.

After breaking up, they couldn't forget each other.

But it can't be combined.

So, the "kind" Kang Yuhan made a show and introduced his college roommate and best friend Si Xiangwan to Huo Rin.

The Huo family didn't accept Kang Yuhan because Kang Yuhan's family background was not good, and Si Xiangwan's family, although not the richest man in a wealthy family, was also a scholarly family.

My grandparents are both university professors, and my grandfather retired as the university president.

There are so many peaches and plums all over the world, and the students from the old school are all over the local education and academic circles.

Si Xiangwan's father is a tech giant, and his mother is a surgical knife.

Grandparents, grandparents, uncles, etc. are also the leaders of the local pharmaceutical industry.

Si Xiangwan was a winner at birth. He was loved by his family since he was a child, but he did not develop a arrogant and domineering character.

She is like a real family girl, well-bred and well-behaved. The only thing that can be called weakness is that she is too simple and too easy to trust people.

She was easily deceived by Kang Yuhan and Huo Rin, and really fell in love with Huo Rin, a scumbag.

Trapped in the fog of love, Si Xiangwan began to worry about gains and losses, completely unlike her original appearance.

In fact, Si Xiangwan cannot be blamed for being "perverted".

It was really too much for Kang Yuhan and Huo Rin.

Si Xiangwan is not a fool, she has the sixth sense of a woman.

She felt the ambiguity between her best friend and her husband, and she didn't want to believe it, so she told Kang Yuhan frankly.

As a result, Kang Yuhan didn't admit it at all, and in turn blamed Si Xiangwan for not believing her, slandering her, and attacking Si Xiangwan with a phrase commonly used by brothers:

"Huo Rin and I have known each other for a long time. If we were to be together, we would be together already!"

"We didn't! I also introduced him to you."

"Xiang Wan, think about it for yourself, if we have ghosts in our hearts, would I still do this?"

"The two of us are really nothing, don't be suspicious! Xiang Wan, do you know that your doubts are really hurtful!"

"It's not just me, it's not just Huo Rin, you have humiliated yourself, you know?"

Si Xiangwan failed to be held accountable, but was instead taught a lesson.

She was dazed by Kang Yuhan's rhetoric, and actually thought: Or, it was really my fault.

However, as time passed, Kang Yuhan and Huo Rin became more and more arrogant.

Especially after Si Xiangwan gave birth to a daughter and a son successively, especially after Si Xiangwan's father successfully developed a "super alloy" capable of making starships for the Huo Group, the adultery between Kang Yuhan and Huo Rin was exposed. .

Seeing the photos on Gossip Weekly and seeing those two faces that he could no longer be familiar with, Si Xiangwan's whole world collapsed.

She has turned black, she has become wise, she has become unreasonable, hysterical, and has become a proper and vicious female partner.

She ended up dying on the street.

As for Huo Rin and Kang Yuhan, they successfully completed their cultivation.

In the end, human beings started interstellar migration.

Relying on the interstellar navigation equipment provided by his father, Huo Rin took the lead in occupying a position on the planet, allowing the Huo family to transform from a merchant to a powerful person.

Become a superior, everything seems to be beautified.

His love with Kang Yuhan is also praised by the world.

As for Si Xiangwan, the former original partner, she became the "third party" in Huo and Kang's beautiful love.

It's ridiculous, the original match became the third child, and was scolded for what it deserved.

The real scumbags and scumbags live happily together, enjoying honor and wealth.

When reading this novel at that time, Si Xiangwan's whole body was about to crack.

Damn, what kind of bullshit is this?

The author is a third child, why should he excuse the third child and slander the original wife?

Si Xiangwan is so angry, not only because the novel itself is strange enough, but also because she has the same name and surname as the female partner.

Her best friend also reminded jokingly: "Travel warning! The chances of having the same name and surname are the greatest!


Si Xiangwan: ...

When he first wore it, Si Xiangwan really wanted to scold him "crow's mouth".

However, after seeing the barrage and realizing that fate can be reversed and the plot can be rewritten, Si Xiangwan feels "I can" again!

"Okay, then we'll see you during the live broadcast!"

He Tiantian remained calm, pretending not to see Si Xiangwan's complexion changing.

Instead of saying good things to Huo Rin, she said goodbye to Si Xiangwan: "It's getting late, I should go home! Xiangwan, you should go back earlier too!"

He Tiantian didn't even bother to mention Huo Rin, and Si Xiangwan, who was very disdainful of Huo Rin, a big scumbag, would not take the initiative to talk about him.

Moreover, Si Xiangwan was eager to have her own time and space, so that she could slowly integrate her memories, sort out the plot, and study the bullet screen.

"Okay! Goodbye!"

Si Xiangwan didn't even notice that her disgust for "Kang Yuhan" didn't seem so strong now.

[Strange, Kang San'er didn't mention Huo Rin? 】

[Yes, yes, she has been working hard to match. 】

[The female goose will fall in love with Huo Jienan, and Kang San'er's bullying, misleading, and deceit are definitely the main reason. 】

[Yes, yes, the female goose is too simple and believes too much in the so-called good girlfriends. 】

[Actually, I really can't blame the female goose. It's me. When I'm not sure about my relationship, I'll go to my good sister for advice. 】

【Yes, me too! Repeat it again: scumbag be damned! Shameful little three!

The barrage started to get lively again.

Si Xiangwan: ...

Dear friends, you are chatting and chatting, anyway, "spoiler" some useful information.

Just thinking about it, a barrage quietly floated out——

[Huo scumbag is calling Kang San'er...]

He Tiantian left the cafe and received a call.

Huo Rin's disgusting words of "obviously acquiescing but pretending to be wronged" sounded in his ears:

"Yuhan, are you really so cruel? Are you going to push me to Si Xiangwan?"

"The one I love is you, you, how can you—"

Before Huo "The Actor" could finish his lines, He Tiantian pretended to follow his words sadly and said, "Yes! I can't! Arin, I've tried it, but I can't do it!"

"I really can't give you to Si Xiangwan! It's my fault, I shouldn't do this kind of stupid thing that will make you sad and make me want to die!"

Howard:  …

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