The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The nine hundred and seventieth chapter of the female match she has a barrage (5)

Crystal teardrops fell down.

He Tiantian's acting skills are unparalleled, she vividly interprets a remorse, self-blame, and sad love brain.

Huo Rin was immediately stunned.

what's the situation?

Yuhan regrets it? !

Don't want to "give" his true love to Si Xiangwan? !

This, how can it be!

Don't look at Huo Rin's mouth saying no, and a face of accusation, in fact, he is also very satisfied with Si Xiangwan's choice.

The Si family is not rich, but their family is a famous local scholar.

Education circles, medical circles, academic circles...they can all be ranked.

The most important thing is Si Xiangwan's father. He is a scientist. A research in his laboratory is cooperating with the Huo Group.

The head of the Huo family, that is, Huo Rin's biological father, attaches great importance to his father.

If Huo Rin married Si Xiangwan, his heir status would be unshakable.

Whether it is the same mother or the half-brother, he can only stay in the corner and watch him take the position.

Huo Rin went after Si Xiangwan himself, and he was confident that he could succeed.

But Kang Yuhan's "help" will definitely make him do more with less.

And after the "marriage" is successful, he will be able to occupy the absolute initiative in front of the two women in the future——

It wasn't that he wanted to pursue Si Xiangwan, but Kang Yuhan tried his best to match him. He refused, but Kang Yuhan couldn't stand it!

He Tiantian:  …


Got a cheap and good-looking scumbag!

The original owner Kang Yuhan is not a good thing, Huo Rin is absolutely shameless!

The mouth is shouting true love and true love, but it is impossible to give up everything for true love.

Obviously enjoying all the benefits of marriage, he started to demolish the bridge after crossing the river, and put on a disgusting face of "I compromise for the sake of my family".


who made you sacrifice?

Obviously it is selfishness, and it is disgusting to stand up again.

Also, it was you who actively pursued Si Xiangwan, not Si Xiangwan who couldn't get married and had to rely on you.

In addition, Huo Rin is also very shameless to Kang Yuhan.

I love her in my mouth,

But she didn't give her a title, so that she who had "come first" became the third party in someone else's marriage.

Of course, what He Tiantian said was not to clean up the original owner.

This pair of men and women is a pair of thunder and lightning, so they should be locked up, don't let them go to trouble other people.

It's a pity that He Tiantian was dressed as Kang Yuhan. She was really disgusting Huo Rin and didn't want to mix with such a hypocritical scumbag.

He will not help Huo Rin go to PUA Si Xiangwan.

"Arin, I really can't hold it anymore. Every time I hear Si Xiangwan tell me about her and you, my heart feels like being lingered."

"Sorry, Rin, I was wrong! I was so wrong at the beginning, I thought I could, but it turns out, I can't!"

"I can't give you to Si Xiangwan or any other woman! I love you, how can I, how can I just watch you and other women kissing each other and flying together?"

"...I-I've decided! I'm going to work hard for our love, don't worry, I'll do it well in front of my aunt, so that she finally agrees with us to be together!"

He Tiantian is like a silly girl with a brain in love, speaking the lines of the grass-roots heroine in the ancient idol drama.

An "inspirational" tone of "I will try my best to make my mother-in-law who has a prejudice against me to change her mind, and I will use my sincerity to influence the vicious and snobbish mother-in-law".

Huo Rin's heart skipped a beat after hearing a few words—


Kang Yuhan is still here?

After the two initially established a relationship, Huo Rin once impulsive, led Kang Yuhan to his mother.

As a result, of course, the mandarin duck was beaten by a stick.

Mother Huo held Huo Rin's ear, and firstly scolded her heartily, but Huo Rin looked rebellious.

Mother Huo changed her strategy again and took him directly to "visit" the uncle who gave up everything for love.

Seeing that the uncle is only three years older than his father, he seems to be ten years older.

Seeing his decadence, his downfall, his regret... Huo Rin suddenly woke up.

In other words, his love for Kang Yuhan is not deep enough.

Between love and career, Huo Rin chose the latter without hesitation.

Huo Rin knew very well that Mother Huo would object, not because she didn't like Kang Yuhan, but simply because she didn't like Kang Yuhan's family background.

This kind of objection cannot be solved by Kang Yuhan's "hard work" alone.

Unless Kang Yuhan can have a proud family background like Si Xiangwan, and can create value for Huo Rin and even the entire Huo family!

If you can't do this, even if Kang Yuhan is like a female pig's foot in Japanese and Korean dramas, enduring humiliation, submissive, and perseveringly treat Huo's mother as an ancestor, Huo's mother will not change her mind.

Huo Rin thought that Kang Yuhan was a smart girl, she already understood the reality.

During this period, Kang Yuhan's performance also showed:

She really figured it out. Instead of daydreaming about achieving a positive result with him, she actively matched him with Si Xiangwan.

But, what is Kang Yuhan talking about at the moment?

She still wants to go to Huo's mother and win her approval? !

"Yuhan, what's wrong with you?"

Huo Rin was in a mess, and he didn't understand even more, but he didn't see each other for a day, how could Kang Yuhan seem to be a different person.

Of course, Huo Rin didn't really suspect that Kang Yuhan had changed the core.

Kang Yuhan really loves him and is willing to give in for love.

Suddenly from one extreme to another extreme at this moment, it is also because of "love".

Huo Rin can understand, alas, Yuhan loves him madly.

However, he couldn't accept such a "hu Tu" and "ignorant" Kang Yuhan.

[Perhaps, it’s time to make it clear to Yuhan! 】

Huo Rin was afraid that Kang Yuhan would fall in love for a while, so he rushed to Huo's house impulsively, and finally put him in a passive situation.

He suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

Huo Rin didn't break up with Kang Yuhan directly, of course there was a reluctance factor, but more because Kang Yuhan was sensible and well-behaved.

There is no crying like those impulsive young girls, forcing him to choose between career, family and love.

Not to mention filming videos, looking for media, and exposing them online.

On the contrary, Kang Yuhan actively suggested and personally helped Huo Rin pursue Si Xiangwan, which made Huo Rin feel that this girl was considerate and generous.

In the end, Huo Rin and Kang Yuhan were disconnected, and he even imagined that in the future, he would be able to have both sides and enjoy the blessings of everyone.

But at this moment, Huo Rin hesitated, regretted it, and felt a little uneasy.

"Arin, I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm jealous, I regret, I think I'm going crazy!"

He Tiantian endured sour teeth and said disgusting lines.

Howard:  …

It's even scarier, isn't there?

"Yuhan, listen to me, I know you love me, and you have done a lot for me!"

Taking a deep breath, Huo Rin said eagerly, "I love you too. But this world is complicated, and people who love each other may not be able to be together!"

"Well, I'm going abroad to talk about a project. As for you, take advantage of the summer vacation to think about it."

"Maybe it's a deep relationship, we... alas, Yuhan, I'm doomed to fail you!"

"Let's break up. But don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

"The large flat in the city center has long been recorded in your name, and the joint account I created for you. The five million in the account will also belong to you!"

"...We have a good time together!"

Now, how could Huo Rin dare to ask Kang Yuhan to help him go after Si Xiangwan.

He just wanted to distance himself from Kang Yuhan as soon as possible.

People who ride on horses, people who are in love with their brains are terrible, and women who are crazy about love are like snakes!

"Arin, what, what did you say?"

He Tiantian shouted in disbelief, with a distinct vibrato in her words.

She sneered again and again in her heart, such a Huo Rin, such a self-proclaimed "true love".

She was just talking, but she hadn't acted, and Huo Rin didn't ask for three more confirmations, as if she was afraid of the virus, she immediately cut with Kang Yuhan.

Tsk, this is the so-called true love, the cheapness of the horse.

"I said let's break up, so we can get together and break up!"

"Okay, I still have something to do, I will send someone to contact you later!"

After all, Huo Rin hung up the phone eagerly without waiting for He Tiantian to say anything.

all~ all~

The optical brain on the wrist issued a busy tone to hang up the phone.

He Tiantian shrugged, and the expressions of grievance and pain on her face disappeared instantly.

She raised her hand to flick the tears from the corners of her eyes, the corners of her mouth rose, and she smiled complacently.

【I go! Kang San'er actually broke up with Huo Jie Nan! 】

[Hahaha, great news!

Super Plus enjoy!

[The one in front is so retro, but still using the old Internet stalks like Xi Da Pu Ben. 】

[No, no, it's not that Kang San'er broke up with Huo Jie Nan, she was obviously dumped by Huo Jie Nan. 】

[Wahaha, Kang San'er also has today? 】

[Scolding every day: Damn the little three, damn the scumbag! 】

[Haha, Kang San'er is so interesting, she actually staged an idol drama with a deep sadomasochistic relationship with Huo Zhanan——]

On the virtual light screen in front of him, a dense barrage floated again.

He Tiantian restrained her smile and began to watch carefully.

The person who sent the barrage was not surprised at the breakup of Kang Yuhan and Huo Rin, but cheered in various ways.

It seems that the plot has been changed, and they are very used to it.

So, this barrage is really problematic.

And this little world—

He Tiantian pursed her lips, becoming more vigilant in her heart.

Si Xiangwan also learned about He Tiantian's situation through the barrage.

She couldn't help stunned: break up!

Huo Rin and Kang Yuhan are the true love of Jin Jian.

Why did you break up so easily?

Looking at the time, ten minutes have passed since Kang Yuhan left the cafe.

And Kang Yuhan should only have a few minutes to talk to Huo Rin.

Just, in just a few minutes, the "couple" who was originally extremely close and loving, and who could partner up to cheat an innocent girl, broke up!

Si Xiangwan only felt disillusioned.

Although she always scolded that book for its unrighteousness, and even sang praises for Xiaosaner and scumbags.

But in the novel, Kang Yuhan and Huo Rin really love each other, and they have been together for decades through ups and downs.

Sometimes seeing those plot descriptions, Si Xiangwan couldn't help thinking: They are indeed immoral, but they are also really in love with each other.

But goose... what the hell is it now? !

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